Now that we’ve lived here almost a year, I’m ready to start adding our own touch. Other than replacing the…
Home Decor
Happy Friday beautiful people! I thought it would be fun to bring back an old favorite here on the blog–FRIDAY…
Helllllo beautiful friends and happy Wednesday! Can you believe we’re already half-way through January? Holy smokes this month is flying…
I can’t believe Christmas is just 15 days away! I started decorating on November 1st and that felt soooo early–like…
I just added the cutest little espresso maker to our kitchen and you guys–I’m SMITTEN with it. I’ve been wanting…
We have this little empty landing at the top of our staircase and the other day I decided to turn…
Happpppy Friday!! You guys, my favorite candles are BUY 2, GET 1 FREE, plus free shipping. This is one of the best…
Helllllo and happy Tuesday!! I’m relaxing in my bed at the moment, getting a little work done on my computer…