I was listening to a podcast on parenting recently and the theme of the episode was that parents shouldn’t save…
One of my favorite passages in the Bible happens in Jeremiah chapter one, which shows us exactly how God interacts…
Any good gardener knows the importance of pruning. Removing the dead parts of a tree or shrub maximizes its potential…
I’ve recently become fascinated with Psalm 23. It’s easily one of the most well known passages of Scripture in the…
The other night I was laying in bed with my thirteen year old son. I’m thankful he still likes to…
The other day I was reading in Isaiah about how Hezekiah, the king of Judah at the time, suddenly became…
“To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. I trust in you, my God!” Psalm 25:1 Over the last…
If you’re anything like me, you might struggle with seeing yourself the way God sees you. You might wrestle with…