Easy DIY Farmhouse Decor Projects I Still Love

Goooood morning and happy Friday. So I’ll be honest right now–it’s been a rocky week over here. Yet again my kiddos have been battling the crud and all three of them have been sick in the last week. I don’t know what’s going on lately, but we just can’t seem to go more than a week or two without someone getting sick. Poor little things, I feel so bad for them. And on top of that I’ve just been feeling like I’m in a bit of a funk this week. It’s probably a lack of sleep more than anything, but I’ve just felt kinda blah the past couple days. Do you ever have weeks like that? It’s not really anything serious, but I do feel sort of stuck in a few areas of my life and I guess it’s been weighing on me lately. Anyway, I’m hoping God gives me some clarity soon. And in the meantime let’s chat about DIY projects, mmkay? So the other day I was thinking about all the DIY’s I’ve shared here on the blog. There’s been quite a few of them over the past couple years, so I thought it would be fun to look back at five of my favorite easy DIY farmhouse decor projects. I chose these specifically because they’re all things I actually use daily and still LOVE. They’ve stood the test of time and they are definite winners. Plus they’re all super duper simple, so any of them would make a great project if you’re feeling like a little DIY therapy this weekend!

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!

Ok, so these DIY candlesticks were insanely easy and they’re still one of m favorite DIY projects EVER. You’ve even probably noticed them in a ton of my photos–I use them all over the house and I need about ten more of them actually. I obviously still love them and this project is hands down one of the most popular farmhouse DIY projects on my blog. See my tutorial here.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Tray

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!

Gosh, I love this tray so much. I made last year and it’s a project that was super simple and quick–it’s much easier than you’d think. Plus it was very affordable and much less pricey than buying a similar tray. I still use it all over the place and it’s held up great. And I’ve told myself about 84 times now that I need to make a few more like this because I love it so much. See my full tutorial here.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Lamp

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!

Ok, so this DIY lamp was a project I dreamed up a long time ago, but it took a while for me to bring it to life. Mostly because I needed my husband’s assistance and he wasn’t so sure how this project would come together. But this easy DIY lamp turned out just like I hoped and it’s actually sitting in our from room right now. And yes, it works! Believe it or not we used an old porch post for this baby and it was much easier than we thought it would be. See the tutorial here.

Easy DIY Fireplace Cover

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!

Last year I was on the search for a cute, farmhouse-ish fireplace cover but I just couldn’t find anything I loved. So instead I made this easy curtain for the fireplace in our front room and I still have it hanging up today. I loved it so much I even made one for our living room. I actually intended to switch out the fabric from time to time, but I’ve been too lazy to do that. Ha! See the tutorial here.

DIY Television Cover with Old Doors

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!

So this project is a little more recent, but it’s quickly become one of my favorite DIYs ever. We get so many compliments on these doors and it’s one of those things I wish we had done a looooooong time ago. This wall needed some pizzaz and this tv cover was the perfect fix. And I have to say, overall this project was super easy! See the step by step tutorial here.

I love all of these projects so much and they’re definitely some of my favorite things I’ve shared here on the blog. Simple, easy, and useful! That’s the magic combo for winning DIY projects if you ask me. Anyway, if you’ve done one of these farmhouse DIY’s yourself please let me know. I always love hearing when you make one of my projects!

Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today, I truly appreciate when you spend part of your day here. Your support means SO much to me. Now go have a fabulous weekend and I’ll catch you back here soon. xo

Pin this image & Save these Easy Diy farmhouse decor projects for Later

Simple and easy farmhouse style DIY projects. Great decor ideas for the modern farmhouse!


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  1. 5.4.18
    Megan said:

    Great post, Sarah! I love all of your DIY’s, especially the barn doors over your tv. I also really really love your fabric curtain fireplace cover. Hope your kids are feeling better soon.

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thanks so much Megan! xo

  2. 5.4.18
    Rachel said:

    I love that you rounded up all of your DIYs!! Hmmm I may just have to do some projects!! 🙂

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Yes!! And please let me know if you try any of them Rachel. xo

  3. 5.4.18
    Alicia said:

    Sarah I love them all but I think my personal fave is the barn doors to cover the tv!! I hope all of your littles get to feeling better soon(I tell everyone the only thing my by boys share freely are cooties😂)..I hope your able to get a few minutes to recharge your own batteries today my friend❤️

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      haha that is so true!! They freely share cooties alllllll day long.

  4. 5.4.18

    I love your DIYs so much, Sarah! You are so creative, girl!!! This post was such a great recap! I have a few all-time favorites that I’ve done too and if the DIY didn’t turn out to really WOW me, I just redo it, LOL!!!! Have a wonderful day and ENJOY the weekend!!!!!

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Dena, I really appreciate that!! That means the world to me. xo

  5. 5.4.18
    Bonnie said:

    Super cute! 😍 I love those tv doors SO MUCH! I wish I had a TV situation that would let me copy it.

    Hope the crud leaves you guys alone soon! Have a grrrrreat weekend!

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Bonnie!! That was such a fun project and surprisingly easy too.

  6. 5.4.18
    Shaz Isaac said:

    I love your easy DIYs Sarah. I have made some of your diy candlesticks although I had to be inventive when it came to the bits I used to make them. I didn’t have any spindles so I picked up a couple of different sized wooden salt and pepper shakers from the local op shop. I also didn’t have any bits of wood for the base and top so I used 4 thick giant paper mache buttons someone had given me. I painted all the pieces white, distressed them and then stuck the buttons on the top and bottom of the salt shakers and voila! I had two new candle holders. I am so proud of them and seriously, you can’t tell how they were made. So thanks for inspiring me. You sure got my creative juices flowing!

    • 5.4.18
      Jenifer Scherlin said:

      Ok – Shaz! You must post a photo of them!!

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      What!! That sounds so cool. I would love to see them!!

  7. 5.4.18
    Lena said:

    Love your projects!

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thanks so much Lena!

  8. 5.4.18
    Vicki said:

    I love your blog so much, Sarah, even though your style is different than mine, your home is just so pretty and inviting! I have some cabinet doors I saved from a minor kitchen remodel and wood like to use one to make a tray similar to yours, and maybe experiment with chalk paint. I hope your kiddos are well soon! I know once one starts to school, the sickness seems to spread more. Mine are much older (18 and 21), but something that seemed to help was giving them probiotics (which helps with immune function as well), vitamin c and also elderberry or echinacea (especially when sickness is really going around). They used to have “immune gummies” specifically for children, I assume they still make them. I know it’s hard to rest when your babies aren’t well, prayers for you all!

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      That’s a good idea Vicki, I need to get them on probiotics again. We were doing that for a while but when they ran out I didn’t pick any more up. Definitely need to do that. Thanks for the reminder!

  9. 5.4.18
    Sheila Nokes said:

    I have also been in a funk this week. I have a very bad right shoulder and it is effecting everything I do. Bummer. I have the tray and have been wanting to do this project and add some ball feet to it to let it sit a bit higher. Love your ideas and it has given me a lift on the sunny Friday. I actually get to stay home and do some of my chores instead of appointments and meetings. I am retired and busier than ever. How did I do this with kids and Work?

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Sorry to hear about your shoulder Sheila. My mom just had shoulder surgery a few months ago, so I know how difficult it can be with a bad shoulder. Hang in there!! xo

  10. 5.4.18
    Leigh said:

    I think my allergies have taken a toll on me the past week or 2. I’ve been totally exhausted for no real reason and just an overall feeling of discontent. Blah was a good word for it! MY we. Ohh get needed rest and relief from spring allergies very soon!


    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Oh that’s no fun at all. Those allergies can really get to you. I hope you are feeling better soon Leigh!

  11. 5.4.18
    Fran said:

    Love the sliding door in front of TV the most, however am going to venture out & try the candle sticks

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Yes give them a try and let me know how it goes Fran!

  12. 5.4.18
    Mary said:

    Love your blog—very inspirational even for this grandma!! Feel better, hopefully our sunny days will help with illness and dispositions. Prayers.

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Mary, I appreciate that! xo

  13. 5.4.18

    These were all great! My favorite has to be the tray.

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      thanks Tammy, that tray is my favorite too!

  14. 6.22.18
    Ivory said:

    Simply put, this is fabulous!!!

  15. 6.27.18
    Shirley said:

    I assume the children are healthy again and hope all is going well. I love all of these projects. If I ever find a few minutes of time to do any of them it will be a miracle. I am working on too many things at once and I need to try to stay focused on one at a time. I am so bad about that. I’ve just painted a living room wall that unfortunately shows every mark on the wall. So I had to get some drywall mud to try to hide it. I am going to give it texture as well to hide the little stuff but the big stuff totally needs mud. I never realized it was that bad until I painted it a dark color. Anyway keep crafting!

  16. 3.10.19
    Candy said:

    Happy Sunday Sarah
    I love everything you do, just beautiful and you explain how to do all your DIY so fantastic.

  17. 3.9.21
    Mandy said:

    I love this idea, I have some old windows that I would like to use, maybe frost the glass with a lace pattern and use them for the doors! I may add a board across the top for shelving. This could be used in many ways! I love how one idea can lead you down a rabbit hole of ideas! Love it!!