The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks

Lookie here friends! I’m back today with another DIY post. That’s two in a row, can you believe it? I deserve a donut. This one is super fun because I’m sharing how to make the easiest DIY farmhouse candlesticks in the world. Yep, I’m just going to put that out there and roll with it. Seriously though, these candlesticks are crazy easy and the coolest part is that I used vintage spindles to create them. You probably know by now that I have a thing for spindles, they’re great filler pieces, but it turns out they also make really awesome candlesticks too. Who knew! Here’s a little preview of what I made:

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

I seriously love these things. And I think the very best part of all is they only cost a few bucks each since I already had the spindles laying around the house. But even if you don’t have spindles on hand you can easily find them on Craigslist. I did a quick search in our area and several options popped up for super cheap. OK, let me show you how simple these were to put together.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

Here are my spindles before. I had previously cut these down so I could use them in vignettes or other random spots, so the sizing on these actually worked pretty well. If you have full size spindles just go ahead and cut them down to whatever height you’d like the candlesticks to be.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

Next up was attaching the base. You can find a ton of wooden pieces like this at just about any craft store. Just browse around until you find some you like. I simply screwed this wooden base to the bottom of the spindle. EASY.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

Now you’ll do the same thing on the top. I went with circular tops for my candlesticks, I thought they matched the spindle the best, but you can do whatever your heart desires. One quick thing to note–I actually flipped the round piece upside down, then attached it to the spindle. I wanted it to taper up like most candlesticks do and I thought it looked better this way.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

See how the smaller part is facing down towards the candlestick? I think that really helped make it look more balanced. Screw it in place and voila!

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks

Final step: PAINT. I used this Rust-Oleum chalk paint in Linen White and I was really impressed. This was my first time using it (I’ve tried the spray paint version, see my post about it here) but I was really happy with this paint. It covers well, dries fast, and has the same look as the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint–only it’s much, much cheaper. I haven’t used this on any big pieces yet, but I’m excited to keep trying it out. So far it seems awesome and you can’t beat the price. I only needed one coat and the candlesticks were done!

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps! The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

Boom! So simple, right? After painting them I went ahead and sanded down the edges in a few random spots just to give them more of a farmhouse vibe. I just can’t help it, I must distress all the things.

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps! The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

I must say, I’m pretty smitten with these little farmhouse candlesticks. I honestly wish I had about 10 more of these so I could have a few in every room of the house. And as far as DIY’s go, you really can’t get much easier than this project. Just a few screws and a bit of painting, that’s all it took to turn these spindles into farmhouse candlesticks. Plus they’re functional and cute as heck, which is a pretty nice combo.

Well that was short and sweet, but I’d love to hear what you think of this little project! And I just want to thank you guys for all the support and kindness you give me on a daily basis. I know I always say this, but I really do appreciate you being here and taking time out of your day to drop by for a visit. It means so much!

Here’s a few of my other easy peasy projects you might want to check out:

DIY Bakery Sign

No Sew Farmhouse Curtains

The 5 Minute Burlap Sign

Pin for later:

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Candlesticks. Check out this easy tutorial to see how old spindles were used to make farmhouse style candlesticks in just a few simple steps!

Leave a Comment!


  1. 4.5.17
    Glenda said:

    So cute!!!!!

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      thanks Glenda!

    • 12.3.19

      Will be making these after the holidays.
      Thank you, Sarah!!!

  2. 4.5.17

    Now that’s a DIY in my budget and what a timeless touch for any room. Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. I distress the heck out of everything too : )

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      High five to distressing all the things Darlene! You’re my kind of gal.

  3. 4.5.17
    Hollie said:

    Your posts always seem to come at the perfect time! I was just about to buy a set just like this but now I will definitely make my own! Thanks so much!

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh yay! I’m so glad this came at the perfect time for you Hollie. Definitely give it a try making your own!

  4. 4.5.17
    Helen said:

    They are so good Sarah! Will definitely be trying those soon!x

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Helen, definitely give it a go!

  5. 4.5.17
    Dianne said:

    love this idea. Will have to try them.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      Thanks so much Dianne!

  6. 4.5.17

    Girl, I have a thing for spindles too. My hubs says it’s more of an obsession but oh well! Love those little cuties you made.

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      I’m right there wth you on the spindle obsession! They’re just so darn handy. Thanks for dropping by Cindy! xo

  7. 4.5.17
    Lynn Heinrichs said:

    So cute, I just made a couple of these myself, they look very similar to yours!!

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      That’s awesome Lynn. Aren’t they easy? I can’t wait to make more!

  8. 4.5.17
    Stephanie said:

    Great idea! That paint is my go-to as well. I also haven’t used it on any large pieces, but have had a good experience using it. Love the distressing too!

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      That’s good to know Stephanie. I’m excited to try this paint out again. AS chalk paint is just darn expensive. I think this will be a great alternative!

  9. 4.5.17
    Sarah Jane said:

    Great idea!
    I have used this paint on quite a few large pieces and it is so easy to use. It does tend to dry out towards the end of the tin but a little water fixes that 🙂

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh good tip, thanks for sharing Sarah Jane, I will remember that. ps: I love your name!

    • 12.3.19

      Will be making these after the holidays.
      Thank you, Sarah!!!

  10. 4.6.17
    Doreen Sulfaro said:

    What a super, great idea. I love it and can’t wait to try it. Thanks, Sarah, again, for this wonderful idea.

    • 4.6.17
      Sarah said:

      It’s so darn easy Doreen, I need to make several more because I’m already moving these around like crazy!

      • 11.3.18
        Kim said:

        I was going down the road one day and seen a chair on the road for trash pickup. I stopped and looked at it thinking candlesticks!!! I went back home got my screw gun and went back and took them off!!! My daughter had bought me a circular saw for Christmas and I cut them off. I was so excited!!! Right now I have pumpkins on then but super easy and loved them. I also too one of them and put a tin cake pan on top for my mom and tonight we filled it with pumpkin. !besides candles French door I love chandeliers!!! And of. Purse signs

  11. 4.6.17
    Laurinda Dawson said:

    Girl, you are the bomb! Go have a donut!????

  12. 4.7.17
    Mary Kaiser said:

    What is the word I am looking for, LOVE, that’s it I LOVE THEM!!!!!

    • 4.7.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you Mary, you are so sweet! Glad you like them 🙂

  13. 4.14.17

    These are adorable! I’ve made them before using table legs off an old table I found left in an alley way for the trash!! It was awesome because I had four of them and gave them away for Christmas presents that year. Don’t worry I definitely kept one for myself too 😉

  14. 5.8.17
    Kay said:

    You can get a new spindle at Lowe’s for around $12 and cut it down into 3 different sizes. Use flower pot dishes, the kind you put under a clay pot look cute because they have a rim around the top.

  15. 6.24.17
    Pamela Garrett said:

    Good Morning Sara, My name is Pamela Garrett and I am wanting to paint a few pieces around my house, you have a dresser you done in a yellow color could you tell me everything about the paint would like to use what you did only in white, I love the finished look of the piece. Thank you so much. I love your work and your home is beautiful.

  16. 7.18.17
    Marie S Cooperman said:

    Hi Sarah I like to know the measurements of the top and bottom please and Thanks what is the measurements of the square part of the spindle

  17. 7.30.17
    Sheila said:

    Really love this project, one thing I will add is to attach two tacks or possible three in a triangle sort of pattern glued upside down to the top round piece to jab into the bottom of the candles to help keep them in place and not accidentally slipping off. ( potential fire hazzard)

    • 7.30.17
      Sarah said:

      Great tip Sheila!

  18. 1.1.18
    Kristy said:

    I’m getting ready to paint a couple of old brass lamps and I was wondering if you sealed it anyway? Wax? Poly?
    These are pretty darn cute!

    • 1.2.18
      Sarah said:

      Nope, I didn’t seal them. But you could use wax if you wanted to seal them.

  19. 4.22.18
    Melanie said:

    I LOVE this! Thank you so much for sharing your DIY.

  20. 5.4.18
    kimberly said:

    love them, sarah! i may give it a try as a birthday gift to my sister!

    kim xx

    • 5.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Oh good idea!! Let me know how it goes.

  21. 3.12.19
    Marilyn said:

    Love them !

  22. 4.29.19
    Linda said:

    Love how your candlesticks turned out!

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Linda!

  23. 12.31.19
    Lori said:

    I love these candlesticks. I have some old pieces of wood, and I am going to try this. These are beautiful!

  24. 1.7.21
    Diana Beckman said:

    Perfect for my home, I really like them.

  25. 8.12.23
    Ashley said:

    Absolutely amazing post thanks for sharing with us

  26. 12.16.23
    Ashley said:

    Fantastic article. It provided quality knowledge and interesting facts that kept me hooked. I appreciate the effort you put into creating this great content

  27. 2.20.24
    Linda said:

    Absolutely Beautiful!!! Going to get my spindles , tops and bottoms and screws …oh chalkpaint !!! Thank you for sharing 😉

  28. 2.28.24
    Dee G said:

    Love them! Going to get spindles today!