Chalk Painted Vintage Metal Cubby

Happppppy Monday!! Anyone in the mood to see a little chalk paint makeover today? I sure hope so because this weekend I got my chalk paint out and did a fun makeover on a vintage metal cubby. I’ve actually had this cubby for a while now, you can see it in this post here from a few years ago. It’s a cute little thing, but it was a dark green color on the outside and the inside of the cubbies were a weird shade of orange. Plus it was in pretty rough shape with lots of random white splotches and a bit of rust. Needless to say I wasn’t in love with it anymore, so it had been sitting in storage for at least a year now. But I decided it was time to give this baby a new look so that’s what I did this weekend. It turned out super cute and I’m excited to share it with you guys today! Let’s get started with a before shot of the cubby:

See, I told ya. Not pretty. It definitely wasn’t the best looking cubby around and as you can see it was in rough shape. So it was high time for a little makeover. Ok, here’s how it looks now:

Vintage farmhouse dining room decor. Cute chalk painted metal cubby.

Vintage farmhouse style decor. Chalk painted metal cubby


Farmhouse style dining room decor with vintage metal cubby

So cute, right?! I was debating between a few different colors, but this olive grove from the Magnolia Home chalk paint line won out. I just love this color so much! It’s the perfect shade of earthy green. And funny story–As I was getting ready to paint this little guy I actually spilled the ENTIRE can of paint all over our back patio. Yep, true story. It was awful. But thankfully I was able to wash it all off the brick before it dried, which was pretty much a miracle. And I even managed to salvage about half the can of paint. It was quite the fiasco to say the least, but I still managed to get this cubby painted!

Chalk painted metal cubby

Chalk painted vintage metal cubby

Unless I’m forgetting something, I think this is the first time I’ve ever chalk painted metal. I wasn’t sure how the paint would adhere to the metal, but it worked like a charm. I decided not to do a coat of wax, mostly because this isn’t a piece that will get a lot of wear and tear. And it won’t come in contact with water. But if I ever change my mind some day I’ll go over it with a coat of this clear wax.

Chalk painted vintage metal cubby. Farmhouse style decor ideas.

Vintage farmhouse style dining room decor

My mom actually found this cubby for me at an antique store in a tiny town in southeast Colorado a few years ago. Apparently the lady that sold it to her said it was used as a mailbox for years and years at a local motel that had been torn down. I’m not sure how accurate that is, because it kinda feels more like a nut and bolt cubby to me, but it’s still a cool piece either way. And I think it looks pretty darn cute in this little spot in the dining room with its new look!

Well thanks so much for dropping by the blog today! I’d love to hear what you think of my painted cubby and be sure to let me know if you have any questions.

Here’s a few other posts you might enjoy:


Honest Review of My Chalk Painted Bathroom Vanities

Chalk Paint Dining Table Makeover

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  1. 4.30.18
    Chris said:

    I love it and agree that the color is perfect! Quite the transformation from what it was! You have breathed fresh, new life into it! Great job!!

  2. 4.30.18
    Alicia said:

    Sarah I love the way your cubby turned out!! And I’m glad you picked the olive green…I’m trying to pick a green to add to a few pieces and have had a hard time finding one that has that vintagey vibe!
    Have a wonderful day❤️

  3. 4.30.18
    joan said:

    Such a cute piece! Did you have to sand the rust on it first?
    I love all your projects.

  4. 4.30.18
    Dianne G said:

    I love how it turned out. The green is a nice pop of colour!

  5. 4.30.18
    Sharon said:

    Cute!! And I love the green too! Thanks for sharing! I love reading your blog!😉

  6. 4.30.18
    Rhonda said:

    Love it! And I’m glad you kept it green, it’s a great pop of color! Thank you for sharing!

  7. 4.30.18

    Love it! Looking back I love how your home haschanged over the year. You do a great job and I very much love watching you change it about.

  8. 4.30.18

    Love it, Sarah! So pretty, and the perfect color, too!

  9. 4.30.18
    Becky Crystal said:

    Absolutely love it!!!

  10. 4.30.18
    Brenda Johnson said:

    It turned out great, I love the green color and you styled it so nicely, of course! You are so blessed to have a mom that brings you such fun treasures like that!

  11. 4.30.18

    Oh WOWZA! I love how it turned out! Its such a unique piece…those are the BEST!!!! I am itching to try more of the Magnolia line colors out!!! I just have to find something in my house that doesn’t already have chalk paint on it!!! LOL!! Heck, it’s almost summer and I’ll be hitting up all the local flea markets and barn sales soon anyway…I’m sure I’ll find something that NEEDS paint!!! Happy Monday!

  12. 4.30.18
    Debbie said:

    I agree it is the perfect color and perfect place for it…like it was meant to be! So cute and pretty💚

  13. 4.30.18

    It turned out great, Sarah! I adore your little cubby. I have been on the green kick too! I just painted a little stool that I’ve had tucked away in the garage for about a year! Lol

  14. 4.30.18
    Sandee said:

    I really love how it turned out. That piece is adorable, your Mom has a good eye. I want to try Magnolia chalk paint on a couple of pieces soon. That color green is great!

  15. 4.30.18
    Sherri said:

    Super Cute Sarah! Hey, you may already know this, but just in case you don’t…I believe it was Rustoleum that has the canned chalk paint, isnt it?..Any way if it’s that brand, they also have a mat spray for using over the chalk paint…I used it over something I painted last summer and loved the finish it left…So just another option that was really a quick way to seal it without taking away the chalk look 😊

  16. 5.8.18
    Terri Ann said:

    I love how this turned out! So pretty, and I love the touch of color! I recently found you on Instagram, and I’m loving your posts and stories, as well as your beautiful blog!! 🙂

    • 5.8.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank so much Terri, I am so glad you found me! xo

  17. 6.20.18
    kelly said:


    What color is on the walls and the trim? I love the look of the room and the cubby too!

    • 6.21.18
      Sarah said:

      The walls are Alabaster by Sherwin Williams and the trim is ultra pure white by Behr.

  18. 12.31.18
    Denise said:

    Sarah, are all the little greenery pots you use all over your house, real plants or artificial? If they are where do you buy them from?

  19. 1.21.19

    I just love the color you choose. ♡♡

  20. 3.12.19

    Cute ?sarah! Turned out really cute! Love when you come across a piece that you’ve had for a while , not during it and all of a sudden the brain kicks in and look what you have! Cute as can be!!! Thanks Sarah 🌷🌷🌷

  21. 11.11.19
    Erika said:

    Is that a built in shelf to the side? If not where did you purchase it!?