Our New Living Room Light & 8 Farmhouse Style Wood Chandeliers

OK, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I’m pretty sure this is the longest title of any blog post ever in the history of blog posts. Sheesh, that’s a mouthful. But there’s really no other way to say all that I’m talking about today so we’re just rolling with it. Sound good? I hope so, because today is all about the new pretty light fixture in our living room AND since I’m so obsessed with it, I decided to also share a roundup of similar farmhouse style wood chandeliers that are all amazing. There’s a lot happening with this one, but it’s going to be a rootin’ tootin’ good time, I promise! OK, so I actually got our light from one of my favorite little decor shops, but because they don’t sell online I’ve been trying to hunt down another source since I had so many questions about it. Well after a bit of searching, I finally found one that is super duper similar. And of course, while I was searching I ended up finding lots of other gorgeous chandeliers that I think you guys will love too. Ya know, if you’re in the mood to spruce up your home with a new purdy light! Ok, enough ramblinglet’s get on with it. Here’s a look at the new chandelier in our living room:

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

I really love this angle from our kitchen into the living room. And our new light is in perfect view! I snapped this shot the other night as I was getting dinner ready.

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

I tell ya what, there are few things that have the power to change the feel and vibe of a room faster than a new light fixture. Really. They’re little magic workers and they are SO darn easy. I mean, you can change out an old light (or ceiling fan!) in less than an hour and it really does have a dramatic impact. Our living room has a totally new look with this simple change. The fan we had here before was just fine, but it didn’t really fit with the style of the room. This light is a much better fit and I absolutely LOVE its antique/vintage vibe, but it’s also very cottage-y at the same time. I think it’s the perfect size for this room. I was able to find this one that is almost identical.

Beautiful farmhouse style living room decor

Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers Amazing Farmhouse Style Living Room Decor and Wood Chandeliers

Since I’m so obsessed with gorgeous light fixtures, I couldn’t help but share a few that I love with you guys. These are all wood chandeliers, so they’re guaranteed to add lots of warmth and texture. And I think they’d all look incredible in just about any roommaybe your bedroom, dining room, foyer, living room, heck even your bathroom. Each of these lights will make a huge impact in any space!

 8 Farmhouse Style Wood Chandeliers

  1. Jolette 4 Light Chandelier (this is the light we have in our foyer!)
  2. Antique Wood Bead Chandelier
  3. Crown Wood and Metal Chandelier (very similar to the one in our living room)
  4. 8 Light Candle Holder Chandelier
  5. Harper 6-Light Washed Wood Chandelier
  6. Large Wood Bead Chandelier
  7. Rosary Wooden Convertible Pendant Light
  8. Amelia Wood Bead Chandelier
Click the lower right side of any image below for more info:


Well I hope you enjoyed checking out our new light in the living room and browsing some of my favorite chandeliers. Did any of these catch your eye?! I have to say, I am absolutely smitten with number four and number seven. And of course number eight is basically what dreams are made of. Well at least my dreams anyway. SO gorgeous, right? I mean, those are game changers for sure. And like I said earlier, swapping out an old light fixture is such an easy and fun way to spruce up your home. It’s sure to add loads of character and charm, which is definitely a good thing!

Thanks so much for stopping by to spend part of your day with me. I always appreciate it! xo

Other post you might enjoy:

10 Affordable Farmhouse Style Ceiling Fans

Affordable Farmhouse Style Sofas

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Leave a Comment!


  1. 3.7.18

    Super pretty, I love it! I completely agree that a new light fixture can transform a space. I recently got a new one that I’m so obsessed with that I told the hubby we have to reinstall the old one if we ever move because I can’t leave it behind haha! I have to ask though since I’m in CO too what is the name of the shop?

    • 3.7.18
      Sarah said:

      haha! That is so funny you said that because I was just talking to my husband about this the other day. I said the exact same thing! I can’t stand the thought of leaving all my pretty chandeliers behind. I have to take them with me if we ever move!! And the shop is called Interior Delights, it’s super cute!!

  2. 3.7.18
    ann gardner said:


    • 3.7.18
      Sarah said:

      Hi Ann, it’s called Interior Delights.

      • 3.7.18
        ann gardner said:

        THANK YOU! will check it out!

  3. 3.7.18
    Mother Henn said:

    A beautiful fixture!
    I have a dilemma, and would love to see your recommendations. We have a ceiling fan in our master bedroom, but it doesn’t have a light attached to it. There is no overhead lighting, and our current lamp lighting is relatively dim. I’d love to add a chandy-type light to the ceiling fan (my husband insists on keeping the fan), but I don’t know if that would work with a ceiling fan. We have high ceilings, so no worries about head banging. I don’t want the run of the mill light kit, but can’t for the life of me find a good compromise. Also, it doesn’t help that our fan is a creamy, oatmealy-brown color that I like, but don’t know the right name for it.

  4. 3.7.18
    Dina said:

    Hey Sarah I just want you to know even though this isn’t the post for today, I really like your new painted walls!!!! & what’s for dinner?? Lol!! The food on the counter looks appetizing

  5. 3.7.18
    Dianne Gingrich said:

    Gorgeous light!

  6. 3.8.18
    Minnie said:

    😮 I AM IN LOVE!
    Now I just have to figure out how to make my own…hmmm

  7. 3.13.18
    Amelia said:

    Good morning Sarah!

    Just wondering where you got the greenery for the wreaths on your tv doors. I have some wreaths I’d love to dress up!

    • 3.13.18
      Sarah said:

      That is from the hearth and hand line at Target!

  8. 3.14.18
    Gina said:

    Hi! Follow you each day. My hubby is very interested in how you create your doors for the tv. I don’t see a tutorial on the blog. I’m just wondering if I missed it. Love your style!

  9. 3.15.18
    Kristi said:

    Love your style, could you tell me the color of your trim and walls?

    • 3.15.18
      Sarah said:

      The trim is Cloud White and the walls are Alabaster by Sherwin Williams!

  10. 3.18.18
    Ivory said:

    Your home is fabulous, and so is tat gorgeous light fixture. I need about five to six for our basement, but tget need to be almost flushed to the ceiling, because of the low ceiling in the basement. Any suggestions, I am all ears.

  11. 4.16.18

    I couldn’t agree more, and I love the one you chose!