Houseplant Tour + Care Tips

Rise and shine lovely people! I hope your week has been fabulous so far. I’m not going to lie, it’s been a wild week over here so far. We got snowed in with the most epic blizzard ever over the weekend and into Monday, then we had to take sweet little Ava Pear to the ER for a broken elbow. She actually fell off the couch, which didn’t seem like a huge deal when it happened, but the pain kept getting worse over time and we knew something was wrong. We’re headed to orthopedics later today for her cast, but I wanted to get this post up with a little tour of our houseplants for you guys. I thought it would be fun to share what houseplants I have and a few tips to take care of them!

I currently have a dozen houseplants and this taller one in the cute lemon planter is a more recent addition to my collection. I actually found it at Home Depot last week and I love it. It’s my first Umbrella plant and I’m hoping I can keep her alive! Everything I’ve read says they don’t need much water and they’re l0w-maintenance, so I’m excited to see how this one does in our living room.

On this cabinet I have a ZZ plant, Pathos, Snake Plant and Mini Leaf Jade Plant. This pathos in the orange planter is a newer one for me and even though I didn’t need another, I couldn’t resist. Pathos are just about the easiest house plant to take care of–they’re actually my favorite! I only water them when they start to droop or look a little wilted. The ZZ plant is also super easy (I water it one about once a week) and it’s one of the top plants for cleaning toxins out of the air. The Snake Plant is a clean air plant too!

Cute little jade plant. Also how adorable is that butter dish?!

This one here is called a Nerve Plant. I’ve had this guy about a year now and it’s definitely more dramatic compared my other houseplants. This one needs to be watered every few days or it will completely wilt if it gets too dry–or even if I give it too much water. It likes humidity, which we obviously don’t have much of here in Colorado, so she’s a bit temperamental!

Another one of my favorite house plants is my beloved Fiddle Tree. It’s hard to believe, but I’ve had this tree about two years now. I’m honestly shocked she’s still alive! It took me a while to figure out take care of her, but once I got the hang out it she has done great. The main tip I have is don’t over-water the fiddle tree or the roots will start to rot. I wrote a whole post about how to take care of a fiddle tree here.

I have another small fiddle tree down in my office.

Well I hope you enjoyed seeing a little tour of my houseplant collection. I’d love to hear what kind of houseplants you have in your home! I’m currently eyeing this Parlor Palm in a pink planter.

Leave a Comment!


  1. 3.17.21

    Those are really nice,i have peace lilys.One is 29 yrs old,its from my baby brothers funeral and i have 2 large ones 3 yrs. old from my son’s memorial.Christmas cactus that i got and it actually is blooming again and a spider plant.Have a great day.

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      29 years?! Wow, that is amazing. And it sounds like a very special plant. Way to go Anna!

  2. 3.17.21
    Barbara said:

    I love everything you’ve done in the new house. I have many of the same plants and baskets as you. One tip – for the high humidity plants( there’s no humidity in my house) I have them sitting in the basket on a tray of pebbles. I add water to the pebbles when they dry out and they provide enough humidity to keep the plants going. Just make sure not to let the water rise high enough that the plant is sitting in it.

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      Oh wow, that’s a great tip. Thank you for sharing Barbara!

  3. 3.17.21
    Krystal said:

    What is the plant in the basket planter on the black little side table? Also where did you get the basket planter?! Love it!

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      That’s a pathos plant! I just put the plant, along with the planter it’s in, inside the basket to give it a more cozy look!

  4. 3.17.21

    I love your home and blog thank you for sharing your beautiful home!

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      thank you so much Tanya!

  5. 3.17.21
    Candy said:

    Good Afternoon Sarah. I hope that your daughter will be fine. I love your house plants, I can’t keep anything alive….lol. So I have faux plants and bath them every six months in the tub..they are really lovely though

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      I hear you Candy, I couldn’t keep anything alive for the longest time either. But I’ve slowly figured it out and now I really enjoy it!

  6. 3.17.21
    Afton Pownall said:

    Can you share the name of the last two plants? They’re my favorite! Love this!

    • 3.18.21
      Sarah said:

      Those are both Pathos plants. So easy!

  7. 4.22.21
    Kelly said:

    Hi! Your house is gorgeous! You have a great eye for decorating. Can you please share where you purchased the tray that is under the orange pot? Thank you again for sharing 🙂