Ok guys, I can’t let the first few days of 2017 pass without talking to you about my goals and intentions for the new year. Cliche, right? I debated on whether or not to even share this post, but I want my blog to be a place where I not only talk about the things I love–like vintage decor, design, and DIY–but I want you to get to know me a bit too. Now I’ve already mentioned that I’m not really into the whole resolutions thing. But I do love the idea of setting goals for myself. A new year is the perfect time to reset, get a fresh start, and evaluate where things are headed. I love the challenge of taking a hard look at the past year and figuring out ways to making the coming year even better. What did I do well? What did I struggle with? I think it’s a really powerful process and I always get excited for this time of year!
I have about 221 goals and things I want to see happen this year, but here are the top things I really want to focus on:
- be a time management ninja. I need a big dose of time management in my life soooo bad. Now that I’m at home full-time with my kiddos and blogging, I gotta get my act together when it comes to managing my time. I absolutely love working on my blog–I literally do it 7 days a week. It’s not only become my job, but it truly brings me so much enjoyment.. But the truth is I need to find a way to become more efficient AND productive with my days. Balance is the goal here. I’m still working on figuring out how to do this, but I think the first step will be getting up a few hours earlier than my kiddos on weekdays. That quiet time will allow me to get a good chunk of work done, without feeling like I’m taking time away from them.
- memorize the word. A few months ago I watched the movie War Room with my mom. It really changed the way I look at my prayer life and motivated me to get stronger in my faith–particularliy when it comes memorizing scripture. I’ll be honest, I’ve never really done this. Sure, I have one or two key verses in my heart, but that’s about it. Pathetic, I know. This coming year I want to memorize two verses a month. I’ve started writing down the verses I want to memorize and taping them up around the house. I have one hanging in my bathroom, one on the refrigerator, and several taped to the wall next to my bed. I want to see those words throughout my day and get them embedded into my heart.
- keep pushing. This past year was huge for me in terms of pushing myself. I’ve talked about it a lot in recent posts, here and here, so I won’t go into it again right now. But 2016 was about overcoming fear, my own self-doubt, and pushing myself to do things I’ve never done. Now don’t get me wrong, I still struggle with those things at times. I still have moments of feeling like I can’t do it. Or I’m not good enough. It happens, but my goal for 2017 is to keep squashing that little voice that wants to bring me down. Keep pushing forward, keep working, keep believing in myself, and keep following my heart.
And then there’s this little thing happening…
Baby #3 is set to arrive in July 2017! We are so grateful for this little blessing and I seriously cannot wait for July! I’ll admit, I’m a little nervous about transitioning to a family of FIVE. I hear once you’re outnumbered it’s a total game changer–but I know it will be the best kind of crazy. There is nothing I love more in this world than being a mother and I know this little one will make it all even sweeter!
Well friends, that’s what I’ve got cookin’ for 2017. So many amazing things coming up and I’m just so darn excited about the new year. I’m really determined to stick with my goals and make 2017 the best yet. I hope you feel the same way as we start this new year. Grab life by the horns and make it what you want, no one can do it but YOU. So choose joy, do the things you love, and give yourself a little grace along the way.
Thank you all SO much for being here and supporting my blog this past year. I seriously cannot express how much I appreciate each and every one of you. What goals do you have for the new year? I’d love to hear it!
Congratulations on your very special and exciting baby news!! Can’t wait to follow this part of your life too ???? And thank you for sharing your New Years goals! You’ve inspired me to think hard about mine too!
Aw thank you so much Tracey, I can’t wait to share more about this part of my life as things progress.
Congratulations Sarah. Enjoy the journey.
Thank you so much Linda!
Congatulations so exciting all your goals and baby on the way. Best of luck.
Thank you so much Beth, I really appreciate that!
A big Congratulations to you and your growing family!! July is a good month. That is my Husband’s birthday and my son’s birthday!! I can’t wait to see your new addition. Any plans on a cute country nursery??? 🙂
Thank you so much Sara! I can’t wait for July, it’s the perfect time for a new baby! And yes, I’m sure I’ll be fixing up our nursery soon!
How exciting! Congratulations! Love the goal of memorizing more scripture!
Thanks Gaye, I’m so excited for the new year!
Congratulations Sarah!! Happy blessings for you and your family!
Thank you so much Allison, I really appreciate that! I hope your 2017 is AWESOME.
Congratulations! What a blessing.
Thank you Kathy!
What wonderful news and blessed event to look forward to in a new year! Congratulations! Love your thoughts and goals for the New Year. ❤️ After much prayer and meditation the only goal for 2017 that kept coming to my mind and heart was “simplify”. First, I am applying that to my home as we get ready to list it on the market in a couple weeks. Then to my approach to how I view my life. I want to enjoy my life more and stress about stuff less. I want to create meaningful spaces that keep my time and workload simpler. I want to give more to others and serve my God more. I want to be present with my children and enjoy our new season of life that will begin in April with the birth of our first grand child! (A little girl!) I want to take more time to make more meaningful memories and incest more into my family. So simplify is my goal to achieve those desires for 2017. May it be a blessed and happy year for us all!
Oh my goodness! I should have read my comment closer! I want to invest, invest more into my family! Bad typo!! ????
Thank you Jana! I love your goal for the new year. I too want to simplify my life and focus most on what’s important. It’s so easy to get distracted with other “things” and stress about what doesn’t matter. Thank you for sharing with me, I wish you all the best in 2017!!
Oh, congratulations on Baby LVN and many blessings your way!
Haha, I love that! Baby LVN! Thank you Jana!
Sarah – I been following, and enjoying, your blog for sometime but have never left a comment! I am thrilled about all your comments today but first and foremost your desire to memorize the word. I have two verses for you: as to the need to memorize the word:
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11
as to fear:
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. II Tim 1:7
Happy New Year
Oh Dina, I’m so glad you left your first comment and shared those amazing verses with me! I am writing them down and will add them to my list. Thank you SO much!
You are sooooo gonna rock 2017! Can’t wait for July to roll around too and see this sweet babe!
Congrats! You do have a big year coming up. And yes, kid number 3 is a total game changer! It is totally worth it though.
Thank you Lezlie!!
I always enjoy reading your blog, but this is probably my favorite you’ve ever written. Babies are such blessings and God does all things well. Congrats to your new little one on the way. Also, I was moved by your transparency re: learning the Word of God. I was raised in a preachers home and there are a lot of scriptures I know from hearing my daddy preach and the repetition of the Word being embedded in my heart, but as I got older, my dedication to know the Word for myself lacked tremendously. Now, more than ever, I realize how the verse that says Thy Word Have I Hid In My Heart That I Might Not Sin Against You is so relevant now as it was then… we must emphasize to our children and grandchildren and this upcoming generation that it is imperative to know the Word in your heart in order to face the things they face on a daily basis. Thank you for inspiring me to set the same goal! Be blessed in 2017 and I look forward to your posts.
Aw thank you so much Christian, I truly appreciate your kind words! And I completely agree, we must emphasize to our children the importance of the word of God. I love the verse you shared about hiding His word in our hearts so that we might not sin against Him. So beautiful!
Congratulations on your new baby!!! So very exciting!!! ❤???? And I LOVE the memorizing scripture goal! I have so many verses I memorized in my 13 years at Christian school but have barely memorized anything since. Definitely easier to memorize when you’re a kid! Now that I homeschool my 4 kids, we’re all memorizing a verse a week. The kids will keep me accountable for sure!
Thank you Emily! Wow, 13 years at a Christian school? I’m sure you have many verses stored in your heart from all those years. I love that you’re now teaching your 4 kids a verse a week, I want to do the same thing!
Congratulations!!! So exciting and such a Blessing.
Thank you so much Marty!
Oh my goodness my friend! How exciting!!! Congrats to you!
Thanks sweet girl, we are so excited!!
Congratulations to you and your husband. It is such a blessing from God. So happy for you.
Amen to that, it’s a true blessing. Thank you Jonita!
I’m so very happy for you, Sarah! What wonderful news! Congratulations, sweet girl! ????????????xxx
Thank you so much Kim!!
Sooo very happy for you and your family ! Thank you for sharing with us.
Thank you Tricia, I’m excited to share more as the pregnancy continues!
By the was, I Wanne Say how much I enjoy your Blog.
Best greetings from Germany
Aw hello Claudia in Germany! So happy you’re enjoying my blog and thank you so much for the kind words!
Congratulations Sarah! What lovely news! Looking forward to reading your story along the way!x
Thank you Helen, I’m excited share more about this part of my life!
Congratulations and blessings to you as you await the arrival of baby #3 – how wonderful for you and your family! Thank you for sharing your heart, and being so transparent – it’s refreshing to see and read! War Room is one of my favorite movies – I’m a huge Priscilla Shirer fan after doing several of her Bible Studies – and I like the challenge of memorizing Scripture for the new year.
Aw thank you Lanita, I really appreciate that! I’m so happy you enjoyed the post. I’m going to look into more of Priscilla Shirer Bible studies, thanks for the recommendation!
Congratulations. God Bless.
Thank you Marilyn!
I guessed before I read the post! Congratulations!!
Thank you Tina!
Congratulations Sarah, so happy for you! Babies are the best thing in the world, especially when you are the grandma…he he. I have a grand daughter that is only 3 1/2 weeks old, and she is amazing! She is a miracle baby that we have hope and prayed for over 13 years!!! I have 6 grand kids now.
I think your goals are great and love that you want to do more memorizing of the Word…I love it too, so much! His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path!!!
Aren’t they just the best?! Congratulations on your new grand daughter, what a blessing! And thank you for such kind words Brenda!
Congratulations!! So exciting. And what a great post! I am with you on Scripture memory as I am much the same way, but I love the idea of posting verses around the house. I think that would help me actually memorize. God bless your 2017!
Thank you Ellen! And yes, definitely try hanging the verses you’re working on around the house–it really helps!
Congrats on the new baby!
I don’t make resolutions, but I make plans. I’m writing a blog post about big projects I hope to accomplish this year. I figure if I put it out there in blog land then I will be held accountable to complete everything.
Happy New Year!
Thank you Carol! And good luck on your big projects for the new year!
Congratulations!!! Very exciting!
Hope you are feeling well!
Thank you Deanna! I’m finally into the second trimester now and starting to feel a lot better. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Ahhh!!! So exciting !!! Congrats! I’m so happy for you.
Thank you sweet girl!
Congratulations! Babys and children are a wonderful blessing! I love your blogs ! You are a blessing with your words of wisdom and encouragement!
Aw thank you so much Deb, I really appreciate that!
Congratulations Sarah and family on your new addition! Those are some good solid goals, too! Thank you for your inspiration.
Thank you Jodi!
sarah, I am beyond excited for you and your family!! I also love all your 2017 goals!
Thank you sweet Kellie!
Congratulations to you and your family on your expectant baby. That is wonderful. I am a mother of three and it is wonderful. Mine are all grown now but you will adept into a schedule and routine and will find time for all you do. Wonderful news for you.
Aw thank you Doreen! And I appreciate your words of encouragement, I love hearing from other mothers that had three!
How wonderful! Big congrats to you, and your family. A baby is such a blessing! I like getting up before my kids, as well as giving me time to wake up, make lunches, and get organized, it’s also a control thing. I am choosing to get up instead of being woken up. I think it’s a better way to start the day. Hard to give up those zzzz’s though.
Also, I did decide to go with lighter hard woods after seeking your (and some others) opinion(s). I love them! Thanks for responding to that email. That was so sweet, and much appreciated.
Happy new year!
Thank you Stephanie! And I agree–getting up earlier is about choosing to wake up instead of being woken up, which does make a big difference for me and sets the tone for the day. I’m so happy to here you went with the lighter floors and love them! That’s awesome! Enjoy that new home 🙂
How wonderful to hear about your expectant news! Congrats! I raised 4 kids close in age, & yes, the did gang up on me when they really, really wanted something. I usually gave in, ????, planning to win the next battle! ???? Looking forward to your blogs this year!
Ha! I tend to give in a lot too, which isn’t always a good thing. They know my weakness! I know it will be crazy, but I’m so excited. Thank you for dropping by Barbara and the sweet comment!
How awesome!!! Congrats on baby #3 🙂
Thank you so much Susanne!
Oh what wonderful news. Congratulations! I love your blog. I am excited to see how you decorate your nursery. I need to push myself harder also. I don’t give myself enough credit. Here’s to 2017 and being better!
Thank you so much Donna! I’m really excited to freshen things up in our nursery too. Stay tuned for that! And yes, here’s to making 2017 better, pushing harder, and giving ourselves a little more grace on a daily basis!
Thank you so much Lisa!
Congratulations on baby #3-how exciting!!
I’m a new follower of your blog and love when I’m able to sit down with a cup of tea and catch up on your posts.
We decided to take our house off the market after 3 months and make the changes we envisioned in a “new” home to our current home (why didn’t we just think of that first????). I guess the thought of a “new” house was exciting!! Looking at the pictures of your beautiful home has given me lots of ideas and inspirations-thanks a bunch!
Aw thank you Carolyn! Hearing that you’ve been enjoying my blog brings a big smile to my face. I’m so glad to have you here! Sounds like you have the right attitude about making your current home what you want. We lived in two foreclosures, so I know it’s not always easy when you’re living in a place that isn’t exactly what you want. But little by little you can make it work. Keep it up!!
I really like your goal setting my wife and I were just discussing our future goals and aspirations. Don’t worry about the 3rd child we have 6 and yes you get outnumbered but the gift of children is amazing. Wife and I are trying to decide about going all in on another business venture and I have drawn great inspiration from your blog and social media. Thank you for putting out your info. Your blog has really made me rethink my future. Thanks again
Congratulations Sarah on baby #3…they are such bundles of joy. There’s no better resolution than to have a stronger prayer life.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Adding to your family is very exciting!
As for becoming a time management ninja? THAT! Has been my goal for years! Sooo… when you achieve it could you possibly share your secret to success please? LOL.
Being that I am new to the blog, I thought I’d catch up on the post recent posts on the blog. Congratulations on the wee one arriving in July! How exciting! Your goals are somewhat similar to mine, one day at a time with God as the first step of the day.
OMGoodness, I love all of your goals for this new year and I’m beyond thrilled about your big news! Our God is sooo good! Soooo happy for your growing family!!! July is a great month to be born too – Gabrielle and I would love to share a birthday with your special bundle! ☺️???? I bet Aunt Melanie would, too! What blessed and amazing news! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! Wishing you the healthiest and happiest pregnancy – can’t wait to see a growing bump! ????????????????????????
Aw thank you so much Kandi! We’re all pretty excited about it. And I agree, July is the perfect month for a baby!!
Hi Sarah! I just recently found your blog, joined your mailing list and have been stalking you on Instagram, lol…I love everything about it all! Your blog is awesome, your writing just makes me want to read more & more, your house is AMAZING and I can’t get enough of your Instagram feed! Please don’t ever doubt yourself, there is absolutely no need..just keep on doing what your doing because it’s all fantastic! Congratulations on your little peanut and best of wishes for a fabulous 2017! I’ll continue to be a huge fan 🙂
Oh my goodness Sherri, you are so sweet! I need to hug you. Thank you for all the support and encouragement, it really means so much to me and gives me fuel to keep sharing. I’m so happy to have you here following along. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! xoxo