Reflections on 1 Year of Blogging!

Reflections on my journey to becoming a full-time blogger. How I was able to leave my job and blog full-time in only 1 year.


It’s hard for me to believe the words I’m about to type, but it’s officially been one year since I started my blog. It was December 13, 2015 to be exact. I’m shaking my head in disbelief because it seriously feels like it just started yesterday. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. This past year has been nothing short of amazing. Not only have I been able to share my passion, but this blog has changed my life. In only 1 year I’ve been been able to leave my job and pursue blogging full-time. It’s truly been a dream come true. I also want to take time today to thank you guys for all the love and support you’ve shown me over the past year.

When I started my blog I had no clue what I was doing. Heck, I still don’t know what I’m doing half the time, but I knew that I wanted a place to share about the things I love. We had just purchased this home, a 1980’s fixer upper, a few months before and I was excited to document our journey of making it ours. I also wanted to share my love of DIY and vintage decor, so starting a blog seemed like the right thing to do. But I’ll be honest. I had never, ever thought about having a blog. I had just finished up my master’s degree, I was in a job I absolutely loved, and it just wasn’t on my radar at all. In fact, this blog came about somewhat spontaneously. It actually all began on Instagram, where I initially started sharing photos of our home and my projects. My account started to grow quickly and I found myself happier than ever before in our new home. After living in two foreclosures, I felt like this place set me free in a way. I know that probably sounds strange, but for the first time ever I felt like I was able to do things I had always wanted to do in our home. Something about it just brought out my creativity like never before. I loved sharing that passion on Instagram. It seemed a few other people were enjoying what I shared as well and slowly the idea of starting a blog began to brew in my mind. I told myself that if my Instagram account reached 5,000 followers that I’d start a blog–I’d give a go.


It didn’t take long for me to reach that milestone. I think it was early in November 2015 when I hit 5,000 Instagram followers and I thought, “OK, maybe I should go ahead with this blog thing.” I talked it over with my husband, prayed about it, and eventually decided to give it a shot. And boy, I’m sure glad I decided to go for it. In just one year’s time, this blog has completely changed my life. Not only has it been an incredible creative outlet for me, something I was completely missing in my life, but it’s also now become my full-time job. I don’t know if you guys remember, but a few months back I shared that I was transitioning out of my job–the job I loved–in order to be able to stay home with my kiddos and focus on growing my blog. It was a really tough decision, and definitely a big risk, but I felt in my heart that it as the right decision. I was dreaming of being home more with my kids and the opportunities with my blog were just too good to pass up. This blog has not only replaced the income I was making at my previous job, but exceeded it. I’ll give all the glory to God on that one.


Over the past year I’ve had amazing opportunities to work with brands like Home Depot, Pier 1, American Furniture Warehouse, and KILZ. Seriously, these are things I never would have dreamt of in a million years. But what’s even more incredible to me is that you all are here, reading my blog. Really, some days it baffles me. I just can’t believe how this blog has grown over the past year and I owe it to all of you. You guys truly mean the world to me. I can’t even express how grateful I am for your support. Without you, this would never work. Every time you read my blog, share it with a friend, pin one of my images, like something I share on Facebook, or leave a comment on one of my posts you are making this dream possible for me. I never take that for granted. I seriously wish I could hug each and every one of you.


I like keeping it real around here, so I’ll be honest with you guys. Sometimes balancing it all is tough. Really tough. And one thing I’ve learned this past year is that blogging is a lot harder than it looks. And a lot more time consuming. Especially with two little ones running around. But I love it, even on the hard days. And the days I’m sleep deprived from staying up til 1 AM to get a post done, it’s still exactly what I want to be doing. I’m still such newbie at this, in the world of blogging I am sooooo new, but I’m learning more every day and I feel so lucky to be able to chase this big, crazy dream. I’m excited to see what the next year will bring and I just pray that it’s half as good as this past year has been. I hope this blog is a place you can come to for a bright spot in your day. It sure has been my happy place and I hope it can be yours too. Here’s to another year!

Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. xoxo

P.S. If you’re thinking about starting your own blog, I say GO FOR IT. Don’t let fear and uncertainty hold you back. None of this would have happened for me if I hadn’t decided to just go for it one year ago. I have a complete guide to starting your blog, so be sure to check out this post:

Step by Step Guide to Starting a Blog

Leave a Comment!


  1. 12.17.16
    Tracey Tobin said:

    What a great post!!!! So happy for you and your success. Well deserved! Reading your blog and posts are definitely happy times in my day! Thank YOU. I wish you another many more great years!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Tracey, you are so sweet!

  2. 12.17.16
    Heather Hoben said:

    Congratulations on 1 successful year of blogging! My inbox may be overflowing with new emails each day, but I ALWAYS read your new post first! I love your blog and am always eager to incorporate your amazing ideas into my cozy home. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many!!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Heather, that seriously makes me want to hug you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support!! xoxo

  3. 12.17.16
    Carrie Lockstaedt said:

    Congrats Sarah on a year of Blogging! I am very new to your blog, but was drawn in immediately. We also have a new venture in a brand new house we built. Oh my what a venture!!! I ran across your blog one day looking at ideas and was immediately hooked. You are so creative and genuine. I thank you for doing what you are doing to inspire us all! Keep up the amazing work!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      I’m seriously so happy to hear that Carrie! Thank you, I’m so glad you came across my blog and enjoy it. That means the world to me! Good luck with your new home, I’m sure it is lovely.

  4. 12.17.16
    Marilyn Soto said:

    What a wonderful testimony. As I read it I was reminded of the scripture about God giving you the desires of your heart Psalms 37:3-4, as well as your obedience to Deuteronomy 6 in raising Godly children. Thanks for sharing your heart.

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Oh I love those verses Marilyn, thank you so much for sharing them with me! I can’t tell you how much all your support means to me. xoxo

  5. 12.17.16
    Jana said:

    Congratulations Sarah! I have subscribed and unsubscribed to many blogs but yours is one to keep! You are elegant yet simple and i love that. I, too, will read your post first and am inspired by the creative simple goodness. Happy 2017 to come!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      I’m honestly so honored Jana! Thank you for reading my blog and being so loyal, I can’t tell you how much that means to me! Merry Christmas my friend. xoxo

  6. 12.17.16
    Rachel said:

    Just found your blog recently…Who knew you were pretty new to this blogging thing. You are doing an awesome job! Congrats on your anniversary.

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Aww thank you Rachel, that means so much to me. So glad you found my blog! xoxo

  7. 12.17.16

    Wonderful story Sarah, thanks so much for sharing and inspiring

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Sandra!

  8. 12.17.16
    Marcia said:

    Congratulations! You are doing a great job & I look forward to your posts!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Marcia, I really appreciate that!

  9. 12.17.16
    Karly said:

    Congratulations, and happy blog-iveraary! Your site is my favorite find from the year, and I genuinely look forward to every post. As a fellow blogger, you are such an inspiration with how much you’ve achieved in a short amount of time. Keep up the amazing work!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Karly, I’m so honored to hear my little blog is your favorite find for the year! What a compliment that is! Best of luck to you & your blog in the coming year. xoxo

  10. 12.17.16
    Jana said:

    Happy Blogiversary! Thank you for sharing your creative spirit with us! I love the inspiration you share and how that inspires me in my pursuits of making our house a home. It doesn’t matter if you own your home, rent your home, rent an apartment, or live on wheels (RV) because the things you share are almost all things that anyone can do! I think that’s what helps make your blog relevant to so many people! I think too, that you are real and honest and don’t try to be something more than just you that draws people in as well. I know for me, I see lots of blogs with these beautiful homes and designs that are so complex and expensive and feel they are somewhat unattainable. You share what’s real and doable and it shows that with some creativity, you can have the space and home of your dreams! So thank you for that! Keep doing what you’re doing, I know I look forward to every single one of your posts!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Hi Jana! Goodness, your comment brought such a huge smile to my face. Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging words! I can’t express how much it means to me, truly. Big hugs to you my friend!

  11. 12.17.16
    Ellen said:

    Congratulations! You have a wonderful blog and Instagram, and you’re one of my favorites to follow. My hubby and I just bought our first house almost a year ago now and having your feed for inspiration as I style a home for the first time has been invaluable! Thank you for investing the time in creating such a great resource and creative space!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Oh Ellen, I’m so honored to hear that! Thank you so much, that truly makes it all worth it. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  12. 12.17.16
    Leigj said:

    Congratulations, Sarah! What a blessing to be able to be home with your boys! ????

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you! It is such a blessing. I’m so grateful for this season in life right now!

  13. 12.17.16
    Jana Kay said:

    Congratulations for doing what you love and loving what you do.
    Everytime I see you’ve shared with us again, I get all excited and can hardly wait to read it. Thanks for following your dream.
    Jana Kay

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Ahh that makes me so happy! Thank you so much Jana Kay, I’m so glad you enjoy it! xoxo

  14. 12.17.16
    Doreen said:

    So happy for you. You are doing such a fabulous job. You put a smile on my face every day by sharing yourself and all the beautiful farm style decor tips. You get better and better. A great big thank you to YOU.

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      I can’t tell you how much that means to me, thank you fro the bottom of my heart Doreen!

  15. 12.17.16
    Shannon said:

    Happy anniversary, Sarah! I’ve loved following along with your journey and am excited to see where the road ahead leads you. You’ve always been an inspiration to me through your determination, creativity, and authenticity. Keep up the hard work, my friend. It is paying off beautifully. Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!

    xo, Shannon

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Shannon, thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a sweet and encouraging comment. I’m so grateful we have crossed paths in this blogging/IG world. Best wishes to you in the new year my friend!

  16. 12.17.16
    Pam said:

    GREAT JOB!!! 2017 will bring many blessing to your sweet family. You do an amazing job and inspire me with creative tips and ideas.

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you!! xoxo

  17. 12.17.16
    Mary said:

    I’ve been following your blog for a few months and just assumed you had been doing it for much longer than a year. You do a great job and I look forward to your email to see what you have been up to. I am mom of 3 grown sons with children of their own……you will never regret the time you get to spend with them now 🙂 You are making memories for them and for you to remember always!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Mary, thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! You reminded me of that old saying, “the days are long, but the years are short”. Grateful for this season, even on the hard days!

  18. 12.17.16
    Nicole said:

    That is just amazing! Congratulations on your 1 year! Absolutely enjoy reading your blog and following you on Instagram. You are such an inspiration! Wish you and your family a happy holiday and new year!

    • 12.17.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Nicole, that seriously means so much to me! xoxo

  19. 12.18.16
    Brenda said:

    I just love your blog and it encouraged me to start one too. You are SO good at it! I am not too savvy yet, but hopefully I will improve over time. God bless you and your family and have a very Merry Christmas!

    • 12.18.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much, I really appreciate that Brenda. And I’m SO happy to hear that you were inspired to start your own blog! I’m going to head over now and check it out!

  20. 12.18.16
    Sue said:

    Congrats Sarah! I too knew this was your destiny, you story. Keep it goin, and know I miss you!

    • 12.18.16
      Sarah said:

      Ah Sue, thank you so much! I can’t tell you how much your support meant to me while I was making that tough decision. You’re awesome and I sure miss you!

  21. 12.19.16
    Jacy said:

    Congrats sweet friend! Love you and I’m so proud of you! Keep it up!

  22. 12.22.16

    Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing this story and your journey in blogging. I’m a fellow blogger and have been really working on the blog seriously for about a year and a half. You’ve made great progress in just the short amount of time! I love your blog. Congrats!

    • 12.25.16
      Sarah said:

      That’s awesome Chelsea, I’m going to pop over and check out your blog. Wishing you all the best in the coming year!

  23. 12.28.16
    Shani said:

    Sarah I cannot begin to tell you how much of an inspiration you truly are (words can’t describe it) and how much I look forward to hopping on your little blog. It’s like having my first cup of coffee in the morning (ahhh)!!! Everything about your blog and your spirit literally makes my heart smile:) Thank you for sharing your journey! Congrats to a wonderful year and here’s to many more to come!

    • 12.28.16
      Sarah said:

      Oh my goodness Shani, you just brought the biggest smile to my face! Thank you soooooo much for taking the time to leave me such a sweet and encouraging comment. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to have your support and love! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. xoxo

  24. 12.29.16
    Courtney said:

    AMAZING!!!! Congrats on all your success in only one year! You’re one of my favorites and I love following along!!

    • 12.29.16
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Courtney! I’m such a fan of your blog, so that means a lot!

  25. 2.22.17
    Gabby said:

    I am inspired by your story! I am taking the leap into full time blogging myself. Although I’ve had a blog for years, I am rebranding and really pushing full steam ahead but even with some blogging knowledge under my belt, there are so many unknowns. I am hopeful that I can be a success story like you 🙂 Beautiful home. I actually found you cause I am doing a post on gallery walls and your adorable wall popped up in Pinterest. I’d love to share it in my post – linking back to you of course. Congrats to your 1 year anniversary. Wishing you continued success.

    • 2.22.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you Gabby, I really appreciate that! I wish you the best of luck as you rebrand and push ahead in a new direction–that’s so exciting! Blogging is definitely not as easy as it looks, and I still have sooooooo much to learn, but it’s been such a joy and blessing for me. I hope the new year and new blog bring you many, many blessings!