Girls’ Bedroom Refresh

I’ve been a busy little bee over here this week getting ready for a BIG day tomorrow. The sweet ladies from Antique Candle Co are coming all the way to Colorado to shoot the video for the Sarah Joy candle. Eeeek!! The candle will be releasing this fall and HOLY SMOKES IT’S SO YUMMY! I can’t wait for you all to have it in your home. I am so excited for our filming day tomorrow, but a little nervous too. I’m praying everything goes well and I don’t embarrass myself! Anyway, today I wanted to pop in and share a sweet little bedroom refresh we just did for our girls. Their room has been a HOT MESS for about eight months now because we moved Avie’s crib in there and then put my son in his own room. But the time has finally come for her to be in a big girl bed (she’s been crawling out of the crib for weeks now!) so that’t what we did this past weekend. I also added in a lot more storage too!

Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring today’s post!

One of the big things we really needed in here was more storage. It’s a small space, so I was looking for something that would give us a lot of storage without taking up a lot of room. I found this cute bookcase from Walmart to put between their beds and it’s the perfect size. There’s plenty of room for their toys and I love all the little cubbies. This one comes with small bins that go inside the middle row, but I just used a few pink baskets I already had in their room. But that pair of adorable pink rope baskets sitting on top of the bookcase are new.

I also randomly decided to get them a floor pillow for this spot and they LOVE it. Both girls want to sit on this alllllll the time–it’s the perfect spot for just looking at books or playing. I’m kinda kicking myself for not ordering two! Anyway, it comes in a few different color options and it’s super affordable.

I also added in a few more baskets to their room. I like this set of three seagrass baskets because of the big handles and the beachy vibe. It’s so easy for the girls to load them up with toys and stuffed animals!

My girls are very much into all things pink right now (can you tell?!) so I also found those matching pink pillows for their beds. Those are actually feather filled and super comfortable. I especially love the large buttons and they do come in a few color options too.

It’s kinda crazy to think back to how this room used to look before we added in that window and the shiplap wall. This is now one of the brightest rooms in the entire house and it’s even kinda tricky to photograph because it is so bright! But I love how happy this space is and the girls love it too. And good news, so far little Avie is doing great in her big girl bed. We put little bumpers on the side of the bed and she’s done so well!

Walmart has become of my FAVORITE places to shop for decor and furniture. They have so many good deals online and most everything has free two-day shipping. I even found my beloved wall basket there too!


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  1. 7.24.19
    Sharon said:

    Love how this room turned out Sarah. It looks so pretty and girly! And I love how you reversed the coverlets (I think that’s what you’ve done)to show the more muted colours. I do that with my own summer coverlet. The girls must be so excited to be sharing although I’m guessing you might have trouble getting them to sleep 😆

  2. 7.24.19
    Mona Brandt said:

    Sarah, I love all your posts. I can tell your home is a labor of love for your family. I’m an older grandmother who enjoys reading your posts each week.
    Blessings to you and your precious family.

    • 7.27.19
      Cheryl Pickart said:

      Cute! I have my granddaughters bedroom pink with gray!
      So am loving this! Wanted a shiplap wall, husband frowned on it.
      Where may I ask did the prints come from?
      Love reading your blog

  3. 7.24.19
    Lisa said:

    What little girls wouldn’t love such a sweet room💕

  4. 7.24.19
    Loretta DeSpain said:

    Super cute room. I love those beds. That shelf worked out great too!

  5. 7.24.19
    Tammy said:

    Love the room…so pretty and pink and girly…beautiful..I have to ask where did you purchase the dresser? I love it!!!!

    Have a blessed day
    Love your blog friend

  6. 7.29.19
    Meg said:

    Hi Sarah! Where are the wall sconces from?? That’s exactly what I’ve been searching for to put above my daughters bed! Thank you!!

  7. 4.21.20
    Emily said:

    Beautiful, where are the quilts from?

  8. 6.23.24
    Abigail said:

    Where did you purchase the quilts and sheets for the beds?