Rebrand Update + Farmhouse Style Thanksgiving buffet table

Well hellllllo there and welcome to!! Eeeek! That feels so weird/exciting to say, but this is officially the first post under my new URL. If you have no idea what I’m talking about you can check out my rebrand news here! I still have few random things that need to be updated, but this URL change was the big one. Now you can find me and all of my posts at Yippee! Before I move on to the farmhouse style thanksgiving buffet table, I just wanted to thank you all for the support of my rebrand. When I shared the news last week I honestly didn’t know what to expect, but you all blew me away with your kindness and encouragement. Your support means everything to me, so thank you, thank you!

Farmhouse Style Thanksgiving Buffet Table

Now let’s giddy on up to today’s post. I actually wanted to share a little Thanksgiving inspired decor with you guys. I was playing around in the dining room the other day and started styling my vintage cubby as a little side table/buffet for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s pretty simple, but you guys know I like simple so I wanted to share it with you all today!

Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!
Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!
Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!

We have a pretty small dining room, which means I don’t have a lot of extra space for a full size buffet table. So this old vintage cubby works pretty well instead. I styled it for Thanksgiving with a few extra plates and bowls, this cute two tiered cake stand, and of course a few pumpkins.  And I even used one of my DIY pumpkin stands as little vase for a few fall stems.

Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!

Functional Storage

I used this black wire basket to hold my vintage napkins. Just simply roll them up and tie each one with a piece of twine. I love this simple way to display the “fancy” napkins for your guests on Thanksgiving.

Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!
Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!

That yummy candle next to the napkins is poured in an antique ball jar, which is pretty much the coolest thing ever. It’s from Antique Candle Works and I think it’s perfect for Thanksgiving because it’s a little more fancy than your average candle. It definitely feels like a special occasion type of candle to me. You can find other antique candles here.

Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!
Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!

How cute is that stack of vintage books stamped fall, pumpkin, and harvest?! I got them from this little Etsy shop and I loooooooove them. Such a creative idea! They also do customized books and there are tons of great options for the holidays.

Farmhouse style Thanksgiving buffet table. An easy and simple Thanksgiving decor idea!!

This old wooden cubby in our dining room is always one of my favorite things to style as the seasons change. I love the idea of using it a makeshift buffet table for Thanksgiving day and it’s actually just the right size for a few extra plates, napkins and table top goodies.

So glad you could drop by the blog today!! And again, thank you so very much for the support of my rebrand. Love you looooooooooong time.

Vintage Thanksgiving Table

Simple Farmhouse Fall Entryway

Affordable Fall Decor From TJ Maxx

Leave a Comment!


  1. 11.5.18
    Becky said:

    Hey you! Soooo glad everything is going smoothly for you with transition. Yay!!!!! Love your cubbie styled for Thanksgiving. You know what I noticed right off the bat?!!!!! The books with the fall stamping. So darn cute. I think I might try my hand doing my own. Have a great Day sweetie. xoxo💓💕💞🍁🍁🍁

  2. 11.5.18
    Janet C. Smedley said:

    This display is stunning!! All your little touches give your followers so many ideas for their own homes!! Thank you for sharing your talents! I read every word you type, and I study every photo you provide! Nice way to start the day! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  3. 11.5.18
    Melissa Filson said:

    Congratulations on everything going so smoothly! I’m sure that its been nerve wracking but it seems to all be working out! Love this cute cubby in your dining room and absolutely loooove those little stamped books!!!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Melissa, I’m so grateful things are switching over smoothly!!

  4. 11.5.18

    I was so excited to see your NEW brand come through on my email today! YAY GIRL!!! I am so glad this transition is going so well!!! I adore those vintage books with the stamps on them! Love that idea! I love your beautiful Thanksgiving cubby! Happy Monday!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      yay!!! I was so excited too. It’s still weird to see the different name, but so awesome at the same time!

  5. 11.5.18
    Shawna said:

    Congrats on the rebranding and everything going smoothly. I’ve followed you for awhile and will definitely continue to do so, no matter what you name it 😉 I know this is special though. I LOVE the cubby ! Looks so cozy and perfect for the changing season.

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you sooooo much Shawna!! Can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. xoxo

  6. 11.5.18
    Candy said:

    Hi Sarah, so glad that everything went well on the transition. I love everything on this cute cubby. Love the books too! What an awesome idea. I also love the napkins in the wire basket.
    I wish you and your family and all your friends here on your Blog a very Happy Thanksgiving. We had ours already in Canada, it is always around my Wedding Anniversary so I never forget…lol
    Take care

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Candy! I always appreciate your kind comments. xo

  7. 11.5.18
    Marie said:

    Congratulations Sarah on your new url! I love the logo! You have that little cubby styled up so beautifully too. Love everything you do!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Marie, I love it too!!

  8. 11.5.18
    Pamela said:

    Where did you get your cubby cabinet

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      It belonged to my dad for years and years. He kept it in his shop!

  9. 11.5.18
    Laura Harrie said:

    Great day Sarah, the rebrand is now official!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Yes it is!! yay!!

  10. 11.5.18

    Loved seeing your name this morning. I thought you had outgrown LVN so this new name is perfect! Love seeing your changes. You do a great job. Thanks so much for the time you put into this blog.

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Ah thank you so much Sally, I really appreciate that so much!!

  11. 11.5.18
    Lindsay Fron said:

    Hi Sarah!! Congrats on the rebranding! I just wanted to let you know I absolutely love the stamped books and just ordered some for myself😊 I let the shop owner know that you introduced me to them! I look forward to your blogs!


    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      oh yay!! so glad you got some, you’ll love them!

  12. 11.5.18
    Nancy said:

    I was excited to see your new rebrand in my inbox this morning. So glad things are going well with that. I love how you restyle the same piece of furniture various different ways. You are so creative and I so enjoy your blog.

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Nancy!! I was so glad to see those emails seemed to go out like they normally do.

  13. 11.5.18
    Chels said:

    Love that cubby Sarah, so so much! And again, congrats on the rebrand! So excited for you!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Chels, I really appreciate it!

  14. 11.5.18
    Carol Holtorf said:

    Love the whole look but especially like the wreath hanging in front of the chalk board with the picture inside the wreath.

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Carol! I love that combo too 🙂

  15. 11.5.18
    Deedra said:

    Beautifully arranged as always!! Your style is so fresh and I am looking to freshening up my rooms up as well.
    Sarah, what advice would you give to those of us that want to freshen up our spaces, while keeping walls that have color on them. Our home really is not really suited to white walls, even though I love white, because we are in the woods with not a great amount of sunlight coming in. And I’m sure many others may not have white or gray that has been really popular lately. Would love to have you weigh in on this. Thanks so much!

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      We had yellow walls for 2 years and I found that more neutral decor looked great with them. That way the wall was the pop of color but the decor around it was more soft, if that makes sense!

      • 11.7.18
        Deedra said:

        Thanks Sarah! That does make sense!

  16. 11.5.18
    Brenda Johnson said:

    As usual your cubbie looks adorable! I’m glad to see you are hanging on to fall decor/Thanksgiving longer instead of jumping into Christmas like so many other Blogger/Instagrammers are right now. I too want to enjoy one holiday at a time. I am looking forward to what you will do for Christmas though 🙂

    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Yeah I’m waiting a little longer than normal this year. I’m not in any hurry, still enjoying these pumpkins for a bit longer!

  17. 11.6.18

    Hi Sarah

    Not only did you take on the “step out in faith” move of re-branding your blog, you also had time for Thanksgiving decorating! You go Sarah Joy!!! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me personally and in my business!


    • 11.6.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw that makes me happy to hear Anne, thank you!!

  18. 11.7.18
    Shirley said:

    This works out beautifully for your accessories cabinet/table. Of course the whole thing is gorgeous! I love watching what you do mainly because of the small amount of space you have to work with. You always add just the right things to fill the right space. I think that helps a lot of people to visualize what can be done with smaller spaces. An apartment I once lived in moons ago had a very small kitchen and because of the way it was laid out it functioned perfectly.

  19. 11.11.18
    Carrie said:

    You have a fun blog! One thing that is more difficult now though is the size and style of the words. It is much harder to read. The letters are too close together and the print too small. This isn’t meant to discourage you, I just thought it might be helpful to know this.

    • 11.11.18
      Sarah said:

      I agree Carrie. I’m working on it right now actually. Hopefully I have it fixed soon.