Easy DIY Botanical Art

Morning sunshine!! I hope you’re feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this Monday morning. I’m actually pretty excited for the week ahead because it should be relatively quiet around here (fingers crossed), which will be a welcome sight after a couple busy weeks. And even though I like to be busy, it will be nice to have a little less on my plate. Anyway, today I’m sharing easy peasy DIY botanical art that I made using signs from the Target dollar spot. Yes, the DOLLAR SPOT. I was browsing through there the other day when I spotted the most adorable wooden herb signs, so I grabbed four of them and started brainstorming ways I could use them for a project. I’m excited to share what I came up with today!

Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!

Aren’t they cute?! And only $1 each. BOOM. I thought it would be fun to use all four of these signs together to make a larger sign I could put in our kitchen. I didn’t want to build one, so I decided to look for an inexpensive wooden sign that I could paint. I found one for ten bucks that was the perfect size.

Totally random, I know. But for $10, this was way easier than building a similar wooden frame. I simply painted over the design with one coat of chalkboard paint.

As the paint was drying I worked on the small herb signs. I started by removing the hanger on the back and then I sanded them down slightly for more of a vintage-y look. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Lastly, I hot glued all four of the small herb signs onto my larger sign. Here’s the finished look:

Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!
Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!
Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!
Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!
Easy DIY botanical art with signs from the Target dollar spot. Simple spring decor idea!

Not too shabby for the Target dollar spot, right?! I love how it turned out and this entire project took me less than 30 minutes from start to finish. It was SO dang easy. And even though it’s a bit random to use another sign and paint over it, it actually worked really well. Plus it saved me the time and effort of making my own frame. I’m all about shortcuts, so I’ll take it!

Thanks so much for dropping by today! I hope you enjoyed the little idea I had for these herb signs. Here are a few other easy DIY’s you might want to check out while you’re here:

DIY Vintage Garden Boxes

The Easiest DIY Farmhouse Tray

DIY Coat Rack from Vintage Tin

Leave a Comment!


  1. 4.29.19
    Kellie said:

    Sarah, what a great idea and it looks so beautiful!! So inspiring, my friend!!

  2. 4.29.19
    Melissa Filson said:

    I love it Sarah!! Great idea, and I love how easy and inexpensive it was! Hope you have a wonderfully quiet week! 🥰

  3. 4.29.19
    Deborah said:

    Dear Sarah Joy,
    I so enjoy your ideas
    This herb sign is beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing yourself, home and thoughts.
    Blessings to you and your family,

  4. 4.29.19
    Julie said:

    Sarah, this was a great idea! I’m running to the Dollar Spot ASAP!

  5. 4.29.19
    Nikki said:

    I love it, Sarah! Have a great week. ❤️

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Nikki!

  6. 4.29.19
    Sharon Isaac said:

    Love this diy Sarah. Am so into any diy that is quick, easy, inexpensive and looks great in my home! Instant satisfaction! Have a great week!

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      I hear you Sharon, I’m the same way. Quick + easy is my jam!

  7. 4.29.19

    It turned out just amazing! Have a wonderful day!
    xoxo Jo

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Jo!

  8. 4.29.19
    Vicki said:

    So cute, and not random at all! Makes sense to use a pre-made frame when it’s inexpensive. I know yours was new, but you can do similar things with thrifted frames, there is an abundance of them! Work smarter, not harder!

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      Good idea Vicki, a thrifted frame would work really well too!

  9. 4.29.19
    Gail said:

    Hi Sarah! I love your blog! So informative. The herb picture is adorable! I love the dollar stores and also look for Craftsy stuff.

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Gail, glad to have you here!!

  10. 4.29.19
    Margie said:

    Sarah, Love the sign great inexpensive idea. It looks great on your shelf.

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Margie!

  11. 4.29.19
    Gina said:

    Such a great idea! 😍😍😍 I need to stalk my Target Dollar Spot!

  12. 4.29.19
    Janine said:

    Love this!!! You are so clever! It looks great and a perfect touch of spring😍😍😍

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thanks Janine, it was a fun project!

  13. 4.29.19
    Nancy said:

    I really like the way this project came together. It was definitely an idea I never would have came up with but I loved the end result. You are very creative and I would like to go antiquing with you. You have some great finds!

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      ah I would love that too Nancy!

  14. 4.29.19
    Carol Holtorf said:

    Clever….looks good

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thanks Carol!

  15. 4.30.19
    Laura Harrie said:

    Sarah, what a clever idea. Thanks for sharing your herb redo! Love it.

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thanks Laura!! It was a fun little project.

  16. 4.30.19

    Cute idea Sarah. Very reasonable on price. Thanks!💕

    • 4.30.19
      Sarah said:

      thanks Becky! xo

  17. 5.6.19
    Rachel said:

    Went to Target this weekend and was THRILLED to find this in my Dollar Spot after seeing this post. What are the dimensions of your frame? I’ll be searching Goodwill this week for a thrifted frame and was wondering what size you used.

    Thank you so much for the idea!!

  18. 5.13.19
    Judy O. Ayers said:

    Very clever.

  19. 5.28.19
    Pam said:

    Super cute and even better, these little signs of cuteness are now on clearance at Target for $0.50 each making it an even better deal!