I’m really fascinated with the journey of the Israelites after they were freed from slavery in Egypt. Known as the exodus, which occurred after the Israelites had been living in brutal slavery for 430 years (Exodus 12:40). God set them free with mighty and powerful acts. It’s one of my favorite events in the Bible. And as I was reading this all again a few weeks ago in the wee hours of the morning, a light bulb went off and I realized that God has given me my own exodus and similar journey in the wilderness.
I had a life changing experience with Jesus on July 30th, 2023. He met me when I was in a very low place and set me free from the chains of the enemy. It was a surreal, amazing moment that I will never forget. (I shared more about it here.) I still think about it every day and I’m still processing that experience. And since then, God continues to reveal new nuggets of wisdom about my encounter that open my eyes to who He really is. As I study the Israelites’ escape from slavery in Egypt and their journey through the wilderness to the promised land, I’m amazed at all the parallels with my own life in the last couple of years. Maybe you can relate too.
-lived in slavery for 430 years
-saved by the miraculous acts of God
-God did what no one else could do in order to rescue the Israelites from Egypt
-the exodus was just the beginning of their journey to freedom
-they were promised the land of Milk and Honey, but they had to get through the wilderness first
-in the wilderness, they had to unlearn everything they knew in order to trust the Lord fully
-the wilderness was meant to humble them and test them for their own good
-God supplied all their needs in the wilderness to teach them to rely fully on Him
-the wilderness was a process of slow growth and character building before reaching the Promised Land
-lived in slavery to the lies of enemy for years without even fully recognizing it
-Jesus did what no one else could do in order to free me from the chains of the enemy
-saved by the powerful blood of Jesus
-my darkness (aka slavery) made me desperate for a savior
-my exodus on July 30th started my own wilderness journey to full freedom
-in my wilderness, I’ve had to re-learn how to think and plant new seeds of truth
-my journey to the land of milk and honey represents my goal to experience a life-changing relationship with the one true God
I believe living in the promised land is waking up every day knowing that God’s got me. He knows my name and loves me. He will hold my hand and guide me through this life if I only surrender to Him and trust Him fully. My ultimate goal is to grow deeper and deeper in my relationship with Him. That’s truly the land of milk and honey.
This life is hard and we all walk through our own wilderness seasons at one time or another. But I’m so grateful that we have a God who loves us deeply and uses those times to grow our character. He will come for us in our slavery, free us, strengthen us, and remind us that we are never alone in this life.
“Though you are at the the ends of the earth, the Lord your God will go and find you and bring you back again.”
Deuteronomy 30:4
What a powerful reminder to those of us in the trenches of anxiety and fear. Thank you so much for sharing your own personal story.
Praying for you as you continue in this beautiful journey with Him. In the wilderness experience we discover that nothing is reliable or dependable except Him! “Keep the world, give me Jesus!”
Beautiful and brave – thank you for sharing with such an open and loving heart. God bless you and all of us on our journey toward our incredible and loving God. You truly are a joy. 🙂
I have longed for an experience similar to yours. An awakening, an undeniable one-on-one experience with Him. A vision or dream or out of body experience just to be that close to Him and feel His love?! You have been blessed. And I appreciate your sharing of what you are learning.
Beautiful! God is so amazing!