Life Lately, Working From Home Essentials + More

High five my friends, we made it to another Friday. How are you holding up? This week has been much better for me compared to last week, which I’m very grateful for. But I still have my moments–it’s such a crazy time in the world and my heart hurts for all of us. We’re all struggling in different ways (especially working from home with kiddos), but I know we’re in this together and we’ll make it through. I’m trying to focus on the fact that this won’t last forever and it WILL end.

Life will go back to normal. It’s just a matter of time before we’re back to our old shenanigans. What matters now is making the most of this time we have, staying healthy, and trying to see the positive. I truly hope you’re in a positive mindset and hanging in there! Today I wanted to pop in with a quick Friday Five post. I have a few random things to share!


God has been working on my heart a lot lately and I’m learning more than ever to let go and let Him take control of my life. I’ve really dug into my faith and prayer life these past few weeks and it’s been so good for me. I’m learning to trust Jesus fully, with every single aspect of my daily life, even when things feel out of control. I find my strength in Him and Him alone.

Right now I’m reading When the Enemy Strikes and it’s really opened my eyes to a lot of the pitfalls I’ve stepped into with my own thinking and self-talk. It’s been very enlightening to say the least (dare I say life changing!) and it’s been a huge help with my anxiety lately. I definitely still have my hard moments with everything going in the world, but I’m feeling more content and more at peace, which I’m very grateful for right now. I’m praying it stays that way!

Oversized Botanical Prints

The other day I had a lot of question about my canvas botanical print in the dining room. I’m so excited to share that I have a coupon code for you guys!! You can use JOY10 to save 10%. These come in a set of two and they are HUGE. Remember when I had them over our bed for a while??! I love them so much. See them HERE.


You guys know how much I love my Erin Condren LifePlanner–I’ve been raving about this thing for YEARS now. It’s something I use every single day to keep myself organized as I work from home and now even more as I’m homeschooling the kids! It’s one of my must have items. Anyway, I just noticed Erin Condren is doing a huge 60% off sale right now!! SO many of her planners are marked down right now, including the LifePlanners and notebooks. If you need any work from home essentials now is a great time stock up!

Shop my Erin Condren favorites:

Random Tidbits From the Week:

  • I am obsessed with my new daily devotional. It’s hands down the best devotional I’ve had and it’s been such a great source of comfort for me lately.
  • This week I’ve been using my diffuser every day, all day. My favorite blend has been four drops of Stress Away with four drops of Citrus Fresh. I also love Frankincense and Peace + Calming. SOOOOO good!
  • I just created a few new playlists on Spotify. I made a great Mood Booster playlist and a Praise playlist!
  • I’ve used this website a ton this week to print worksheets for my five year old. There are a bunch of great printables with all kinds of activities and they’re all free!
  • I got my new Hearth + Hand curtains hung up this week! They’re perfect for our living room.

Thanks so much for dropping by the blog today!! I seriously love you all and I really hope you are doing well. Sending big hugs your way. xoxo

Leave a Comment!


  1. 4.3.20
    Lorrie S. said:

    Great post Sarah. Happy Friday (the days all kind of blur together)

  2. 4.3.20
    deanne said:

    Hello,I love how it all looks,I would try hanging your new drapes from the bottom up, the pretty part is on the bottom, and the hem should be big enough for your curtain rod.
    Hang in there and find a way to be grateful you can stay home and safe knowing the docs and nurses are still out there ready to care for all if needed.

  3. 4.3.20
    Linda said:

    I love that you openly share your faith especially now at a time so many need to hear. God bless Sarah💕

  4. 4.3.20
    glenda lafont said:

    Stay well.

    • 4.4.20
      DanYelle said:

      ❤️❤️ Thank you for all you do! So positive and inspirational! Would you share where u purchased your patterned bed sheets please ?

      • 4.7.20
        Sarah said:

        I believe those are from Target! xo

  5. 4.3.20
    Kristy said:

    Thank you for sharing! I really needed the encouragement today. I am trying my very best to lean on Jesus and know that He is in control. This won’t last forever and soon will be over we just need to cling to our Father and family and friends. God Bless you!

  6. 4.3.20
    liz said:

    Hello Sarah, sending you a hug from far. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful tips while staying home safe, with your family, during these most anxious and scary time the world is going through. I keep praying each day that this all goes away soon, I’ve been gardening, reading and working a little from home. Very blessed for this. God bless all the medical field staff and all helping us during this scary time as well. I love your home, so beautiful. Let’s keep our faith and may y’all all be safe. Thank you Liz💖

    • 4.4.20
      Gina said:

      Thanks for sharing about the book and how it is helping you to walk closer to Him. I think we all yearn to draw closer these days.
      Prayers you and your family stay safe and healthy.

      • 4.7.20
        Sarah said:

        amen to that!!

  7. 4.3.20
    Ramona said:

    Sarah I love that you share your relationship with our God! That is what is getting me through these days also. Love and prayers for you and your family!

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      It’s what gets me through each day, Ramona!! I’d be nothing without Jesus!

  8. 4.3.20
    Linda quinton said:

    Thank you Sarah for your post you are such a inspiration and especially in these trying times. Have a great weekend.

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      thank you Linda, sending hugs your way! xo

  9. 4.3.20
    Susan said:

    Love your positive attitude ❤️

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      thank you Susan!

  10. 4.3.20
    Candy said:

    Good Morning Sarah
    God will get us through this and I certainly believe that, stay safe and healthy to you and your family.
    Love your bedroom bedding

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      amen to that!! xoxo

  11. 4.3.20
    Deedra said:

    Thanks for your post today! It’s nice to have something uplifting in these uncertain days.,I bought the devotional and love it. Charles Stanley is one of my favorite pastors! Your new curtains look really nice! Have a great weekend!

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      So glad you love the devotional! I’m in love with it!

  12. 4.3.20
    Kate said:

    Thank you for being so real and sharing the hard but also the way you stay positive! It’s inspiring 🥰

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      of course! Thanks for being here, Kate. xo

  13. 4.3.20
    Lisa L. Stankus said:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your thoughts. We can only get through this with the Lord! Thankfully, He is ALWAYS good! But you are right, that old devil likes to get in the way and get us to have stinkin thinkin!! Blessings to you and your family! I enjoy all that you share. Stay well!

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that, Lisa! I am nothing without Jesus!

  14. 4.3.20
    Tamara said:

    Love following you…
    My husband calls it creeping You bring normalcy to peoples lives just by talking about the ups and downs. Also love that you share your time w your mama…she’s a lucky lady to have u for a daughter. I have 3 grown sons in their 20s and I hope they bring me a beautiful daughter in law like you. Stay positive and healthy…God bless your journey.

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      Ah you are so very sweet, Tamara!! Thank you for the kind words. Sending big hugs to you! xo

  15. 4.3.20
    Lori said:

    Hi Sarah – can you comment on how your Arhaus sofa is holding up, how long you’ve had it, the stain resistance, etc? Thanks.

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      It’s holding up really well!! Even with the kids eating and jumping on it like crazies! We LOVE it.

  16. 4.4.20
    Sheilah Perry-Rosales said:

    Being seemed an essential worker is stressful.Many people are down right rude( more than usual) I just smile tell them to try to have a good day and wish them well.Thats my booster.Stsy well and happy!

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      You are amazing, hang in there Sheilah!! xoxo

  17. 4.6.20
    Diana Soliday said:

    I am going to order your devotional. Thank you for sharing. I love following you and love that you love Jesus!

    • 4.7.20
      Sarah said:

      oh yay, you’ll love that devotional!!