Vintage Inspired Entryway

I’ve been doing a lot of Spring cleaning lately. And by that I mean rearranging all the things and emptying out junk drawers. Close enough, right? This week my focus was on sprucing up our front entryway. I’ve just been bored with this space. Does that ever happen to you? You just get tired of looking at the same things in the same spot. And then all of a sudden you can’t stand it anymore and it has to be changed immediately or nothing will be right in the world. Yep, that’s what happened here. It was definitely time for a makeover. So I cranked up some music, poured myself a cup (or three) of coffee, and shopped the house a bit to create this vintage inspired entryway.

Old Door in EntrywayOld Door in Farmhouse Entryway

This old door has been in my garage for a while now, sitting lonely and sad, just waiting to be brought back to life. It’s a little more narrow than a typical door, so it fits really well in this spot. I love it paired with my cute little yellow bench. And I know what you’re thinking…how many old doors can one girl have in a single house? Many, my friends. Many.

Old Door in Entryway

The home sign was really easy to create. I found the vintage “home” cutout at an antique show last summer. I simply hung it from a few nails on this old piece of wood and voila!

Old Door in Entryway

Old Door in Entryway Old Door in Entrway

My adorable Farmer’s Market pillow is from Kendra with So Vintage Chic. If you’re a fan of really cute and personalized pillows, definitley check out her Etsy shop.

Old Door Vintage Inspired Entryway Old Door Vintage Inspired Entryway Old Door Vintage Inspired in Entryway Old Door in Entryway

Old Door in Entryway

Those of you that follow me on Instagram know that I’ve been dying to paint my fireplace white. It’s been on my to-do list forrrrrrever. Well, technically just since last July when we moved in, but you get the idea. I’m happy to say that I’m planning to tackle this project in the next few weeks–it’s on my summer project list. Painting brick is something I’ve never done, so I am a little nervous, but I cannot wait to see the transformation. Stay turned for that project!

Old Door in Entryway

Old Door in Entryway

So that’s my entryway makeover. I’m so glad I finally made myself dedicate a little time and energy to this space. It’s crazy how a few simple changes can make an entire room feel brand new. And the best part is I didn’t have to spend any money. That is a big plus in my book. Thanks so much for stopping by friends! Be sure to track me down on Facebook and Instagram, where I’m sharing all the things all the time.

Vintage inspired entryway with old door


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  1. 5.28.16
    Janet said:

    I love the changes! Looks so welcoming! I painted my brick fireplace white several years ago and I love how it changed my whole room. The bricks had a lot of pink…yeah…pink and I was not a fan. My husband and I are almost done with paining the bricks on the outside of the house. I love the way it has turned out. Good luck with yours! It’s very easy, although the bricks soak up a lot of paint.

    • 5.28.16
      Sarah said:

      Thanks so much for the feedback Janet! Sounds like you did a great job on your brick. I can’t wait to start mine, it’s finally time!

  2. 5.28.16

    I love it!!!! I have an old door in the garage, I have been thinking about spraying it with mirror paint…I do believe it is on my to do list now for the holiday weekend 😉

  3. 5.28.16
    Rhonda said:

    Your home is very pretty????

  4. 6.20.16

    I appreciate you finally talking about >Vintage Inspired Entryway – Little Vintage Nest
    <Loved it!

  5. 8.13.17
    Keisha said:

    What color yellow is your bench?

    • 8.13.17
      Sarah said:

      I’m not sure Keisha, it was painted that color when I got it. Sorry I can’t be more help!

  6. 1.24.19
    Solie said:

    Love your Vintage entry decor. How did you hang jars with flowers on wall. I love everything thing you did❤️