Vintage Crib Frames in Cozy Guest Bedroom

Hiya peeps! And happy Thursday. I hope your week is going along splendidly. Today I’m back with more vintage goodness for your viewing pleasure. I’m actually sharing a pair of old crib frames I found on clearance for $10 at an antique shop last summer. Seriously, ten bucks for the pair. It was definitely a good day on the junkin’ trail. Originally I put these on the wall in our basement, but I never really liked them there. Eventually I took them down and they’ve basically sat in our garage since then. Sad, right? Completely unacceptable if you ask me. The fact that I couldn’t find a good spot for them was honestly driving me crazy. I couldn’t take it any longer, so I recently grabbed them from the garage and spent about 2 days walking around the house with them before I finally settled on a spot. And the guest bedroom was the winner! Of course this meant I had to move a few other things around, which basically resulted in a bit of a spring refresh in our guest bedroom. That tends to happen a lot around here–I change one little thing and then before I know it BOOM. The whole room has been rearranged and everything is different. Surely you do this too, right?

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas. Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas. Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas. Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

Aren’t these old frames the prettiest shade of blue? They’re exactly the pop of color this room needed. I considered putting a wreath on each one, but I decided that would just distract from their beauty. And if you’re wondering, I simply used a couple screws to secure them to the wall.

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

We actually found those large porch posts on either side of the bed at an auction last summer. We got 4 of them, along with a ton of old railings and spindles. I love using architectural pieces like this to decorate–it’s just a fun way to mix it up and add a bit of interest to the room.

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas. Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

Vintage Crib Frame in Guest Bedroom. Vintage farmhouse bedroom decor ideas.

I still can’t believe I scored this pair of vintage crib frames for just $10. I just love how they look in this room, they’ve added some much needed charm and character to the space. Plus it feels soooooo good to know they’re no longer living a sad and lonely life in the garage. Shame on me for neglecting them for so long, that wasn’t cool. But at least they have a home now in our guest bedroom. I love them in here and I think this is the perfect spot for them. At least for now anyway! You never know when I’ll get the crazy notion to move things around and change up this room again. Pretty sure I’m addicted to rearranging all the things.

Well that’s it for me today my friends. I’d love to hear what you think of my vintage crib frames and this cozy guest bedroom!

Shop the Room:

Other Sources:

Farmhouse sign: House of Boys & Beauty // Tobacco basket: Hobby Lobby // Flowers & greenery: Michael’s // Grain sack pillow: Thrifted find


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  1. 2.23.17
    Ann said:

    Those are just lovely. They really made that room pop. The room looks gorgeous and so farmhousey. I love those check pillows, where did you get them.?

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Ann! I found those pillows at Target.

  2. 2.23.17
    Marilyn Soto said:

    I am swooning over these -The color is sooooooo perfect ……. and you just have a gift for putting things together. I’m reminded of Proverbs 24:4 so often when I read your posts.

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      I looked up that verse Marilyn, thank you so much for sharing it with me. I love it! xoxo

  3. 2.23.17
    Jana said:

    Absolutely precious Sarah! Those were an amazing vintage find with that color! I can move one table or lamp or wall frame and that translates into a 3 room re-do… I love it!! Thanks for sharing such a darling room!

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      You and me both Jana! It’s an addiction. But there could be worse things, right?!

  4. 2.23.17
    Terry Germain said:

    Very pretty love the color of the crib frames.

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Terry, I love that blue too!

  5. 2.23.17
    Tricia said:

    Love Love Love ????????????

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Tricia!

  6. 2.23.17
    Julie B. said:

    Love your style! Hope you are feeling well!

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Julie. I’m feeling great and I have a pregnancy update coming next week!! Eek!

  7. 2.23.17
    Jody said:

    Yep, you definitely found a gem at bargain price. They really do add a lot of country charm and character to the room. Excellent find/ excellent space! Have a great day, thanks for sharing your ideas.

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Jody, I appreciate that!

  8. 2.23.17
    Mary said:

    Love ????

  9. 2.23.17
    Teri said:

    I love it! I’d feel so cozy in there I’d never want to leave. Well done ❤

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Right, Teri? I kind of want to take it over as my own room!

  10. 2.23.17
    Denise said:

    Just when I think you can’t outdo the cuteness of any of your rooms….BOOM!….you do it again! Amazing, love it!! Now I want to go redo my guestroom! You might have to slow down with the rearranging….I can’t keep up LOL (just kidding)

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Haha, thanks for the giggle Denise! xoxo

  11. 2.24.17
    Becky said:

    They look amazing. I love the blue.

    • 2.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Becky!

  12. 2.26.17
    Rachel said:

    Something else to add to my junking list…..So pretty!

  13. 3.11.17
    Char said:

    Where is your bedding from? Love the comforter!!

    • 3.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Hi Char. That’s from Target actually. I wish I had the link but I can’t seem to find this exact bedding anymore.

  14. 5.5.20
    Donna Lail said:

    Beautiful I love this