Remember last week when I shared our front room with its snazzy new paint color? Well what I didn’t show you was the other side of the room, which is where our staircase is located. I wanted to wait and share that in a separate post so we could chat about a few ideas I’m kicking around to update our stairs. And I’d actually love to get some input from you fabulous people! See I’ve been dreaming of painting our stairs since the day we moved in two years ago. I never loved the combo of the yellow walls and oak floors, so it’s a project that’s been on my to-do list for a long time now. But I couldn’t make up my mind about what I wanted to do. I kept bouncing from one idea to the other without ever committing to anything. My husband says I’m indecisive, but I like to think of it as considering all of my options before jumping into a decision. That sounds better, right?! Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have you guys weigh in on my choices today. But first let me show you this space with the fresh new paint. Here’s how it looked before in all its fabulous yellow glory:
And here’s how it looks now with the new paint, which is Alabaster by Sherwin Williams:
Quite the change right?! I know I sound like a (really annoying) broken record at this point, but my goodness–paint has magical powers. It’s seriously amazing how it can transform any space. This whole area just looks bigger and more open with the new paint. I absolutely looooooove it.
I decided to simplify this staircase by hanging that gorgeous scroll in place of the gallery wall I had on the wall before. It was all starting to feel a bit cluttered to me, so I am loving this simple change. And isn’t that old french door a beauty?!
Ok, so here are the options I’m considering for this staircase:
- I could paint the whole entire thing white like in this photo. Banister, spindles, risers, steps–the whole shebang. I’d do the same color that’s on our trim, which is Cloud White by Benjamin Moore.
- I could paint just the spindles and the risers white like in this photo. This is the more conservative option and I think it would tie in well with the floor.
- Paint the banister white and replace the wood spindles with black iron railings like in this photo.
- Do nothing and call it good.
Right now I’m leaning towards paining the banister and the risers white and leaving the rest alone. I’m not a huge fan of painting spindles because it takes forrrrrrever, so I hesitate to even go down that road. If you’ve painted spindles before you know how awful that is! But at the same time I also kinda love the idea of switching out the spindles all together for black rod iron like in JoJo’s house. That would be a HUGE change and I think it could look amazing with the fresh white paint….Plus I’ve been really loving the high contrast look of black and white lately. And then of course there’s the option of just leaving it alone and not even dealing with any of that malarkey. You know, take the easy road for change. What’s a girl to do! So many choices, I’m not sure how I’ll decide. What do you think?! Let me know, I’d seriously love to hear it.
Thanks so much for stoping by the blog today. I always appreciate it! xo
My vote would be option #2.
I think option 2 as well! It would be a perfect balance between the beautiful new walls and tie in and complement the floors. I cannot believe how much more open it looks! I’ve been craving a lot of white and clean simplicity in my home now, too. Cannot wait to see what you decide!!
My vote would be #2 . Or you can put non permanent wall paper on the risers also. Change it up depending on your mood and the holidays.
I vote #2! 🙂
Absolutely option 2. I painted my stairs like this and love it.
Ok, I’m with these girls. Option 2 is my favorite by far!
#2 – I am facing the same decision and I really like #2 – thanks for a great post!
I switched out my spindles for black 2 years ago and still look at them in amazement,I love them and they then tie into the other black elements you have going on,such as the print on the wall hanging.I would start with that and see what you think and go from there.You can find them on clearance.Good luck
Number 2. Jo Jo’s is nice but too industrial for your space. IMO. Stay vintage my LVN friend. Sarah, where did you find your chandelier? I love it!
I love the look of option 2. However I would be really concerned with how well the white paint on the risers would hold up. With small children (mom of boys here) I could see that getting very marked up and dingy looking. But I do LOVE the look!!
I also vote for # 2 I did that in my last house and loved it! I love your house and all your decorating ideas!!
I would go for option 2! 🙂
Option #2 is my vote! Keeps the fresh open look going!
I say make it like Jojo’s. I love the farmhouse look with some metal and industrial in there. I think it breaks it up a bit and I live the contrast. Too much of a good thing is not a good thing😉
I think option number 2. I do think it will really brighten the staircase!
Option 2 for me as well.
I would do something fun with risers on the stairs…paint or tile…I think the contrast as it is now with your new paint color looks good and goes well with the floors.
I like option #2, but looking past the stairs and railing in your last photo, I see black curtain rods and a black iron chandelier. I think a great option would be to replace the railing with a simple wrought iron railing. There’s not a lot of railing, but I think it could make a big impact. I enjoy your blog!
Option #2 would look really nice!
I vote option 2. It’s the perfect balance.
Option 2 for sure- although I’m always a fan of adding some black …. I just don’t think it would go in this space .
Option 2 is fresh, classic and is in “step” with your style.
I love the look now. Its clean, bright, and the natural wood keeps it from looking clinical.
We have just completed some painting here also. Our rooms were the beige color in variations that was on your walls. I’m so GLAD to have that gone.
Happy hump day!
If you decide to do anything, option #2 is the best for your space. Although I do agree you could put non permanent wallpaper on the risers. One thing I did see before was someone had painted the risers white then stenciled in numbers on each step for teaching their little ones to count.
Option #2, however I would leave it how it is right now for a while to see if it grows on you a bit more. You can always paint the spindles white down the road.
Agreed option 2 would be my pick
#2, love it. I think it would look great with your floors.
I think I agree it would look good with the bannister and risers white., but we have a white bannister and there’s so much traffic touching that white bannister it needs wiped down more often and has needed touch ups. You do have a beautiful home😊
Definitely option number 2! I think that would be super pretty!
I agree with the others……Option 2 is my favorite as I like the combo of the white and wood. I have a question…..what do you use to hang things on your walls? You do a lot of changing as I have seen you use the same pieces in different areas. Do you use command strips or small nails?
option #2
I really like option #2 as well and on the fence for # 3 but I would pick different black spindles. Love your posts!!
Leave it alone…I know I know not what you wanted to hear, but I have an idea. I love the idea of white, oak and black but on this amazing staircase I would go with a stair runner with stair rods in white wrought iron. OMG it would look amazing!!!!!!!
Enjoy a blessed day with your family
Love your blog friend,
I love the black railings…..I love the contract of black with the oak stain and the white. Looks so fresh. Black is like eyeliner! And it will draw the eye to that unbelievable staircase of yours when you walk in the door. Love it!
I like #2! Brightens the stairs, but I would worry if you painted them 100% white (like option 1) that they’d show dirt quickly or chip. I wouldn’t want to paint the spindles, either.
I vote for option #2. Love all your post.
I like option 3 the best.
I am also facing the same decision in my house. I can’t believe I’m going to vote on something other than Joanna’s look, but in this case I think option 2 would be beautiful in your house. Looking forward to seeing what you decide!
I’m with the majority- option 2 would lol fab!
I agree option 2, another stencil idea inbetween steps one of your favorite verses would look cute. The option black railing would have to be very simple but great added texture
Love your site
My husband always says “why fix it if it isn’t broke”. I love it the way it is. Enjoy it and go on to another spot. I would throw a pretty quilt over the banister. Or a place and white one since you like the idea of black!
Paint, or replace, the spindles with black paint or iron.
I say option 2 or leave it alone. It is beautiful as is, but if you just had to make a change, I vote #2.
Option #2 except white spindles and wood Bannister. Or switch out the spindles for black iron!
Thanks Sarah I needed to read this post… whether it be paint choices or any other thing that makes you question yourself, always believe in your gut!
I also think #2 is your only option. The black iron is too contemporary for your look. Good luck.
I think option 2, paint spindles and risers. I am redoing my stairs as well. But instead of painting risers white I am looking into putting white ceramic tile there. I am hoping to find tiles that are raised in areas, not just smooth and ones with an antique look to them. Can’t wait to see what your finished product looks like (if you do it 😉)
My vote is option 2
I would do option 2. We painted our banister black and we kept the spindles white. We love it! I love the black and white contrast too!
I say leave the stairs alone! I like the wood with the gray!
I vote for option #2! If you paint the steps, you’re going to have a lifetime of keeping them painted, because with 3 kids, the paint is going to wear no matter what you use as a sealer.
Definitely option 2 with maybe a sweet white/grey or more contrasting stair runner!
Hands down #2! I’m doing the exact same thing to our staircase this week after months of contemplation and viewing hundreds of photos. I decided that painting the bannister would reveal too many dirty smudges and fingerprints, therefore, I’m keeping mine natural oak like the steps, but painting the risers and molding. Can’t wait to see your reveal!
I like the idea of changing the spindles to black metal. I love that look.
Sarah i would only paint white what doesnt seem to get much wear and tear. That means the risers and spindles. I have painted my risers white and they hold up beautifully. As for the banister it will get more wear and tear than you think.
Option #2 for sure.
My vote is for #2 It is the most versatile without being the most permanent. You can change it up later if you want and it is fresh and new without going too far from your current aesthetic.
I think the staircase looks gorgeous the way it is; it really stands out against the fresh white paint. But if you’re really wanting a change I would vote option 2!
Ha ha ha can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to leave my vote!! It’s #2 for me too! Loving the grey walls by the way x
I love option # 2 or option # 4
I would paint the spindles white! I just finished doing mine and I love how it brightened the entry. It honestly wasn’t that bad. I had debated doing it for over a year and finally just did it. I think the “orange” spindles are too much. Leave the banister and steps oak and do the spindles and risers in white.
You could do a happy compromise and paint the banister black, then the spindles and risers white. That way you get the contrast you want along with a softer look for the stairs like this
Just a thought. It looks beautiful though! You can’t go wrong, even just leaving them as they are!
I agree with this post. The black would tie in with your chandelier, the handrail supports on the wall, window hardware In the room beyond, and other black touches in your accessories.
First of all your new paint color there looks fresh and amazing! I vote option 2 also. I agree with the others that have said the black iron spindles just don’t go with the beautiful vintage look you have. It all looks so good!
My vote is #2 as well! That would look perfect I think!
I guess I am going to go against the majority; but I would not do anything. I like the look of the staircase coordinating with the wood floors. With little hands (and big ones too!) I think you would be wiping the white off all the time or having to touch-up the paint a lot due to scuff marks on the stairs or marks on the railing. Because your walls are white does not necessarily mean the staircase should be also.
Risers and spindles white. Maybe add a runner?
I would go with #2! I would maybe consider a runner though, it’s not so permanent, can add color/texture and can be removed or changed after wear and tear takes place, or just ready for a change. We just bought a new house and are battling some bad stair renos right now – I would go for #2 with a runner if I could!
Definitely option 2!!!
Good morning. Had to add my two cents…..have to go with most of the other girls, love option # 2. For your home, I think it would be so pretty and complimentary to the rest of the house. 💞
option # 2 gets my vote. A perfect new look!
I say leave it 😀
#2 fits your style the best I think. I know what ever you choose it will be beautiful!! Did you have a fix for getting musty smell out of old furniture? I was thinking I had read it on your blog. Can you let me know if you have a solution to my smelly problem on a book case with glass doors.
Hi Mary Kaiser, I have purchased a few vintage pieces & one smelled musty. It’s a bookcase, no doors. I crumpled up newspaper, filled shelves & then “encased” it in plastic that painters use. Left it outside for a couple of days & then it was fine. Hope that helps💗
I am going to be odd one out. I love #1. But 2 would be good to.
You could paint the risers first and see how you like it. Painting the spindles would be a nightmare unless you’re having a professional do it for you. I also like the idea of leaving the stairs as is and putting in a runner. As the old saying goes, “If in doubt, do without.” Unless you’re totally sure of what you want, don’t do anything.
Painting spindles isn’t that difficult….I’ve done it several times. It’s not rocket science …it just takes patience. 🙂
I’d pick #2! I like the iron railing, but it feels a little cold for the warmth that your house usually has. The spindles just seem so much more your style. I know styles evolve, but I’d hate to experiment on something that isn’t easily changed.
Have you considered adding textured wallpaper to the risers? Look it up on Pinterest- it’s so pretty and paintable! I bet it would take less time to apply it to the risers that painting multiple coats of paint on each one. Follow your gut!
I would go with option #2. Unpainted stairs and your beautiful floors compliment each other.
Love that scroll!!
Look forward to reading your posts daily.
I really like option #2, painting the risers and spindles white. Although I really like the wrought iron look, it is expensive and may date the look after awhile; whereas wood is timeless and can easily be updated. I am also a fan of the black and white! I love using it because you can change the look with pops of color.
Definitely a huge fan of #2. BUT….I could also see #3 looking amazing too if you didn’t want to fuss with painting the spindles! 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Hi Sarah, I would leave the stairs as is for at least 2-3 months. See if you can “live” with it. I think the black is too “industrial” for the overall look of your Sweet Home. My home was built in 1925. It’s has beautiful stair rails/risers that were painted a baby-poo yellowish green. Well! That had to GO immeditiately! We painted rails, risers, spindles a very pretty white. It takes a lot of up-keep, chips, & smudges appear out of nowhere in the dark of night🤪 I’m sure you have another project lined up to keep your mind off the stairs for a bit. You do have quite the lovely home, have fun!
Option 2 is my vote. Paint the spindles, leave the banister. Use this painter’s mitt (much easier than a brush or roller) and you’re on to a whole new look!
Other than considering your little people & tiny feet up & down stairs, my vote is #1.
Option #2
Wow, Sarah! I just love the transformation of this space! I can honestly picture your stairs looking amazing with any of the three options. I think the black railing would look amazing with your high ceiling and the way your stairs angle. However, I would probably still have to give option #2 a try. I just love that look.
Option #2 is my favorite and I think you would be happiest with it. If you paint the steps I think it would be too much upkeep, so doing just the risers is a great way to go.
I really love option #2. I think it would look great with the newly painted walls.
Option 2… I like how it helps tie-in the flooring. 🙂 Seems like a HUGE majority for this choice!
Sarah, have you tried the Zibra spindle brushes for painting… spindles, obviously? 😉 I’ve heard they are amazing, and I love the other chisel brush from Zibra that I use on my furniture.
And, BTW, the paint looks amazing! The creamy yellow looked so pretty before, but now… crazy!
Loving option #2!!!
Yep, Sarah, I like #2 also. The thought of doing my own stairs makes me start sweating. I think
if you hire someone – go for #2. If you would have to do the painting – it looks fabulous right now!!!
I vote for option 2. Love that look and would look amazing in your home!
Good luck.
I vote for iron! It is a little costly, but makes things feel more updated and somehow warmer. My banister is a combination of the wood and iron and I love it!
whew! option 2 seems to be the popular choice! I like it…a lot…but I’m more cautious. I say paint the handrail and spindles first, leave the stairs natural and live with it for awhile. You may find a fresh coat of paint solves it without the expense of adding the black wrought iron spindles. If you still think you want to change it after you’ve lived with the white for a bit, you’re only out the paint and a bit of labor. Then you’ll know that going with the black wrought iron spindles is absolutely the right way to go.
Your posts are so fun !! Def #2. So classy and not trendy like wrought iron would be. Hire it out !! ♥️
WOW I am going to be SEVERLY outnumbered but I’ll cast my vote anyways!! Option 2 is my least favourite 😬 not that I dislike it it’s just safe and kinda boring!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of the contrasting iron black railing so bummer 3 is definitely my favourite but otherwise I like option 1. All white would be so nice and fresh!! But like you said ALOT of work!!
I’m going to be different, I love option 3!!
I agree with you… option 2.
How about staining the stair rail black? Less expensive than changing the spindles… And it would tie in well with all the black details. Something like this :
I really like your blog!
I know the overwhelming response it #2, but just in case you have not decided yet… I vote for #2 too! 😉
My opinion is option 2, too. Option 3 seems too industrial for the style in your home. Option 1, I feel like the charm of the open staircase would fade. Option 2 keeps the depth and contrast while maintaining the charm of your home. And the white risers with white spindles aren’t a defining style that you’ll always feel like you have to style around. They can adapt to many different styles. More versatile overall and gorgeous.
option 2!!!
I happen to love the oak staircase so my first choice would be do nothing. Second choice would be risers and spindles white. I think all white would be too much and be hard to keep looking clean. I also think you need to leave at least some oak showing to tie in with the floor and provide some contrast with all the white. If you paint the spindles, I’m pretty certain I’ve seen special rollers just for that purpose. Would definitely do some searching for tips on painting spindles. I think even just painting the risers would lighten it up, without painting the spindles. You could even do a pretty stencil on the risers to give them some interest. I’m not a fan of white walls for my own home, as I have all white trim and doors, but in yours it is beautiful!
Option #2. This would give it great contrast!
I would put carpet just in the center of each stair so that the wood shows on the sides. I am a klutz and would be scared to have non-carpeted stairs in my house.
In the past year, I have fallen down my stairs twice.
I think I would go with option #2.
Hi Sarah! The room looks fantastic! I too vote for #2, I think that would look absolutely perfect in your house!
Option 2 would look amazing. You would have the white look, but still have some depth with the treads and the handrails.
I finally made the decision to paint my risers white last year. It was the biggest mistake of my life. I bought the most expensive paint on the planet and did all that taping, priming and painting myself. Now I could just cry. Smudges and kick marks every week. I must admit the paint is beautiful and magic eraser does remove all the marks. The paint has NOT chipped or dinged at all. But way too much upkeep-especially during he holidays. If you do paint your risers, buy the hardest wearing paint and cases of magic erasers. My husband and I never wear shoes in our home. But visiting children and guests certainly have made their marks! My husband thinks it was the dumbest decision that I ever made and refuses to hear me complain about the upkeep any more. I don’t have the option of stripping the risers now. Be very objective when you make your final decision. Are you looking for a great look for photos that is high maintenance? Best advice-TREAD LIGHTLY!
I am a little late to the game with IMO, but I think option 2. That is what I did 9 years ago, when we moved into our home. Ripped off the carpet on the steps, painted the risers, banister and spindles white and haven’t looked back. My kids were little then and so was the dog. It has held up really well with only a need for touch up paint here and there. Oh and magic eraser, Mr. Clean is a lifesaver.
Good luck with your project your home is beautiful.
Option 2! Or 4…they already look beautiful!
I am not going with the majority, I think it looks so beautiful the way it is~ I really do, and just being practical, I cant imagine having white on the steps with lil kids, I don’t know how you could keep it white looking. Just my humble opinion, I know whatever u choose it will be gorgeous, but I think with your walls painted your stairs don’t look orangy anymore. Looks beautiful!
Well, I know you probably don’t want another vote for #2 but I gotta say that it
keeps the cottage and warm feeling to the house. All white is too much white and
not feeling the iron posts, that totally takes away from the vintage vibe and honestly
not sure what Joanna was thinking when she did that in a “Victorian” house??
Option #2 gets my vote!
If you have the extra cash I’d go with JoAnn’s style, it is gorgeous!
My choice would be option #2
I think option one would require too much care and touch up. Option 2 and three I like. Option 2, go dark on the treads, posts, and hand rail, and white balusters and risers. Giving a contrast to your floors and the feel of #3.
This is nice. I liked option 2. Thanks for sharing this post.
I would either paint the spindles white or change them to wrought iron. I have done both, white first and now wrought iron. I love them! It breaks up all the white and I have black accents so it goes with everything. I have my risers white and I do love them when they aren’t scuffed. I do keep a magic eraser close by.
How about a fifth option. Paint the spindles white, and the top rail a high gloss black. I know for our household, stepping on white steps would never work. Whatever you chose, I am sure it will be beautiful, and work well for your family.
The whole room looks beautiful as it is! I can understand the need for change though, so Option 2 gets my vote. Looking forward to seeing what your final decision turns out to be.
Warm Regards,
Hen in a Farmhouse Nest
I would paint your banister railing and newel post black and the spindles and risers white for a crisp clean look. Every room needs a touch of black!
Good Luck!
LOVE that idea!! I agree, every room needs a bit of black.
I love these stairs I saw in one of Joanna’s pictures!! I have it saved to do in my home one day
I would paint the stairs and spindles white, the banister, newel posts and trim a medium-dark grey and do a painted runner down the middle of the stairs in a complimentary grey with white banding. 🙂
This is awesome, Its simple but beautiful. Thank you for sharing this one.
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