Something Exciting Happened!

Soooooo something pretty cool happened recently and I have to share with with you all because I’m freaking out just a tad bit. You guys, our little fixer upper and was featured in an eight page spread in Flea Market Home and Living!!!!

I’m honestly struggling right now to even form words and proper sentences because I can hardly wrap my mind around the fact that our home and my humble little blog was featured in such an amazing magazine. I’ve had a few other small magazine features over the past two years (a photo of my summer porch is in the current issue of the Country Sampler Farmhouse Style edition!) but never a whole spread like this. EIGHT PAGES of our little cottage. Seriously, someone pinch me because this feels like a dream. It’s beyond surreal and I just feel so incredibly honored and proud to see our humble home and my blog featured in such a cool way.

This weekend I tried to slow down to really process all of this. I wanted to just reflect on how far things have come. Not only with our home and all of the projects we’ve done over the past two years, but with me too. I never could have imagined all of the amazing opportunities that would come my way because of this blog. And to be really honest, I don’t consider myself to be a “designer” that should be gracing the pages of national decor magazines. Not even close actually. In fact, I feel like a total misfit. I have absolutely zero formal training. And I don’t pay attention to any rules or proper lingo when it comes to design. I’m simply making a home for my family and sharing it along the way. But somehow God has brought these incredible opportunities my way. I am just SO grateful and I give Him all the glory.

I can’t help but think back to when our story began with this little 1980’s fixer upper. I can remember the exact moment I walked through the front door for the very first time. I instantly got that tingly magic feeling in the pit of my stomach and I knew this was the one. Fast forward a few months and I was sharing our renovation projects on my brand new blog. It’s crazy to see how much work we’ve put into this place and all that has happened over these past two and a half years. I never could have imagined how this home would bless our lives. And I gotta say, it’s a pretty cool feeling to see our little fixer upper spread across this magazine.

I’m sharing this with you guys today because I want this to inspire you to chase your dreams and follow your heart. I know that sounds cliche and some of you might be rolling your eyes right about now, but TRUST ME. If I can do this, then the sky is the limit for us all. I truly believe that if you’re following your heart and working hard, nothing will stop you. Don’t be afraid to take that first step into the unknown, even if you have no clue what you’re doing. Just show up and give it everything you’ve got.

Thank you all for always having my back and for the constant support and kindness! Really, you are awesome humans. xo

PS: The magazine is on stands now and you can find at places like Walgreens, Target, Safeway, Barnes & Noble, and Wal-Mart stores nationwide.

Leave a Comment!


  1. 1.10.18
    Kim said:

    Congratulations- that is so amazing!! Your talent will be seen by everyone.
    Thank you for sharing yourself and your talent with us all.

  2. 1.10.18
    Shari said:

    Congratulations! That is so very exciting. You are now even more famous than you were.

  3. 1.10.18
    Marty Oravetz said:

    How exciting and thrilling. Congratulations!!!! This is amazing.

  4. 1.10.18
    Mary said:

    Wow, how exciting! So very happy for you! Is this issue out now? Can’t wait to read it!! You’re an inspiration 🙂

  5. 1.10.18
    Marilyn S. said:

    Oh my goodness ! Can’t wait to get this issue . Did you know they were doing this and had to keep it quiet did they interview you or did they just use your images and info from your blog? This is so exciting (I feel like I know you) so it’s like a “friend” of mine is featured in a magazine . You are so right -God has been very good to you and has honored your faithfulness to trust him .

  6. 1.10.18
    Jan Canales said:

    Congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you and it is a well deserved honor!

  7. 1.10.18
    Debbie said:

    That is great news. Love seeing pics of your home. I’m in process of changing to farmhouse decor. Also wanted to ask about the magazine. Where can I find it. I’m in South Carolina. Have a great day

  8. 1.10.18
    Lois H said:

    How exciting for you! I always enjoy seeing your home decor. You have the gift of design, training or not! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing.

  9. 1.10.18
    Sally Brown said:

    Congratulations, you have worked hard and been rewarded.

  10. 1.10.18
    Lisa said:

    So exciting! Congratulations!

  11. 1.10.18
    Nikki said:

    You don’t need any special training in design. God blessed you with a natural talent. Congratulations on the magazine! I bought it a few days ago because I knew of someone else being featured in it, I was so happy to see your home too!

  12. 1.10.18
    Katherine said:

    Congratulations! I love most concepts of up cycled creations but you always manage to take all you do to a classy, easy to follow, finish. You also use budget friendly decorating tips/tricks & accessories, which I so very much appreciate. Pls sit back & enjoy enjoy this very hard earned recognition. I will, as always, eagerly look forward to all of your ideas to come.

  13. 1.10.18
    Linda said:

    So exciting! Joanna didn’t have formal training either lol! Farmhouse is about home and family and love. You have that. And a great faith in God. That to me is farmhouse and why I love your blog. I am retired now and when your emails pop up you start my day with a smile. Thank you for what you do.

  14. 1.10.18
    Tammy Ganci said:

    Congratulations!! Well deserved as it shows on this blog and in the magazine(s)!! I also am following my dream. I am in the process of starting a small from home business that should be alot of fun along with good, fun hard work. Maybe a blog or website is in my future, but only time will tell.

    Enjoy another blessed day with your beautiful family,
    Love your blog friend,

  15. 1.10.18
    Karen Moss said:

    Congratulations! I love reading your blog. Do you have a link to subscribe to this magazine? I can’t seem to find it on Google search.

    • 1.10.18
      Maureen said:

      I can’t find the magazine either?

  16. 1.10.18
    Lisa said:

    Congratulations Sarah!!! I’m so happy for you!!! I am new to your blog, just found you a couple months ago but I love it!!! I’m going to pick this up after work today!!!
    Again congratulations!!!

  17. 1.10.18
    Barb said:

    Thank you for just being you! That’s what is such an inspiration to all of us! I always look forward to your blog, I’ve been renovating my house (part of it was a two room school house) so always look forward to seeing your new ideas. Congratulations!!

  18. 1.10.18
    Anna said:

    So happy for you! You have worked so hard and truely deserve this!!!
    Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us!💚

  19. 1.10.18
    Michelle said:

    Congratulations Sarah!! This is so amazing, thank you for being such an inspiration! I love following your blog!

  20. 1.10.18
    Rhonda S said:

    Gonna go out today to get my copy…I am SO happy for you Sarah! You are being noticed because you are not like every other blog, you don’t pay attention to any rules, you just want to make a sweet little nest for you and yours. Love all you put out there, keep up the great work! People do notice. 🙂

  21. 1.10.18
    Judy said:

    Congratulations, Sarah, that is so cool to get published like that! Very cool to have a celebrity in the neighborhood:-)

  22. 1.10.18
    Theresa Wilson said:

    Sweet Sarah this is so exciting. Isn’t it amazing how God works in just the least of us!! I always enjoy reading your blog, inspired by your creative ideas and learning more about you and your precious family. Keep it up… telling what God has next sweet girl.

  23. 1.10.18
    Maureen Hansen said:

    well deserved! Congratulations!

  24. 1.10.18
    Marcie said:

    Congrats Sarah,

    I’m so excited for you! How exciting…I would have fainted. Lol. Wow!
    I’m going to the Walmart store here in my new little town & I’m going to find that Magazine! Wooo Hoooo. 😀

    God blesses us for hard work & being diligent! You certainly earned it because you help others. Thank you for all you do & sharing your ideas with us all. Kudos Sarah. <3

    God Bless,

    Marcie 🙂

  25. 1.10.18
    Karen said:

    Congratulations! The good Lord has blessed you with an awesome talent. Beautiful and exciting! Thanks for sharing with each of us.

  26. 1.10.18
    Dina said:

    Congratulations!! So happy for you.

  27. 1.10.18
    Trish said:

    Why shouldn’t it! Your home is beautiful & you have wonderful ideas!
    Congratulations Sarah! Thank you for sharing!

  28. 1.10.18
    Dot said:

    Wow!! How wonderful for you! It is well deserved. You are a gifted designer and I look forward to reading your blog every day. Will definitely be purchasing a copy of the magazine. Woot! Woot!

  29. 1.10.18
    Lisa Sraders said:

    I just LOVE your heart. It is amazed and humbled! You are real and share your realness with us. Thank you! I think your place is DARLiNG! You do NOT need to have formal training…it is a gift from God! You have great ideas, and I also think you are so gifted in teaching…I LOVE your tutorials!!! Be blessed, darling lady…!

  30. 1.10.18
    Donna said:

    That is so awesome! Congratulations Sarah! I will definitely be picking up a copy! I love reading your blog (it’s my favorite)and following your stories on Instagram! Love how you have decorated your beautiful house! Thank you for sharing!

  31. 1.10.18
    Jodie said:

    Truly so very happy for you, Sarah! You have worked so hard. Congratulations!

  32. 1.10.18
    Kimberly said:

    Congratulations! Your home looks gorgeous!! So happy for you.

    Kim xx

  33. 1.10.18
    Judy Wright said:

    YAY!!! I am SOO excited for you!! This is so deserved! Yours is the FIRST blog I open every day–honestly! I love your styling and ideas….you have inspired me and our home is slowly but surely becoming more farmhouse style.
    CONGRATULATIONS and please keep sharing with us.

  34. 1.10.18
    Deedra said:

    Oh Sarah! What an incredible and exciting thing to be featured in a magazine! While you may be surprised, the rest of us are not surprised at all. You have a real talent for decorating your home that is both warm and beautiful! Like a previous poster mentioned, I am always excited to open your posts in my box. You are such an inspiration. Congratulations!!!

  35. 1.10.18
    Lynda said:

    I got my magazine last weekend at Walmart and saw the spread. Congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment. 🙂

  36. 1.10.18
    Jenifer Scherlin said:

    Oh, Sarah, congratulations!!! So happy for you – you are really a ray of sunshine in this IG blogging world.
    I really do think it is because you are so REAL! You don’t act pretentious or push products on your readers.
    That really does show your true self. I will go get this magazine ASAP!
    Happy 6th month birthday to Miss Ava!

  37. 1.10.18
    Teri Martin said:

    Congrats! I LOVE all your blogs!

  38. 1.10.18
    Kim Lord said:

    This is wonderful but I’m not too surprised you are so talented. I just love everything you style!! Now, I want that tray from Hearth and Home! I have been looking at it for a couple weeks but its confirmed now that I need it!!! LOL

  39. 1.10.18
    Angela Servello said:

    Wow, congratulations! How awesome is our Lord? He has given you a wonderful gift and you are honoring Him by using it. Nothing makes Him happier. Personally, I can’t think of a person who deserves it more than you. Enjoy your blessings, love Angela

  40. 1.10.18
    Barbara Hastings said:

    So cool, but you totally deserve it. Because that place is amazing!

  41. 1.10.18
    Vicki said:

    Congratulations, Sarah, so happy for you! I would much rather see homes featured in magazines by women like you who are just naturally talented and passionate about creating a cozy and inviting home for their family than a degreed designer any day. Have you read the Magnolia Story? It was so very inspiring and neither Chip or Joanna had professional training in design or construction. What they did have was passion, inspiration and motivation to pursue their dreams. Keep doing what you do!

  42. 1.10.18
    laura said:

    Well Done Sarah! You have made a cozy home and a beautiful nest for you and your family. Enjoy your success and I look forward to more pointers, tricks of the trades and DIYs.

  43. 1.10.18
    Sheila Nokes said:

    Congratulations, honor well deserved. I will be picking up a copy today!


  44. 1.10.18
    Jeannie said:

    I’m headed to Walgreen’s tomorrow & will be getting the magazine. So happy & excited for you. You’ve worked hard for this & I’ll bet your husband is incredibly proud of you!

    Love “hearing” from you each day.

  45. 1.10.18

    How wonderful!
    When we use the talents God has given us, we bless others and we get blessed too.
    You are very talented. I for one think you just need to claim, “I am a designer!”

  46. 1.10.18
    Beth Cornelius said:

    Congratulations! I’m so very happy and excited for you. I can’t wait to see the magazine.


  47. 1.10.18
    Rondell Konat said:

    Congrats to you! How wonderful to be featured in such a great magazine and such beautiful photos too!

  48. 1.10.18
    Ellen said:

    Want to paint my walls a cream color white. Like yours. What brand and what is the color of white you used

  49. 1.10.18
    Ellen said:

    What color of white and brand of paint did you use on your walls

  50. 1.10.18
    Eve said:

    You are such an inspiration, Sarah! Congratulations on being acknowledged for the wonderful work you do💕

  51. 1.10.18
    Mikaela said:

    You’re amazing!! And so talented! So deserving! Very happy for you girl!

  52. 1.10.18
    Sharon said:

    Congrats!!! So exciting!!!! I love your blog and will go look for the magazine this weekend! Keep up the great work!

  53. 1.10.18
    Fran said:

    Aww congratulations you are so deserving of this! Your home is truly so very welcoming and you can tell by your blog and pictures you put your whole heart and soul into making it a home!

  54. 1.10.18
    Pam Beck said:

    Wow! Congratulations! It’s got to feel amazing to have your work/ideas/talent recognized! I love your blog and am so excited for you! I’ll be looking for the magazine! Looking forward to what is next!

  55. 1.10.18
    Sandy D. said:

    Congratulations, what an exciting time for you. All the hard work you have done with/on your home and blog is getting recognition. Such a blessing. I love reading your blog.

  56. 1.11.18
    Sharon Starr said:

    Congratulations Sarah! Well deserved….so very well deserved. Thank you for sharing and always inspiring me personally. What are you talking about girl, you’re an amazing designer. Enjoy the rewards!!!!!

  57. 1.11.18
    Anita Natywary said:

    Congratulations!! I love all of your home decor and tips and tricks! Especially with keeping it budget friendly! So happy for you 🙂

  58. 1.11.18
    Sherri said:

    OH SARAH!! THAT IS ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!! I’m so excited for you & it is so well deserved! Your “little fixer upper” is a beautiful “home” and you know (because I tell you all the time, lol) it is my favorite!! I’m going to run out and get a copy of the magazine today before they are all gone!

  59. 1.11.18
    Kelsey said:

    Big congrats Sarah!!!! Much love to you your blog and am so happy for your success! You’re such an inspiration 😁

  60. 1.11.18
    Julie Briones said:

    So, so happy for your, Sarah! You inspire me!

  61. 1.11.18
    Sarah said:

    “to be really honest, I don’t consider myself to be a “designer” that should be gracing the pages of national decor magazines”- you are a natural talent with a beautiful home and I love your blog 🙂

  62. 1.12.18
    Kate Tufano said:

    L O V E your blog & love following you on instagram! You’re so good at what you do & I especially love watching your day to day stories on instagram & hearing you review products & watching you do DIY projects…I could go on & on so lets just say I love it all hahaha.

  63. 1.13.18
    Sandy Mccrea said:

    Sarah, congratulations on your magazine story. I have been trying to find the magazine with your story. Is the name of the magazine flea market home and living? All I am seeing is flea market decor or flea market finds. Cannot even find it on the web. What is the issue? Love your posts. You are sooooo very talented. You are an inspiration. Keep up the great job. God bless you and your family

    • 1.14.18
      Sarah said:

      Yeah it’s like a special edition I think. It’s call Flea Market Home and Living. I found mine at Target, but it’s also at Walgreens, Wal-Mart, CVS, Barnes and Noble, etc. Thanks for all your support Sandy! xo

  64. 1.13.18
    Tracy said:

    congrats. I bought the magazine just to see your home and it was my favorite one by far. I love primitives and antiques in my home but also love the “farmhouse” style in other homes. It is beautiful!!

    • 1.14.18
      Sarah said:

      You are so sweet Tracy, thank you so much!!

  65. 1.16.18
    Angela Servello said:

    I have already commented, again I’m so happy for you, but I am so upset. I have looked everywhere and cannot find a single copy anywhere. I even looked on line. I’m in the same boat as Sandy (above). Do you have any suggestions, even a website would work. I’m so proud of you, I really wanted to support you. Love, Angela

    • 1.16.18
      Sarah said:

      oh no! Well I think it’s a special edition magazine, which is why it isn’t available online. But as far as I know it’s supposed to be at CVS, Walgreens, Wal Mart, Safeway, Target (which is where I found mine) and Barnes & Noble. So sorry you can’t find it Angela, you are so sweet to keep looking! xo

  66. 1.17.18
    Michelle Johnston said:

    Wow Sarah, that is so cool and how very exciting. I’ll be looking for the mag tomorrow. So happy for you!

  67. 1.21.18
    Teresa O'Connor said:

    Oh wow!! how exciting, that is just awesome, so happy for you.. God is good.
    Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement I can just imagine your excitement 🙂

  68. 4.16.18
    deanne said:

    That is so awesome and well deserved.I really appreciate you giving credit to our creator as well, very proud of you!I too am a decorator on the side with no formal training,I am always stunned at the customer’s appreciation of my vision for their space,so I totally understand your feelings on that.You have a great talent, nothing that books can teach!Congrats to you!

  69. 4.25.18
    Anne Woods said:

    Congratulations Sarah from Down Under (Australia). So many people have enjoyed your blog and decorating tips – the recognition is well deserved.

  70. 6.13.23
    Janice Secino said:

    How can I go about getting my home featured in the magazine?