I have a quick tip for you today my friends! I’m sharing how to turn any smart TV into artwork. This is truly the easiest and fastest way to get the look of a fancy frame TV without spending the extra money–it can be done in less than five minutes and it’s FREE!
First step, install the YouTube app on your TV. It’s probably already there, you just have to find it. This is completely free!
Once you pull up the YouTube app, go the the search feature and search “tv artwork”. My favorite channel for artwork is “vintage art tv”. They have so many gorgeous options! Most of them are an hour long and some of them cycle through different artwork too. Just pick on you like and push play!
Voila! That’s literally it. Super fast, easy, and FREE.
We actually have a frame TV in our living room upstairs and I will say, this is an AMAZING option if you don’t want to spend the extra money. It literally gives the exact same look! I shared this tip over on Instagram and someone asked me if this means the TV has to be on all the time. Well yes, it does. As long as you want the artwork displayed. But that’s how the frame works as well. It’s technically powered on while the art is displayed. It’s not truly powered off until the screen is black.
Well I hope this quick tip helps if you’ve been trying to figure out how to get artwork on your tv! Let me know if you give this a try. I’d love to hear what you think! xo
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Wow. Fabulous tip. Thanks.
Super cool! I need this! I don’t allow a tv in my living room so I let my husband take one of the bedrooms and turn it into his room. This is where the tv is, however, I get tired of seeing a black screen when I wander in here to use my iPad. Looks like I found a new friend🙃
Thank you so much! Hate the big black rectangle
This is awesome!! I thought that I had to have that tv in order to display these beautiful works of art!
Thank you so much<3