How to Safely Secure an Old Door to the Wall

Well hello you beautiful people and happpppy Valentine’s Day! I really wish I could give each of you something sweet and delicious today like a dozen chocolate covered strawberries or one of those giant Hershey kisses, but instead I have a post about old doors. Yep, just old doors. But that’s cool too, right? Who am I kidding, nothing beats chocolate covered strawberries. Although I will say that old, chippy doors are a close runner up in my book so I guess it’s not so bad. And lucky you, it gets even more exciting today because I’m sharing how to how to safely secure an old door to the wall. Thrilling, right? Not exactly, but this post is important if you’re like me and have lots of vintage doors precariously leaning in corners throughout your home. And while that’s perfectly fine, it’s not exactly the safest idea–especially if you have little ones running around. It definitely wouldn’t take much for that door to get pushed, pulled, or rolled into by a curious toddler, and then you have a heavy door crashing down and causing havoc. Not good at all. Well I finally got my booty in gear and figured out a way to secure all my old doors to the wall in a way that is hidden and out of sight. It was super simple and easy, so let’s get to it. But first let’s just look at a few purdy doors real quick.

How to safely secure an old door to the wall. Great tip to safely use old doors as decor in your home. How to safely secure an old door to the wall.

This one in our front room is sooooo heavy. I’ve had it in this spot for months now and I just love it here. Nothing else really fits in this little corner, so this old door is perfect. And it makes a great spot to hang one of my favorite signs.

How to Safely Secure an Old Door to the Wall Quick Tip: How to Safely Secure a Vintage Door to the Wall

And then of course this one in our living room. I’ve moved this door around so many times, but this is where I use it most often. I’m probably the most nervous about this door because my kiddos play a lot in this room. And even though they’ve never really bumped into the door or even paid much attention to it, it definitely needs to be secure.

Ok, so let me show you how simple this is–all you need is two screws and some picture hanging wire. And maybe coffee, because we all know that makes everything better.

Quick Tip: How to Safely Secure an Old Door to Wall

Now this works best if the door is propped up in the corner like the two I just showed you. First you’ll want to use one of those fancy schmancy stud finders to locate a stud in one of the walls behind the door. Then put a screw in that exact spot. It’s important to find a stud so the screw is in the wall nice and tight, and it won’t budge.

Quick Tip: How to Safely Secure an Old Door to Wall

Once that is in place simply put another screw on the back side of the old door. Make sure you don’t screw it in all the way, leave about 1/2″ so you have space for the wire. Once both screws are in place go ahead and cut a piece of wire, just make sure it is a little longer than the space between the door and the wall. Then use pliers to twist the wire around the screw on the door and the wall, making it nice and tight.

And that’s it. Super duper easy, folks. Give the door a good tug just to make sure it’s nice and secure. Then you’re all set! That baby is tied to the wall and not going anywhere.

How to Safely Secure an Old Door to Wall

This was such a simple fix and I feel so much better about having this done. And I love the fact that you can’t see the wire, so it doesn’t take away from the beauty of the door. If you wanted to be extra cautious you could definitely do another wire on the bottom side of the door, but I feel like the one on top is enough to keep it from falling over should anything or anyone bump into it.

Well guys I hope you enjoyed this quick tip and found it useful if you use old doors in your home. Also be sure to check out this post about how to test your doors and other vintage decor for lead paint–which is another important safety tip. Thanks for dropping by the blog today, I’m always so grateful to have you here. Now go eat some Valentine’s Day chocolate!
How to safely secure an old door to the wall. Easy and quick fix to safely use a vintage door in your home.

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  1. 2.14.17
    Vicki said:

    Very important tip, thanks for sharing! You could also use eye screws that have a “loop” instead of the screw head which would be easier to attach wire to. They can be easily screwed in by inserting a slip screwdriver through the eye to use as a handle to make it easier to turn. I have a question, do you have any recommendations for dealing with old painted doors where the paint is chipping off and could possibly be lead paint? I have one that came from an old house on my parents farm, and I know it would have last been painted in the seventies if not earlier. I don’t have young children but do have pets and wouldn’t want them to ingest any peeling paint. I also don’t want to risk breathing in lead dust. Otherwise I would like to removing the loose paint and then put on a clear coat to preserve it. Any suggestions?

  2. 2.15.17
    Maritza said:

    I “love” your old chippy doors! I went to a vintage/flea market and found this old door that I totally fell in love with, but couldn’t buy it because I don’t have a truck and couldn’t bring it home:(

    • 2.16.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh bummer Maritza. I hate when I find treasures like that and can’t fit them in my vehicle!

      • 6.10.23
        Nannfoxy said:

        Some bungee cords could allow you to put the door on top of the car?

  3. 2.17.17

    Definitely a good idea with the little ones running around! 🙂 Great tip.

  4. 4.9.17
    Bobbie Lutz said:

    I found this on Pinterest and I Love the framed page you hung on the door…can that be purchased? It’s perfect for your door and really adds character to the door!

    • 4.9.17
      Sarah said:

      Hi Bobbie! That sign is actually from a shop called on Instagram. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find her in the past several months. Sorry I couldn’t be more help!

      • 9.10.18
        Alissa Boland said:

        Hey there!! This is an awesome idea for an old door!!! (Or old sash window😙). I thought I recognized that sign! I work part-time at Sugarboo and Co. We carry that and much much more!!
        Local artist Rebecca Puig
        Alpharetta, Ga🙌

  5. 7.12.17

    Love this! such a great tip for being extra cautious! Do you know where you got your cute green wreath? Love it!

  6. 11.11.17
    Heidi said:

    Is there a way to do this without putting a screw in the old door?

  7. 12.5.17
    Leanna said:

    I have an old door I want to use as a headboard, do you have ideas to securely attach to the wall , it’s solid wood! Beautiful scroll design engraved in the wood

    • 5.31.21
      Karen Barle said:

      Nice article and I like the comments too!

      Okay, this is just an idea. Couldn’t you attach a set of those metal hooks that attach by adhesive, curl the hooks closed like an eye [screw] with a needle-nosed plier, and thread and tie the wire through both adhesive hooks, on the door? If the door is heavy enough do it on both sides, so the force is more evened out?

      I know it must already be a little trick, trying to have the base of the door at exactly the right distance to get the right amount of lean, so two sides would be harder, but doable. Threading one wire through hooks on both sides like hanging a picture probably easier than getting two separate wires both just right.

  8. 11.14.20
    Missy said:

    I love your decor. I found a house I just love in Nashville, but fear it’s way out of my league. Any way. I seen someone use a old door with panels as a shows door and loved it. I love doors. Love yours in the corner as well. Love decorating. My email is not active. Unfortunate