Finding My Passion for Home

I’ve had this post in my drafts for a long time now, at least two months, and I’ve always hesitated to share it. I’m not really sure why. Maybe because I’m nervous about putting myself out there, or I was worried you all wouldn’t find it interesting. But I’m rolling with it today because I’m in the mood for a bit of chit-chat. So grab a snack and get comfy!

My Passion for Home

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to find your passion in life and how each of us defines our “why”. It’s probably obvious that my passion is for decor, DIY and all things home, but it actually runs so much deeper than that and it’s what I want to talk about today. Finding my passion has definitely been a process. In fact, it wasn’t until about three years ago that I really started to fall in love with this idea of being the creator of my home. And with that came a full-blown obsession for decor and interiors. Now I know some people might say “what’s the big deal about how your mantel looks” or “who cares how your living room is styled?” But to me it’s not just about decorating–it’s so much more than that. I used to think of it as just my creative outlet. But as I get older and our family grows, I realize it’s about embracing my role as the maker of my home. It’s my responsibility to make this house a home for them. It’s not about following design rules or guidelines, I honestly don’t pay much attention to those, but it’s about creating a place we truly love. It’s up to me to do that. I have complete control over the way my home feels. And so you do. You don’t need to have little ones at home, or even a spouse to see the value in creating a sanctuary for yourself. There’s tremendous value in that.

I think there’s this misconception that finding your passion in life means you’re locked into it for the rest of time. I used to believe this myself actually. In fact, I went through what I like to refer to as my “quarter-life crisis” after I graduated from college. I didn’t really know what the heck I wanted to do with my life. I was completely lost and overwhelmed with the idea that I had to know my purpose and passion, or I would fail at everything. But as time goes on and experiences come and go, I realize more and more that our passions in life change just as the seasons in our lives change. This might not be the case for everyone, but it’s definitely been true for me. And probably true for a lot of you too.

Finding My Passion for Home

Now I see things differently. I believe that defining your “why” and your passion should whole heartedly reflect the season of life you’re currently in. And we should be comfortable with the fact that it’s fluid–it’s going to change and evolve as we grow. For me, in the current season of life that I’m in, I’ve felt God put a tug on my heart to be home with my babies. But that wasn’t always the plan. As some of you may know, I have a master’s degree and I fully intended to use that to advance my career in big and fancy ways. But as my little family has grown, I couldn’t ignore the feeling in my heart to just be home. To turn my eyes towards these little people that rely on me for everything, and be ok with walking away from what I thought I’d be doing. And what’s amazing is in the process of changing plans and stepping into the unknown, I’ve discovered a new passion for home. I’ve fallen in love with this idea of creating a safe and cozy haven for my little ones. I know it may seem trivial and maybe even degrading to some women, but it’s where my heart is during this season of life, and it’s where I know I need to be right now.

Finding My Passion for Home

So for me, it’s about so much more than home decor. It’s about the joy it brings me to be the homemaker and create a beautiful and cozy place for us. And on top of it all, God has truly blessed me with this blog. Not only is it the creative outlet I need, but it’s also an incredible opportunity to share my passion with all of you. Most days I really can’t believe I have this little corner of the internet to talk about what I love and to receive so much support and kindness from you guys. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry like a big ol’ baby. So THANK YOU.

Lastly I want to encourage you to follow your intuition and be ok with stepping into the unknown. Finding your passion in life and your “why” is only up to you, so be comfortable with the fact that these things will change as you grow and evolve. Don’t limit yourself to a single path. After all, we only have this one life. It’s up to us to go for it.

Leave a Comment!


  1. 5.23.17
    Roberta Vigar said:

    Thanks for sharing. You are truly blessed to be able to be there for your children. How sweet HE is to top it off with joy & contentment. You have a real talent, too!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      I feel very blessed for sure. Thank you Roberta! xoxo

    • 5.24.17

      Thank you Sarah for sharing . . .one thing I have found out is to never be afraid to share your thoughts and expressions such as this. It took me 57 years to finally make my home a “home!” When my kids were little and I had a big house, I decorated the house to the current trends and styles, none of which was “me.” I had the housekeeper to make it look like I was super mom with
      4 kids and never a mess anywhere. But it took losing all of my possessions, house, car, etc. to realize I really didn’t care. There was nothing I had that I was upset at losing!! I really had to take a step back to even understand why I felt that way. Needless to say the future 5-7 years were horrible and a struggle and I couldn’t put things back together again in terms of what I thought a house
      should look like because I couldn’t afford anything. But we rented, so in my mind I said, ok, this is temporary, no need to dress this place up because I am not going to be here for long. Here it is some 10 years later and my kids are grown and gone except for one. I moved about 2 years ago into a rental that I took time to pick out based on what I thought would be cozy and warm for my daughter and I. I finally realized it was about what I like and what makes me feel good when I come home, how it smells
      and what makes me smile. I have found that inner peace with my surroundings and I only wish I could have made my home that way when my kids were growing up and taken some time to make the rentals a warm and cozy place to live and not looked at it as a “temporary” stop. I share this with you so that you understand that temporary or permanent, give your home a sense of you
      and your family. They will remember those smells and the cozy feeling they felt when they came home.

      • 5.24.17
        Sarah said:

        Darlene, wow. Your comment is so full of truth and I loved reading it. Thank you for sharing this with me. I think you are exactly right, our homes are meant to be a place we truly love and a place that embodies a sense of who we are. I’m so glad to hear you are finding that inner peace that comes with making your home a reflection of who you are. It’s kind of amazing, right? And don’t worry about the lost time, you still have plenty of years to create that feeling for your family as they continue to grow. xoxo

  2. 5.23.17
    Barb said:

    Great article , thank you for sharing .

  3. 5.23.17
    Vicki said:

    There is absolutely nothing trivial or degrading about a woman wanting to create a beautiful haven for herself and her family. We should want our home to be a place where our family enjoys being and spending time, and while our relationships and how we treat each other are obviously a big part of that, so is the physical atmosphere of our homes. Your article is beautifully written! It reminds me a lot of the book I was gifted several years ago by Christian author Terry Willets called “Creating a Sense-sational Home” which covered the Five Senses and how to decorate our homes to appeal to the senses of our family and make it a cozy haven where they want to spend time. It is full of scripture and related to the beauty of God’s creation with all the wonderful sights, sounds, textures, tastes and smells. I think you can probably still find used copies of this book online. Keep doing what you are doing, those beautiful babies are only little for a short while.

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh my goodness Vicki, thank you so much for suggesting that book. I’m going to look it up right now and see if I can find it! And thank you for the encouragement, it means so much. xoxo

      • 5.23.17
        Barbie said:

        You always inspire me, thanks so much! That book is fabulous, you won’t be disappointed!

        • 5.23.17
          Sarah said:

          Thank you so much Barbie, I’m really looking forward to that book!

    • 5.23.17
      Barbie said:

      First, let me say I adore Sarahs posts! It’s always my morning inspiration. Thanks so much for mentioning this book! I’ve moved several times and sadly my copy of this book was left behind and I couldn’t remember the authors name. Now thanks to you I just ordered it! Another reason to love these posts!

  4. 5.23.17
    Laura L. said:

    Your message today went straight to my heart! It’s true that as we age our passions do change-babies, then career, then grand babies, and so on. I, like you, are now in the stage where I want our home to be a wonderful place for all to love to stay- including their tag along friends!! Thanks so much for sharing!!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      It’s so true how our lives cycle through stages. And really it’s such a blessing when you think about it. How boring would it be if things were the same forever?! Glad you enjoyed the post today Laura! 🙂

  5. 5.23.17
    Elaine B. said:

    Love this article Sarah. I truly understand what you mean when you talk about following your intuition and stepping into the unknown… and letting your life grow and evolve outside the path you originally thought you’d take for yourself. It can be a hard reality to accept and let go of past expectations and see yourself and your path in a new and positive direction. But it is a refreshed movement towards what honestly makes you feel whole, fulfilled, and simply happy. I identify wholeheartedly and sincerely hope for the same. ???? Thanks for the heartfelt article.

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      You’re definitely in the process of re-definiing your own path Elaine! It can be so scary at times for sure, but like you said it’s about chasing what makes you feel whole and happy. Don’t question that. Keep going and keep working hard, you’re doing awesome! xo

  6. 5.23.17
    Lynda said:

    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for this post. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am in my mid-life now (50’s) and have raised my son who is now happily married to a wonderful girl. I have always had to work and got my college degree in my 40’s while working full-time, raising our son, taking care of my husband and home. I have no regrets as it was very good for my career. However, I have always loved making a home, cooking, cleaning, gardening, being with my child and just generally being “domestic”. I enjoy taking care of my husband and making sure he has a good meal and a clean, cozy home to come home to. I am so glad to see young women who enjoy this. It seems that our society degrades women who Want to do this and enjoy it. As women we really can “do it all”! Your children only grow up once and the fact that you can stay home with them is awesome. More power to you!!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Lynda for this comment. I totally agree that many women today, especially women my age, see it as a negative to be domestic and at home with little ones. I just look at it as though everyone is meant to do different things in life and it’s about following your heart–whatever that means to you. It sounds like you have had a happy and full life, with your career and the enjoyment you find at home! Thank you for dropping by today and your thoughtful comment!

  7. 5.23.17
    Leslie said:

    You have such a beautiful home. I’ve been admiring it for months. One question I’ve been meaning to ask….where did you find the tan buffalo check throw pillows. I love them.

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Hi Leslie, those are from Target! It looks like they’re currently unavailable. But just for reference they are the Gingham Throw Pillows, they come in a 2 pack.

  8. 5.23.17
    Casey Walker said:

    Thank you, Sarah. It’s been a struggle trying to discover my purpose. Wonderful article. Definitely needed that extra reminder to step out of that comfort zone, follow your gut. & let God plan. It is said often in our house that it all comes together. And it does when you least expect it. Your little kiddos are so lucky to have you! Have a beautiful day! Cheers!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      I couldn’t agree more Casey! It all comes together when we least expect it. That’s definitely been the case for me and my this blog. It happened so organically and has grown in ways I never imagined possible. God is good! And I know He is guiding you to your purpose in this season of life as well, even if it doesn’t feel that way at times. Just keep listening and follow your heart.

  9. 5.23.17
    Tammy said:

    Thank you…

  10. 5.23.17
    Cindy Brewer said:

    Your post is a breath of fresh air and I appreciate you sharing your heart so openly. My hope is that your words will comfort other women who have made the choice to stay home who need encouragement. It is not an easy decision and not always an option. I was reminded recently the God is more concerned with who we are than what we do. That is a relief and a calling.

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that Cindy! God is always more concerned with who we are and not what we do. So true! And I too hope this can encourage other women who are struggling with similar decisions. It’s definitely not easy!

  11. 5.23.17

    Oh Sarah, so much truth here in your message! It cracks me up how, when we finally discover what we’re truly passionate about, we realize that it’s the unique, custom-designed gift that God for each of us all along! Kinda like a great big “duh?” that smacks us on the forehead, you know? It’s our passion BECAUSE He shaped and wired us for that precise talent! Love your blog and website, Sarah. Thanks for blessing us with YOUR passion!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      That’s so true Diane! And what’s funny is that as a young girl I LOVED decorating. I was always re-arranging my room and begging my mom to let me re-arrange the furniture in our living room, basement, etc. I never though much of it as I grew older, so it’s funny now that it has come full circle in my own home. God had a plan for sure!

  12. 5.23.17
    Suzanne said:

    It’s posts like this that make me check in every single day. You speak from the heart, you decorate from the heart. Your home, your blog, your family is a reflection of that.

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Gosh Suzanne, you touched my heart with that comment. Thank you so much for all your support, I can’t tell you what it means to me. Big hugs my friend! xoxo

  13. 5.23.17
    Donna said:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful article Sarah. I agree with you about finding your passion in your home. I feel the same way about making this a home for my family. Don’t ever think it’s degrading at all. You have every right to feel the way you do about your home and family. You are truly blessed.. Keep on doing what you’re doing. Have a wonderful day!

    • 5.23.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Donna! It’s so nice to know there are many women like me that find joy in making our house a home. I really appreciate your encouragement!

  14. 5.23.17
    Faith Black said:

    Hey Sarah I too was blessed to be able to stay home with my children. They are grown now. I don’t regret making that decision. We need to be able to make the choices that we feel God wants us to make without guilt. I am still thankful I did make that choice. May God bless you and your family.

  15. 5.23.17
    Ann said:

    Thank You for sharing this post today. It has made me think and touched my heart. I am in a transition stage in my own life and your words and passion hit the mark for me today. God Bless you and you little family even more.

  16. 5.23.17
    Gail said:

    God said that women are the ROCK of the family for all else to be built upon. However you see yourself, you can still be the rock, stability, and strength for your family.

  17. 5.23.17
    Karen said:

    Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Making our home a haven/refuge is a privilege and I thoroughly enjoy it!!

  18. 5.23.17
    Kelsi said:

    Thank YOU!! I needed to hear this today! I am home with two little ones and I don’t have a degree and struggle with self worth and purpose because of that. I love reading your blog & your style of decorating! ????

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Kelsi, what you are doing with your little ones is EVERYTHING. Hold your head high and don’t for one second question your worth. Right now your purpose is greater than anything else you could be doing with your time. xoxo

  19. 5.23.17

    Thank you for this post. It was what I needed to hear for this time and you stated it so beautifully.

  20. 5.23.17
    Tiffany said:

    So beautifully articulated sweet friend!

  21. 5.23.17
    Faith said:

    Studying the Proverbs 31 woman several times over the years it’s always interesting when you see how hard she worked…and she even had businesses…yet provided for her family and neighbors…seasons do come and go, and finding that inner contentment in a fast track world can be challenging…I have had a design business since 1992 when God placed my first client in my life, via my design teacher…I don’t hold a degree, but took practically all the interior design classes I could at night while kids grew up…I would never have guessed where God would take me, and always when I was waiting on Him to show me what to do, He opened doors I never imagined He would and I wound up working with an international home builder for 7 years…I am much older now, and continue to have clients from time to time and recently was asked to be in an upcoming project. I prayerfully consider what He wants me to do…all this to say, He is faithful to delight us over and over, we are His children, and like us with our kids, loves to see us happy and delighted…we just need to wait on Him, not run ahead, and use that opportunity to share our faith with those whose lives we come in contact with…we are encouragers, and opportunity is everywhere for our hurting world…whether designing interiors, or complimentary redecorating church offices, or decorating for weddings or church banquets…using our talents to serve others whether our family or strangers is glorifying to Him! You do a beautiful job and it will be exciting to watch God direct you and open doors for your talents to be used.

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      I couldn’t agree more Faith–there is purpose and meaning in everything we do, it’s just up to us to see that and live it. Thank you for sharing about your life and career. It sounds like you have done some amazing things and had some great opportunities. Isn’t it crazy how God seems to always open the right doors at the right time? We just have to keep our eyes and ears open and HE will provide. Thank you for being here and for all your encouragement. xoxo

  22. 5.23.17
    Mary said:

    You will never regret staying home with your kids. We didn’t take fancy vacations or drive new cars or have a big fancy house, but in the long run I knew I was doing the right thing for my family and am so happy that I stayed home. Love this post ????

  23. 5.23.17
    Denise said:

    thank you Sarah for always wanting to share your heart and life with all of us. some of us are strangers and others are not. that is what makes it fun, you have friends that believe in you and trust you and you have never met them.
    This journey you are on is a fun one, and HE is guiding you all the way, I can feel it in your words. thanks for your fun creative side, I have to stop showing Uncle Skip, he rolls his eyes and says “not another project” ha ha 🙂 I love bringing the ideas to life on our front porch or inside. hugs to you and your family love you Aunt “D”

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      hahaha I love that Denise! Matt gives me the same eye roll every time I suggest a new big project to him. He’s not always the eager beaver, that’s for sure. Thanks for dropping by and your sweet comment. Love you guys!

  24. 5.23.17
    Ruth penny said:

    Thank you for sharing from your heart I appreciate everything you said. God bless you and your family. Have a great evening

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Ruth!

  25. 5.23.17
    Doreen Sulfaro said:

    So true and so inspirational. Thank you.

  26. 5.23.17
    Teresa O'Connor said:

    Awe , what beautiful words Sarah. Really heart felt words ….
    You are in the exact place right now, where God wants you to be.
    I too have so much qualifications but yet my passion isn’t really for those things i’ve studied for.
    Funny I just put that on my facebook today that God leads us into doing things that we never would even give a second thought to.
    Being obedient to our God purpose in life will work out better and bring so much more happiness to us , because there is a plan for us. Even if it means being at home.
    Because of you Sarah I feel being led to maybe do a blog but i’m to nervous right now.
    God has you here for others because your so inspiring talented and your real. keep up the good job 🙂

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      It sounds like we are on the same page Teresa. How funny you just put something like this on your FB page. Great minds think alike I guess! 🙂 And I agree with you about being obedient to God’s calling in our lives. It’s taken me a while to really figure that out and I feel blessed to have found so much contentment and peace in what I’m doing right now.

      PS: Let me know if you have any specific questions about blogging. I’m actually planning to do a series in June all about getting started with blogging, so I’d love to hear if you have any topics you’re interested in hearing more about.

      • 5.25.17
        Teresa O'Connor said:

        Oh great , looking forward to June 🙂 i’ll stay tuned for sure.
        Actually Sarah I do have a quick question , Im on instagram , but ive posted nothing , wondering if thats a good place to start posting ? as we are just about to purchase a reno… Thats why im thinking of doing the blog and maybe some videos too… 🙂

        • 5.25.17
          Sarah said:

          That’s a great place to start posting! That’s how I got started actually–just sharing our home on IG and the little following I gained/support I received encouraged me to start this blog. And with the new IG stories now it’s fun to share videos too!

          • 5.25.17
            Teresa O'Connor said:

            Thanks Sarah 🙂

  27. 5.24.17
    Naomi said:

    What a sweet read, Sarah! It’s a wonderful blessing to be able to stay at home with your babies, and nurture them during this season of life. And bonus, you’re fulfilling a passion of yours that makes you who you are! You get the best of both worlds right at home!!!!

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Naomi, I feel so blessed! It’s definitely not the path I expected to take, but I’m following God and trust Him to work it all out. That’s all we can do anyway, right?!

  28. 5.24.17
    Patty said:

    Sarah, I was a “stay at home” wife and mother. My husband was a Navy Pilot for the early years in our marriage and then a corporate executive. We moved often and I was the person to make a home for my family wether it was base housing, apartments or houses. I never thought about how long we would be staying, I simply knew I wanted where ever we were to feel like “our home sweet home”. I wanted our home to be a sanctuary for my husband, our children and for myself. I would stay up late into the night decorating, not because I had to, but because when my family was asleep…..I could accomplish task that I might not be able to do during the day time as I cared for our children. We have lived all over the country, so I have had different decorating styles like traditional, cottage, and now a mountain lodge look since moving back to Colorado. You are so right….we must embrace every single day and be open to the possibilities of change. If we learn to come to terms and truly embrace the evolving seasons of life…we can find true joy and fulfillment. Sarah, I loved your post today….it brought back so many memories of the many places our family had called HOME ❤️

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Goodness Patty, thank you so much for this comment. I loved learning a bit about your life. It sounds like you did an amazing job as the creator of your home, taking time and care to make a cozy home for your family at each and every stop along the way. What a special gift you gave to them all!!

  29. 5.24.17

    Thank you so much for this post friend!!! Never be scared to share what you’re thinking about because it can inspire others and you always have something INCREDIBLE to share. 🙂 I loved every word.

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Chelsea, I really appreciate your encouragement. So happy to hear you enjoyed the post!

  30. 5.24.17
    Shani said:

    OMG Sarah are you freakin real? I absolutely adore you and this post!!! You always seem to hit home for me…Makes my heart smile every time ???? xoxo

    • 5.24.17
      Sarah said:

      haha Shani, you just put a big cheesy smile on my face with that comment. Thank you! xoxo

  31. 5.25.17
    Helen said:

    Hi Sara, I’ve had such a busy week that I’ve only just read this post today. And all these lovely comments! I’m 52 and my kiddies are 19 and 23 now and I worked when they were little and had enough money to pay others to keep home for us but I was never as happy as I am now with a lot less money and a full heart. You are so right….what you are doing now with your home for you and your young family is priceless and sooooo important. The foundations you lay now, they will grow from and they look pretty tip top to me! Truly, a big smile spreads across my face when your mail arrives and I see another remarkable project for your home…made by you for your family! And your advice and emails to help me start my blog is the communication I look forward to the most. Like most readers here, I think you’re a real star!x

    • 5.25.17
      Sarah said:

      Helen! I need to squeeze you. Thank you so much for this incredibly kind comment. I loved reading it and learning a bit more about you. I totally agree with you about having less money but a full heart–what a difference that makes. It’s really the simple things in life that bring me the most joy and I hope to teach that to my children as well. SO glad to have you here. You are awesome!

  32. 6.1.17
    Pam Perry said:

    Thank you Sarah for posting your heart! As a woman old enough to be your mama, you have encouraged my heart because you’re a young woman/wife/mother/homemaker who GETS it! You get what our God-given, most important role is! There is eternal significance to those lovingly made & packed lunches, rooms designed & filled with meaningful treasures that warm the sights & smells of our loved ones. I’m so thankful I found you on pinterest & your blog~you’re a blessing darlin!!! <3

  33. 4.30.20
    Sonya said:

    I just now came across your website…I absolutely just adore it….Sonya

    • 4.30.20
      Sarah said:

      ah thank you, so glad to have you here Sonya!

  34. 12.24.21
    Jeanette Ivy said:

    What you just said is exactly how I feel. My passion is for home decor. I love taking a room and making it Pop. I love color, bling!
    The wow factor! Yes!!!