Do I Still Use Essential Oils?

One of the questions I’ve been getting a lot lately on Instagram is if I still use essentials oils. This month especially I’ve had several of those questions and the answer is always YES! I still love my essential oils and I use many Young Living products every single day. And to be honest, it’s not something I share about nearly enough. I probably should talk about it way more than I do because it is a big part of our life, but I’ve been majorly slacking. So today I thought it might be fun to just share an update on my obsession with oils and also chat about my must-have products from Young Living.

I started using essential oils back in May of 2018. At the time I was on a mission to get cleaner, toxic free products into our home and I also wanted to make our health a priority. I’d heard such amazing things about Young Living, so I decided to give it a go and order a starter kit. I fell in love right away and since then I’ve received an order every single month. It’s safe to say I’m still OBSESSED. I have several diffusers throughout our home and I keep the one in our kitchen going all the time.

My Favorite Oils:

Here are the five oils I use on a regular basis:

Stress Away: One of my all time favorite oils has always been Stress Away, which is one I got in the starter kit. I LOVE to diffuse this when I need a little help winding down or relaxing. I also have it in the roller, which is great for on-the-go.

Frankincense: I can’t even begin to say how much I love Frankincense. If I had to choose just one oil for the rest of my life this would probably be it. You can use Frankincense is SO many different way, but one of my favorites is to mix a few drops into my moisturizer in the morning. It makes my skin so glowy! I also love diffusing it.

Citrus Fresh: This is another oil I got in the starter kit and it’s been one of my go-to oils since then. This is my favorite one to diffuse in the morning. I love using this first thing when I need a little extra pep. It’s great to help me wake up and get going!

Peace + Calming: I can’t make a list of favorite oils and not include Peace + Calming. This is a very relaxing oil that I love to diffuse and I also carry the roller in my person. This one is also great for my kids–it helps them calm down and relax.

Thieves: Last but not least is Theives. This is a powerhouse oil that I love to diffuse anytime we have germs or sickness in our home. It helps clean the air and I truly believe it has magic immune boosting powers.

Favorite Household Products:

Thieves Handsoap: This is the only handsoap we’ve used in our home since I first ordered my starter kit and I still LOVE it. It’s seriously so good without all the yucky chemicals. Every month I over the refill bottle so I can keep our containers full!

Thieves Cleaner: I’m still 100% obsessed with the Thieves cleaner. Again, this is the only cleaner we use in our home since May of 2018 and I plan on using it forever and ever. It’s completely plant based with no toxic chemicals. If I had to recommend one household product from Young Living, this would definitely be it. It’s a must have for me.

Thieves Laundry Soap: Another must have is the Thieves laundry soap. I’ve tried other plant based detergents and this is my favorite. It’s free of any chemicals and it does a great job.

I could definitely ramble on about more of my favorites from Young Living, but I’m going to cut it here so this post isn’t super long. Maybe another time I’ll share my favorite vitamins and supplements (highly recommend the kids probiotics and Sleepessence!). But if you have any questions at all, definitely let me know. I’m happy to chat!!

Also if you have any interest in ordering a starter kit or purchasing any products be sure to GO HERE, where I share exactly how you can order!

More wellness posts you might want to check out:

All About Essential Oils

How I Detoxified Our Laundry

My Favorite Oils for Immune Support

Welcome!! I’m Sarah-- mama to three kiddos + wife to my high school sweetheart. I'm usually over-caffeinated, browsing Amazon + running on lots of grace. Grab a snack + get comfy!

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  1. 1.22.20
    Melissa said:

    I’ve been afraid of diffusing essential oils because I have pets. I’ve heard lots of people say that many of the oils can be harmful to pets. You never show pets so I’m guessing you don’t have any (except that hamster…or guinea pig…whatever the little chap was and you don’t even have him anymore…). What I have not yet been able to determine though is if it’s harmful even diffused or only when put directly on the animal? I would never put directly on the animal I would only diffuse. If you know of any good resources for this info that’d be great.

  2. 1.22.20
    pris said:

    This post came at a good time! I use the Y.L. laundry soap too! However i was wondering if u have found a stain remover solution and a brightening solution (for whites) that’s natural or use Y.L. products? I’ve used the handsoap and straight thieves cleaner but neither one seem to really get tough stains out :/ any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!

    • 1.22.20
      pris said:

      Oh and PLEASE write more posts on using Y.L. products! It’s a new journey for me so I love to hear all about it!:)

  3. 1.24.20
    Sheilah Perry-Rosales said:

    I have to be extremely careful of oils as some are toxic to cats,dogs and birds

  4. 2.20.20
    Candace said:

    Have you ever tried the TummyGize kid oil for your little ones? We’ve been through a lot with my little man’s IBS. So I’ve started doing research into oils to get some relief.

    • 2.20.20
      Sarah said:

      I haven’t tried the TummyGize, but the Digize is amazing. We all use it and it works SO well!