Awesome TJ Maxx Finds + Free Shipping

I’m currently sitting on the couch in my PJ’s with two sick kiddos. One has a fever and sore throat, and the other has the worst stomach bug I’ve ever seen. To say the last 12 hours have been brutal would be an understatement. But they’re both resting right now, so I’m just PRAYING thing start to improve from here. Poor little babies can’t catch a break lately! Anyway, I had different post planned for today, but with my daughter home sick from school yesterday I just didn’t have time to get it done. But on the bright side, I noticed it’s another free shipping day at TJ Maxx. So I just quickly browsed through their new home items to round up a few of my favorites:

Farmhouse style home decor from TJ Maxx

Home Decor:


Holiday Decor:



Welcome!! I’m Sarah-- mama to three kiddos + wife to my high school sweetheart. I'm usually over-caffeinated, browsing Amazon + running on lots of grace. Grab a snack + get comfy!

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  1. 10.23.19
    Mary said:

    Oh Sarah, I so remember those days!! One of the main reasons I didn’t want school to start… getting sick all the time!! Hope they feel better soon!

    • 10.23.19
      Sarah said:

      oh me too. I always dread the start of school for this reason. It’s been awful already this year!

  2. 10.23.19
    Bev said:

    Hope your kiddos feel better soon! Thanks for the TJ Maxx ideas… I’m going to order the cute beaded pumpkin pillow!

    • 10.23.19
      Sarah said:

      thank you Bev!

  3. 10.23.19
    Cheryl said:

    Hi! I really enjoy your posts – especially the ones with bargains! So many blogs just post expensive stuff. I get it – they have sponsors and that’s what is posted, but I really enjoy your TJMaxx and WalMart ideas. Keep them coming! 🙂

    • 10.23.19
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Cheryl! I’m all about affordable bargains!

  4. 10.23.19
    JanL said:

    My sympathies to your children – and you – as this sickness is present. Hoping all are feeling better quickly.
    Thanks for the ideas. I had never seen a table lamp quite like this one. Alas, all sold out at TJ Maxx, but now I have an idea of what to look for to fill a specific spot in my home.
    Enjoy your posts – of all kinds.

  5. 10.23.19
    Sheri Ghee said:

    Love this post especially the Christmas decor🎄❄️Hope your kiddos feel better soon .

  6. 10.23.19
    Sheilah Perry-Rosales said:

    Poor kids I too remember those days.Nearly lost my daughter to strep throat complicated by asthma.I recently bought a couple of fall pillows from Walmart I saw on your post!

  7. 10.24.19
    Nancy said:

    I love Christmas and all the decorations that go along with it. Thanks for sharing. Hope those precious children are feeling better soon.