A Good Book, Favorite Faux Greenery & More

Helllllllooooo you fabulous people and happy Friday! Was this week long for anyone else or was it just me? I swear, this week felt like it took forever and it kind of kicked my butt if I’m being honest. I said that same thing last week, I know. But dang, there is so much going on lately and I’m exhausted. Absolutely exhausted. I blame it on all the sleep deprivation happening right now, but that’s how it goes when you have a newborn baby, right? Thankfully the magical powers of caffeine are keeping me going–without that I’d be in straight up zombie status. I’m close, but not there yet. I’m just in semi-zombie status right now. Anyway, today I’m so excited to be back with another round of Friday Favorites. I seriously love these posts so much because it gives me an opportunity to share things I’ve been loving lately and also get into some random chit-chat along the way. I always look forward to my Friday posts and I hope you guys do too. Today I have a fun group of things to share so let’s hop into it. First up is this large banana leaf basket I picked up recently. We were actually having dinner near a World Market last weekend, so of course I had to drop in–I’m seriously like a moth to a flame, I can’t help it. Well all of their baskets were on sale, so I snagged this one to help organize the blankets and pillows in our living room. I absolutely loooooooove it.

Farmhouse style decor in living room. Old door with basket and cozy blankets.

This basket is pretty large, but the thing I love is that it’s not too big for our small living room–you know we are tight on space in here. I was so happy when I realized it fits perfectly in this old chair!

Farmhouse style decor in living room. Old door with basket and cozy blankets.

Favorite Faux Greenery

So one question I get all the time is where I find all my faux greenery. Believe it or not, my favorite faux plants are actually from Ikea. But good news–all three of my faves are available on Amazon! You guys probably notice these little gems in almost all of my blog posts, I use them alllllll the time. First up from the group of three is this little sage plant–I have two of them.

Favorite Farmhouse Style Faux Greenery

Favorite Farmhouse Style Faux Greenery

My other favorite is the Ikea potted thyme. It’s a brighter shade of green compared to the sage, but I really love this one too. It’s such a happy little plant!

Favorite Farmhouse Style Faux Greenery

And lastly is this Ikea potted jade plant. These are just so handy to have around the house–I am constantly changing out the pots I use with these little plants, but they pretty much go with anything and work in any room in your home.

Favorite Farmhouse Style Faux Greenery Favorite Farmhouse Style Faux Greenery

Shop all the faux plants here:

A Good Book for a Tired Mama

My last favorite today is a good book I got recently–it’s called Pressing Pause by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schlenk, and this is the perfect devotional for me right now in this crazy and exhausting season of life. This book has 100 short, but powerful devotionals that are full of uplifting and encouraging words for any mama.

I really need this right now because I feel like I’m running on fumes lately. My sweet son just started Kindergarten this week, which has been really tough on me, and baby Ava is still struggling to figure out her days and nights. We’re working on getting her in more of a routine, but it takes time. So with everything going on I just can’t seem to catch my groove lately. I have so much I want to do, there just aren’t enough hours in the day and I feel behind on just about everything in life right now–which really drives me crazy. But this devotional is exactly what I need to start my day in the right place–with a grateful heart for all my blessings and looking to Him for guidance and strength. It doesn’t matter how exhausted I am or how chaotic life may seem, any time I sit down to spend a few minutes in prayer and read this devotional I instantly feel better, more patient, and more capable as a mother. Thank goodness for grace, right?

Well my friends, that’s a wrap on my Friday Favorites. Thanks so much for dropping by the blog today. I know I say it all the time, but your support means so much to me and I’m forever grateful for each and every one of you! xoxo

Shop the goodies you saw in this post:

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  1. 8.11.17
    Ellen said:

    I’m the same way where I hate getting behind on things and it makes me crazy when life is too busy to catch up! I don’t know about anyone else, but I definitely agree this week was a looooong one!
    Thanks for sharing your favorites with us, I will be praying for you with the new adjustments life is bringing! I can’t even imagine sending a kiddo off to Kindergarten for the first time! It’s so great to watch them grow up, but at the same time it’s so sad to close a sweet chapter of life.

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you for the prayers sweet Ellen, I really appreciate it! Change is always hard for me, but I’m learning to embrace new beginnings! xoxo

  2. 8.11.17
    Mary said:

    I keep wondering how you do it. 😊 Now I know I wasn’t the only one!!! It’s okay that you can’t do it all right now. Adding that third child is overwelming because now they outnumber you!!! Hang in there! (I have 4 kids, all over 19 now!) Scale back your to-do list to only those things that are really necessary. It will be ok!!

    Maybe we could help you out and share some of our favorite decor with you? Give you a break, so to speak!!!

    Keep the faith!!! It will get better!! 😊❤️

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      You are so sweet to offer to help Mary! You definitely brought a smile to my face with your sweet comment–thank you!

  3. 8.11.17
    Nikki said:

    I have one moving back to campus starting his third year of college, one in 7th, one in 11th, one in 12th and my oldest is moving out this weekend. All I want to do is cry because they are all growing up on me!! I miss them being little even though those were very exhausting days. You will make it through this phase of life you are in just fine. You are a true momma and that’s why you are exhausted. Hang in there! I love your Friday Favorites posts…. look forward to them every week!

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw Nikki, you have a lot on your plate right now too! I can’t imagine how hard that must be to have your oldest leave the nest. I’m sure you are feeling all the emotions right now. Big hugs to you my friend and thank you for all the support! xoxo

  4. 8.11.17
    Lori said:

    I love all your decorating ideas. Where did you get the clock?

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Hi Lori, that clock is from World Market. You can find it here: https://rstyle.me/n/crbka8b6hgf

      • 8.11.17
        Colleen said:

        I have to tell you–as soon as I saw that clock I searched to see where you got it and I ordered it immediately!! Just what I was looking for-Thanks, Sarah!!!

        • 8.11.17
          Sarah said:

          Yay! You will love that clock Colleen!

  5. 8.11.17
    Wanda Glass said:

    I am not a young mother but a 7o year old grandmother who still wrestles with the problem of finding enough time to do all that needs to be done. My husband has Parkinson’s, so I am a full time caregiver; my daughter has just gone through a very heart breaking divorce forcing her to work more hours, so I am a babysitter to her three adorable little boys; I have MS, so I a klutz who wrestles with stumbling, balance, pain, and lack of strength and spends too much time cleaning up messes I constantly make from dropping things; and at home I must function as full time cook, housekeeper, and gardener. No wonder I am tired so much of the time. Caffeine doesn’t provide the perk-up it once did, but looking out the bank of windows on the back of our house and enjoying the beauty of nature that God has given us, I receive from Him a source of energy and invigoration. He helps me watch my tongue, calm my frustrations, forget hurt feelings, and look at others who appear to have a problem-free life with no envy but with love. So, you read this particular devotion daily, embrace your sleepless life, and let the love of God envelope you and give you strength to inspire others through your pictures and your writing.

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Wow Wanda, thank you for this comment. First of all, kudos to you for everything you do and still have a positive attitude. I love how you can see God’s love in the beauty of nature out your back window. That’s so true and I love the simplicity of it. Thank you for the encouragement and the words of wisdom! xoxo

  6. 8.11.17
    Anna said:

    I love your Friday posts! And I love how real you keep it…
    Your kiddos will grow up so fast, as you already know! Having your oldest start kindergarten is a huge change, it comes with all kinds of emotions, and that can be exhausting!
    The book looks wonderful, I will definitely check it out!
    Enjoy your weekend!

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Anna! And I’m so glad you enjoy my Friday posts 🙂

  7. 8.11.17
    Faith said:

    Be still and know…………..
    ………………That He is God.
    That is a challenge in this rushed world….
    When I feel like things are falling apart, I get still and just stand still and look around…as soon as I can find that quiet moment, I get still and sit still…close my eyes and run His memorized true Word thru my mind…I can do this at a stoplight too…
    If my world is coming unraveled, I am still, then I smile and say “Lord, what are you up to? What are you trying to do in my life?” I know nothing bad is from Him…it’s from the fallen world I live in.
    He woos me back to conservation with Him….
    “Father, this is stressful”….,”My child, I know it is, come sit by my side and let me encourage you”…
    Stress, trials, scary, pressure filled days are to be expected….He told us we would face those things…He did too…..why would we think we won’t. For us, as His children, He is just our immediate hiding place, as we seek to escape one more pressure cooked minute.

    We are overwhelmed by a loving God who is accessible 24/7/365….no appt needed, no need to call ahead…no need to wait tugging at His shirt, His eyes are on us all day, everyday, and He is but a whisper away…..grace indeed….run!….jump into His presence….He’s always waiting, being still Himself, and welcomes us with opened arms!!
    These days will pass…Ava will find her routine, your son will excel at his lessons, and you will smile at your Jesus and whisper thank you….again…and again.
    Have a blessed day as you walk with your Jesus through it.
    Cyber-hugs! Hang in there!

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Goodness Faith, there is so much wisdom in your comment. Thank you for sharing this with me and I agree 100% with you–God is always there to hold us and encourage us in every situation. I find so much comfort in that though! Thank you for the encouragement and love, you are amazing!

  8. 8.11.17

    I couldn’t agree more about how tough it can be living among chaos! I feel like I’m stressed out to the brim 100% of the time and find it so hard to just chill out sometimes. So glad to hear that I’m not the only one!

    P.S. that basket is gorgeous! If only I had a place to put a new one…the hubby gets on me all the time for my basket addiction haha.

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      I hear you Angela, I have plenty of those days myself! xoxo

  9. 8.11.17
    Jaime Herman said:

    Thank you for your beautiful blog! It is such a quiet, welcome, beautiful place. Keep your courage. Your babies will grow and you will almost not remember the sleepless exhaustion. God is good and gives you extra strength. My four babies are 12, 16, 22, and 25. Some days I thought I would lose my mind. And here I am wishing for the uncomplicated days of infants, toddlers, and little people. But, every stage has wonderfulness. Thanks for sharing. Please keep sharing!

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Wow Jaime, you are a superhero with 4 kids! And you’re right, every stay has wonderfulness and it’s up to us to embrace each season for all it has to offer. I’m just hoping for some normalcy/routine in our schedule soon and I will feel so much better!

  10. 8.11.17
    Vicki said:

    Love your Friday favorites! Hang in there, things will get better! I dealt with post partum depression after my second child so struggling with that and a newborn and a toddler was very difficult. You’ll get in a routine soon! I’m trying to click on the items in your post to shop but it just keeps taking me to Pinterest instead of the shopping source, help?

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Vicki! Thankfully my emotions feel good, I just can’t get in a groove with our schedule and balancing all the things I want to get done in our days. It will take time but I’m hoping we get in a routine here soon. Have a great weekend! xoxo

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh and about the imagines linking to Pinterest–I’ve had that issue too, you just have to click on the lower right hand side of the image to get it to take you to the right page! If you click more on the left side it tries to Pin the image!

  11. 8.11.17
    Sandee said:

    I wish I could give you a big hug sweet girl. This is a very tough time. Kindergarten and a newborn 😨 as well as all the other things on your plate. 😩 No wonder your exauhsted.
    So I’m sending a virtual hug to you.
    You’ve got this.😄 🤗🤗🤗
    I hope you take some time to energize your batteries. 😍😍😍

    • 8.11.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh Sandee, you are so sweet! Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. I’m hoping to rest and re-energize my batteries this weekend. Next week will be better! xoxo

  12. 8.13.17
    Susan said:

    I love what Faith said in her comment! What wisdom she has! Seems like time goes by so fast and the children are all grown and gone their own way. And my grandchildren seem to have grown up way too fast! From what I have read from you, you seem to try to embrace every moment you can. I hope you can get rest and sleep soon. Been a long time since I was a young mom but I still remember those sleepless nights! Love your Friday blogs! Hang in there! This time is only for a season!

    • 8.13.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Susan! You’re right, these long days and short nights are only for a season and then they’re gone. I’m doing my best to soak it all in and enjoy every moment–sleep deprived or not! Thankfully we’re getting in a routine now so things are lookin’ up. Thanks for dropping by the blog!

  13. 8.14.17
    Kellie said:

    Thank you, Jesus for the magical powers of caffeine!! ;). Oh, Sarah, I wish I was close I’d come over and give you a break so you could have a nap! You are so right, it is just the season you are in. I love all of your favorite things and I need to go check out that book more!! love you friend, you are doing great!!!

    • 8.15.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Kellie, you are such a sweetheart! Love and hugs my friend. xoxo

  14. 8.16.17
    Deedra said:

    I just came across your blog recently, after seeing some of your home photos online. Your home is simply beautiful and I want to add that your wall colors are so warm and cozy! What a breath of fresh air to see a farmhouse style home done in something other than gray. So welcoming!

    I’ll just add what others have already said. When your children are small, it seems like the days drag on and all you want is rest. When they get older, you realize those days were the most precious. When you take time to live fully in those moments, you won’t have regrets in later years. Many blessings to you!

    • 8.17.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that Deedra! You are so right. The days are long but the years are short! Time just goes way too fast and this season is so special. Something I definitely need to remember on those long days.