3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style

First of all, Happy Memorial Day! I know many of you are probably out and about enjoying wonderful holiday festivities right now, but I wanted to go ahead and blog today for those of you that are just hanging out at home like me. We’ve actually had a pretty mellow weekend for the most part, although the majority of Sunday was spent working on our kitchen passthrough. I’m so excited to say it’s finished and we are DONE. Finally, right? I can’t wait to share an update on that very soon. But today I wanted to pop in with a quick post about one of my most asked questions here on the blog and that’s how to get started with farmhouse style when you’re brand new to the look. I know it can seem overwhelming when you’re transitioning from a completely different decor style. And even harder when you’re working within a limited budget. But it’s actually easier than you might think and there are simple things you can do now to get the process rolling. Here are 3 quick tips that will help you get started with farmhouse style in your home.


I know what you’re thinking. What in the heck does a neutral foundation mean, Sarah? Let me explain. Try thinking of your decor as falling into one of two categories: the foundation or the fillers.

The foundation would be things like your paint color, area rug, and large furniture pieces like your couch and accent chairs.

The fillers are all the extra accessories like your throw pillows, wall decor, curtains, etc.

Of course the fillers are important to the overall style of your home, I actually have a whole post about why accessories matter here, but it’s the foundation pieces that truly set the tone of your overall style. Establishing a neutral foundation is key for the classic farmhouse look. It’s definitely a challenge to pull off farmhouse style with a green accent chair. Or a purple area rug. Or walls that are painted cherry red. Your get what I’m saying. It just doesn’t jive with the cozy and inviting farmhouse vibe. However, if you’ve established a good foundation with things like a neutral area rug and light colored walls, it’s a lot easier to mix in pops of color here and there. The foundation sets the tone for everything else, so focus your attention there first and then build up from there.

3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style


I often get questions that go like this: “I have lots of furniture with a dark oak color. Is it possible to keep the lovely wood tones but still achieve a farmhouse feel? Help!” And my answer to that is DEFINITELY. Work with what you have as best you can. You don’t have to paint everything, folks. And you probably shouldn’t. But here’s the catch. I think the key to creating a farmhouse look is using those wood tones selectively and focusing on using items that are old and authentic. For example, there’s a big difference between a dark wooden dresser from the 1985 versus an old wood cabinet from the early 1900’s. I’d definitely paint the first and leave the second alone. The common theme with farmhouse style homes is more of the true, vintage wooden furniture and less of the “outdated”. Natural, old wood will bring a sense of warmth and character to any room, so definitely keep those pieces. But go ahead and look around your home for any outdated furniture that can be painted and given more of a neutral look.

3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style

3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style


Farmhouse style is all about mixing simplicity with vintage charm. And that simplicity is one of my favorite things about farmhouse style homes. You don’t need a bunch of fancy things to be a pro at farmhouse style. Instead, it’s about using simple pieces that have a classic and timeless feel. If you’re brand new to the farmhouse look, try going into one room and gathering up all of the knick-knacks and random little trinkets. Box them up and see how it changes the feel of the room. Then slowly start adding in pieces that have more of a vintage and classic look. Simple antiques and vintage items should slowly start to replace the knick-knacks.

3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style

3 Quick Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style

I hope these 3 simple tips have helped you wrap your mind around the idea of getting started with farmhouse style. It’s really a few easy changes that can make a huge difference when you’re just getting started. And remember, farmhouse style doesn’t mean you live on a farm–although that would be pretty darn awesome. I believe any home, regardless of it’s build or style, can embody the farmhouse look. After all, it’s simply about creating a classic, cozy feel in your home that is warm and inviting.

That’s it for me today friends. Thanks a bunch for dropping by and checking in today–you know I always appreciate it!

Here are a few other posts about incorporating farmhouse style into your home:

10 Ways to Get Farmhouse Style in Your Home

How to Get Farmhouse Style In Your Home: Part Two

Transitioning to Farmhouse Style: Complete Shopping Guide

Shop the goodies in this post:

Pin for later: 3 Easy Tips to Get Started with Farmhouse Style

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  1. 5.29.17
    Sue said:

    Great blog!!! Looking around my room now and realizing lots of my “stuff” has to go!!!!

    • 5.29.17
      Sarah said:

      Go for it Sue! It always feels good to clear out the clutter.

      • 1.23.18
        Sarah said:

        I love the paint color!!! Just enough yellow to set a cheerful tone! What is it?!

        • 9.19.19
          Angela said:

          Hello… I’ve just started redecorating my small apartment with the farmhouse style. My husband grew up on farm and he likes the style. I have a safe green couch can I incorporate that color with farmhouse look? My little Knick-knacks are from my travels I would hate to have to back them up permanently. Also I’ve been working on my bathroom how do you get the soft farmhouse bathroom with all the “ toiletries , facials creams facial wash mask etc.” I’ve bought basket for all of it and it’s on a little shelf rack thingy above the toilet.

  2. 5.29.17
    Jody Jackson said:

    Sarah, my dining room is done in Primitive country. My living room has recently been decorated in Farmhouse styling (thanks to you and your wonderful tips). I just read where you don’t think themed rooms are a good idea. To me both rooms are warm and cozy. But how can I blend my 2 rooms without a major change. You know what I mean? I can’t find anything on blending Primitive and Farmhouse, though both use a lot of the same things; signs, old wooden bowls of eggs, farm table, candles, antique pieces, etc. Thank you very much. Love your ideas and thought! Jody

    • 5.29.17
      Sarah said:

      Jody, that’s a great question. I think if you love both styles you can definitely keep them as they are. Not every room has to match perfectly. Remember, it’s YOUR home and it’s about creating a space that you love and feel happy in. And like you said, there are a lot of common themes between primitive and farmhouse, so I think you’re just fine!

  3. 5.29.17
    Michele Ward said:

    Love your blog. I loved this style years ago before it was “THE” look to achieve. I strayed from the style, trying out other decorating styles. The other styles don’t make me feel at home like a “Farmhouse” look. I’ve always loved old, vintage styles. I only struggled with incorporating old with new. I think now, I’m getting the hang of it. Sometimes it just takes some trial and error. Thank you so much for your blog. Keep blogging!!!!!

    • 5.29.17
      Sarah said:

      Definitely a lot of trial and error goes into find your personal style. You’re exactly right Michele. Thanks so much for dropping by today!

  4. 5.29.17
    Ruth penny said:

    Thank you for the info I have a black leather couch and I am not sure how to pick furniture throws for it my wallls are country white so lol that’s a start need help on how to cover couch it’s new thanks Sarah I appreciate the help

    • 5.29.17
      Sarah said:

      Hi Ruth! You might want to check out these gorgeous slipcovers from Simply French Market on Etsy. I bet it would work perfectly on your couch and I think the price is really reasonable. You can see it here: https://rstyle.me/n/cnzfs5b6hgf Good luck!

  5. 6.2.17
    Cristin A. said:

    Where did you get that cute 2 tiered cupcake stand that is sitting on the trunk in your living room?

  6. 7.10.17
    Tracie said:

    I LOVE your site and always look at it. And comment. 😉 I live in a small apartment with my dog, Chloe. We have a definite cottage/scaled down farmhouse look in our home. I was fortunate to get to start over fresh from leaving an abusive marriage, and God just blessed me wonderfully to be able to do this here and in a budget friendly way. I needed a home that felt like home, and it has healed my heart so much to have a pretty space and decorate it, and come home to relax in cozy safety! I have a sweet man in my life, too, now. My boyfriend comes over on dates and says he loves the big armchair he can just relax in. 🙂 I named the chair the Andy chair after him. 🙂 We are talking about marriage happening in the next couple years.

    I thought decorating was just kinda something where if you didn’t have a big budget, you could not have it really pretty, until for the first time I had my own say in really how the home looked and “felt.” God blessed me with the kindness of family and friends to start fresh, as well as amazing thrift store finds. My friends gave me my loveseat free. My mom gave me a kitchen aid mixer as a birthday gift since I love to cook. I found a $600 coffee table for $33 total in a thrift store. I have found a LOT of things in thrift stores.

    I think that some styles really are hard for a small income, but the cottage/farmhouse look is very achieveable for a small cost. And if you do enjoy creating your own art or have a friend who does, you may be able to prettify very affordably. I paint and draw, and i have done some painting furniture here, and my buddy Kate sews fabric I have found into pillows for me. The handmade feel is right for this home, too.

    When Andy and I do marry, we plan to buy a house, and we will be transplanting my things and adding to the style over there. He says it feels like home to him. No bigger praise than that! I

  7. 8.23.17
    Pam said:

    I’ve just discovered your blog and I love it! I have been struggling with the transformation of my country, primitive with some antiques style to farmhouse. I had finally decided I couldn’t change everything and I really wouldn’t want to. I am so happy to see and read from your blog that you validated my thoughts that I don’t have to change everything, but incorporate the styles together. As long as we love it and its HOME that’s what matters. I love that you answer questions and give simple advice without charging a fee. I am so excited to catch up on your blog and to see what you do next!

  8. 10.25.17
    Heidi said:

    I have a brown leather sectional couch (brand new) Is it possible to incorporate that & transition my style into modern farmhouse? I have some lighter tables that I really like. One of my tables has the barn door look to it. Trying to accessorize & pull it together.

    • 10.27.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh definitely, Heidi! I’d just soften the couch up with a bunch of neutral pillows and throws!

  9. 11.16.19
    Crissy said:

    My kitchen is currently decorated with rooster’s and my walls are barn red. I an wanting to decorate with the black and white theme. Will the wall color go with this theme? Thank you for any and all help. Have a blessed day