A few months ago I was browsing Craigslist and came across a beautiful two-tiered tallboy dresser. It was a bit out of my price range, so I emailed in a low offer. I didn’t heard back for several weeks and then out of the blue I got an email that said, “Hey Sarah-I just reduced the dresser to $75… It has a wobbly leg that I don’t have time to repair…” As you might have imagined, I immediately squealed in happiness and quickly responded that yes, I wanted the dresser! Apparently it was for sale at a local antique shop, so I made arrangements to pick it up as fast as possible. And this is the beauty that awaited me.
Thankfully I was the first person the seller notified of the price change, so I was able to put the dresser on hold. While we were loading up several people were inquiring about it and one woman even called the shop and wanted to purchase it over the phone. So I was lucky to get it! And I was instantly in love–it was even better than the pictures I had seen online. And bigger, which was a nice surprise. Sure, it had a bit of a wobbly leg, but I knew we could easily fix that. Otherwise it was in perfect condition. I happily paid the owner $75 and we were on our way. I couldn’t wait to get it home.
Here she is! I planned all along to put it in our front room and I looooove it here. This room was looking a bit empty, so this was perfect place. It’s the first thing you see when you walk in our front door and I love the statement it makes. I once read somewhere that the first room in your home should set the tone and vibe for your entire house. This beauty definitely does that.
I really like how its two-tiered and taller than the standard dresser. Plus it has plenty of space on top for little vignettes and pretty things, which makes it fun to decorate! Most of the goodies I have styled here are thrifted. Except for the burlap ampersand, which is from Olde Farm Creek. And the wooden “live simply” sign is from The Painted Nest.
I love the little drawers on top. And how cute are those round drawer pulls?! I actually don’t have much in the drawers yet, but this baby has a ton of storage space. I’m thinking I will use it for family photo albums.
So that’s the story of my vintage tallboy dresser! It’s definitely one of the best bargains I’ve ever found. I still can’t believe we got it for $75, wobbly leg and all. Let me know what you think and thanks for stopping by!
Wow, usually a piece like this @$75 would mean you have to paint it yourself around here!
What a great find!
I love this dresser and such an unusual style which makes it more treasured. Love your style as well. Beautiful home!
Wow, Sarah, that’s beautiful!!! (And a steal????????)
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