Outdoor Garden Storage Cabinet

It honestly feels like FOREVER since I’ve blogged. It’s only been a little less than a week, but it seems much longer than that because so much has happened. If you follow me over on Instagram you might know that my mom had a very serious health emergency on Wednesday night. Without going into too many details, I will say it’s a miracle she’s alive. God was definitely watching over her that night and for that I am so, so grateful. You guys know that my mom and I are very close, so it’s been incredibly difficult. I’ve been at the hospital as much as possible since Wednesday and life has definitely been a whirlwind to say the least. But thankfully she’s made great progress over the past few days and even though she still has a long road ahead, things are looking much better–praise the Lord. I’ve sure missed this happy little place and all of you, so I’m excited to be back to my normal shenanigans today! And this post is a fun one because it’s all about an easy makeover I did on a little wooden cabinet that we’ve had for years. I gave it a fresh coat of paint and turned it into an outdoor garden storage cabinet for our back patio. Ok, so here’s how it looked before:

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

We’ve had this cabinet for almost ten years now. And I actually used this as an extra storage “pantry” in our first home. Our kitchen didn’t have a lot of cabinet space, so we needed a spot to store things like cereal and bags of chips. This cabinet worked perfectly for that! But as we’ve transitioned to different homes over the years it’s just been moved around from room to room and hasn’t served much of a purpose. It’s been sitting empty for about a year now and I was ready to get rid of it to be honest, but I decided to give it a fresh coat of paint and turn it into a little garden storage cabinet for summer. Here’s how it looks now:

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

So I used Rust-Oleum chalk paint in Linen White to give this cabinet a fresh new look. Then my vision for this was to basically turn it into a place to store all my extra pots and gardening goodies. You know, wanna-be plant lady things.

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

I picked up this large outdoor clock at Target and I love how it looks against all the white. You know I’ve been obsessed with black accents lately, so this clock is perfect. I also snagged these cute seed kits, which I think are too adorable to actually plant so I’m basically just using them as decor!

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet. Vintage colander used to hold potting soil!

I lined the inside of this large vintage colander with a trash bag and then filled it with potting soil. Turns out it’s actually super handy and the trash bag does a great job of keeping the soil from falling out through the holes.

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

I LOVE the little tin panels on this cabinet. I think they add so much character and charm. And don’t they remind you of an old vintage pie safe?! They definitely give this cabinet an antique vibe, even though it’s not an antique at all.

Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet Outdoor Farmhouse Style Garden Storage Cabinet

I’m pretty happy about the fact that this cabinet isn’t sitting empty anymore. And I’m also happy that I didn’t get rid of it like I thought about doing. This thing actually has a lot of sentimental meaning since it dates all the way back to our first house–I just wasn’t loving it anymore. Do you have pieces like that in your home? Things you don’t really want anymore but you hold onto it because you feel like you should? It’s kind of weird place to be in, but I’m just glad I was able to find a way to repurpose this cabinet into something that I love. It only took a little paint to give it a fresh look and now it serves a brand new purpose on our back patio!

Well thanks so much for dropping by the blog today. And also for hanging in with me these past few days while things have been extra quiet. I’m SO grateful for the support you guys give me every day! xoxo

Here’s a few other summer-y posts you might want to wander over to:

Farmhouse Style Potting Bench

A Recent Vintage Find & Summer Decor

Farmhouse Style Summer Porch


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  1. 6.12.18
    Marilyn S. said:

    Sarah -seriously I felt like I was looking at a display in Magnolia Market – you have to do a book about decorating on a budget , you are the best , your projects are always such a big transformation at very little cost .

    Your Mom -Rest in the knowledge and promise of Psalm 91 .

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Ah Marilyn, you are too good to me. Thank you for the sweet words! xoxo

  2. 6.12.18
    Becky said:

    Absolutely love it! Sorry to hear about your mom! 🙏🏻

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Becky, thankfully she is doing much better!

  3. 6.12.18
    Pam Schaeffer said:

    Prayers for your sweet momma. Your blog is such an inspiration to me glad your back!
    One of your fans

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you Pam, I really appreciate that!

  4. 6.12.18
    Mosbrucker Carey said:

    What finish on the chalk paint did you use for outside use? Love how it turned out.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      I just did a clear poly on top to seat it.

  5. 6.12.18
    Tammy Ganci said:

    Good Morning Friend,

    So sorry to hear about your mom, may god continue to bless her and watch over your family.

    I am loving this storage cabinet/pie safe!!! I too have a love of things that were once in the family and are now in my home. I am going crazy with white paint and white chalk paint. Thank goodness I have white farmhouse furniture in my living and dining rooms!!! Just painting all the accent pieces I have.

    Enjoy a beautiful blessed spring day,
    Love your blog friend

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Oh wow, you’ve been so busy Tammy! But I bet it all looks amazing and totally worth the work. Send me a photo if you get a chance, I’d love to see it! xoxo

  6. 6.12.18
    Debbie Welsh said:

    Does your cabinet under a porch or does it get rained on? I have been wanting one on my patio, just unsure how it would do in the summer weather.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      No it’s not under the porch, so it will get rained on….I’m not sure how it will hold up, but so far we’ve had a dry summer so it hasn’t been an issue really. But I did use a clear poly so that will help.

  7. 6.12.18
    Paula said:

    Prayers for your mother. I miss mine every day.
    You do such a nice job on everything !

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Paula, I appreciate that! xo

  8. 6.12.18
    Donna Bergthold said:

    Sarah, this looks absolutely adorable! What a transformation! I need to do this to our plant stand that we have. So much inspiration! And prayers to your sweet mama.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Donna, it was a fun project! And thank you for the prayers, I really appreciate them! xoxo

  9. 6.12.18
    Gina said:

    I totally am going to be on the lookout for a cute little cabinet to redo for my porch! Love that!!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      yes definitely!! Add it to the yard sale list!

  10. 6.12.18
    Michelle said:

    Sarah, So sorry to hear about your Mom. Praying for her and your family!
    This cabinet transformation is lovely! So so pretty!! I love it!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      thank you so much Michelle, those prayers mean so much to us all! xoxo

  11. 6.12.18
    Teresa said:

    So glad to hear your precious Mom is doing much much better. I pray for Gods continued healing touch for her!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      That means so much to me, thank you Teresa!

  12. 6.12.18
    Sandee said:

    So stinking cute. I love pieces like that.
    I’m also so happy your Mom is doing better. I say a little prayer every day for you both.
    So glad to see your back 😍🤗

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you sweet Sandee, you are so thoughtful to do that and it’s very much appreciated. Thankfully she is doing much better and on the mend! xoxo

  13. 6.12.18
    lisandra said:

    did you steal this since its outside? also sending prayers for your family.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      yes with a clear polycrylic!

  14. 6.12.18
    Becky said:

    Dear Sarah. I am sorry to hear about yourMom. Praying for her and your family. God is good!! Love your cabinet. We all have that piece of furniture that we have our grown. Now look at what you have a new piece that is on so super cute!!!! I’m going to find something I already have and do this. You give us so much sarah! We love you!! Thanks so much! Prayers coming your way! xoxo

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw Becky, I am sending all that love right back to you. So grateful to have you here! xoxo

  15. 6.12.18
    Jane Broman said:

    I LOVE the redo — fresh look and ALL the things you tucked inside. You are sending me to my wooden crates to see if I have one to use for my seeds! Just wondering why you didn’t keep the cute door handles? I thought they would look good as a black accent!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      That’s a good question Jane! To be honest I was planning to replace the door handles because the ones that were on there before were a little too cowboy/rustic for me, if that makes sense. I totally planned to pick up some new ones at Hobby Lobby but I never got around to it, so I just left them off!

  16. 6.12.18
    Tanya said:

    Such a perfect choice for the little cabinet. I love how you remake and updo older pieces in such a creative way. So many blogs these days have gravitated towards just purchasing the wanted piece rather than creatively approaching it with things on hand or less expensive items. You balance both so well and keep your own voice in your decor. I hope your mom is doing much better and allso want you know that we all have her in our hearts and prayers for you.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw Tanya, you are such a sweetheart. Thank you for the kind words and support, it truly means so much to me! And I’m grateful for the prayers too, thankfully mom is doing better and on the mend. She’s actually going to stay with me for a few days while she continues to heal!

  17. 6.12.18
    Sheilah said:

    Prayers for your mom’s recovery.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much! xoxo

  18. 6.12.18
    kimberly said:

    love how you repurposed it. such a pretty cabinet in white.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Doesn’t it look better in white?! I mean, I do like yellow but it had to go. 🙂

  19. 6.12.18
    Brenda Johnson said:

    Oh my, I love it so much, it is so adorable! You styled it so cute! So glad to hear your mom is improving, I was just praying for y’all last night! Life sure can throw us some curve balls!!! I’m dealing with a few of my own, but trusting the sweet Lord to make things right…all in His timing. Romans 8:28

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you so much Brenda!! I can’t tell you how much that means to me. And I’m sending those prayers right back in your direction for things to work out for you. We know God will take care of it all!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      And I LOVE that verse. Definitely one of my favorites!

  20. 6.12.18
    Carol said:

    This is my style totally! I ha e a similar piece I’m using as a tv and toy storage but one day!!!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      That’s funny you mention that because this cabinet was used for toys for a brief time when we first moved into this home. And now it’s a garden cabinet. It’s really been through it all!!

  21. 6.12.18
    Laura Harrie said:

    Sarah, glad to hear your Mom is recovering, God will certainly bring her through this time as well as support you and your family.
    Love the transformation on the cabinet, the Linen White is the right color, you did a great job.

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Thanks Laura, I really appreciate that. xoxo

  22. 6.12.18
    Sherri said:

    This is soooo stinking cute!…I had some outdated seed packs and darned if I didn’t already toss them out..I could’ve used them to decorate with…grrrrr on me! Lol
    Thanks for sharing the inspiration!!

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      haha you know what Sherri, I totally thought that same exact thing!! How many seed packs have I thrown out over the years when I could have just used them as summer decor?! Good thing they’re pretty cheap!

  23. 6.12.18
    Patty from Colorado said:

    Sarah, first I need to tell you that I am so happy that your mom is doing so much better……my beloved mother is living in a nursing home in Blair, Nebraska. Our family is so richly blessed to still have her with us at 94 years old….like you, I treasure every single day ❤️ Now about your darling cabinet ‘make over’……it looks amazing! Great job!
    Sarah, I pray God’s blessings over your entire family (your mama too) ❤️

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Ah what a blessing to have your mom still going at 94!! That is amazing and I just pray both of my parents make it that long. What a gift that is!

  24. 6.12.18
    Ruth penny said:

    I really like what you did with the cupboard and glad your mom is doing better. Take care and be safe

    • 6.12.18
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Ruth!