How We Got to Our Fixer Upper

It’s been exactly two years since we purchased our 1980’s fixer upper. I seriously can’t believe it’s already been two years, but somehow it has. So much has happened in that short amount of time–major house renovations, huge life changes, and a sweet new baby girl. Gosh, we’ve been through a lot and I can’t let this anniversary pass without taking a minute to reflect on how we got here in the first place. It didn’t happen the way I planned, but it’s definitely one of the most profound God moments of my life. I feel like some of you may need to hear this story and the lessons I learned in our experience, so that’s what I’m going to share today. Grab your coffee and get comfy, it’s story time!

It was the Spring of 2015 when our journey to this little fixer upper really began. We decided to sell our suburban, cookie-cutter home with the hopes of moving outside of town. We wanted more room for our kids to play, more space, and lots of character. The market in Colorado was red hot, so we decided to go for it. But oh boy, we had no idea what craziness was ahead of us.

It didn’t take long to sell our house. We got an offer within just a few weeks, which was actually slow compared to most homes on the market at the time. Meanwhile we were busy little bees searching for our new home. But it wasn’t going well. We must have looked at 40 to 50 homes with no luck. Seriously, it was bad. I think we drove our poor realtor absolutely crazy. Nothing seemed to be the right fit for our family and as the weeks passed with no prospects in sight, we began to feel desperate. We only had a few weeks left before we had to be moved out of our house and our only backup option was to live in an apartment–definitely our worst case scenario. Given our urgency, we slowly started to expand our search to include homes that didn’t really match up to what we truly wanted. But we were desperate…

We came across one house in particular that almost wrecked our whole plan. It was gorgeous and definitely the best looking home we had seen at that point. The layout was great and the finishes were top of the line. BUT it was another cookie-cutter home squeezed in a tight little neighbordhood with zero backyard. I mean, ZERO backyard. NO grass whatsoever, no place for the kids to play. Plus there were a few other red flags we overlooked. But we convinced ourselves that maybe it could work. Maybe this was good enough. It’s funny (I mean scary) how your brain works when you are tired, worn out, and desperate. And not waiting on God’s timing. Like crazy people, we decided to put in a full price offer. No contingencies. No strings attached. It was a rock solid offer. And if things went smoothly, we could close just in time to avoid moving twice and the whole renting fiasco. Our offer went out at 8PM and we requested a response by noon the next day.

I knew in my gut it was wrong. Really wrong. And I think my husband knew it too. But the fact was we needed a home and we both realized that maybe our dream of more space just wasn’t possible at that time. I knew it wasn’t right and I can remember feeling sick to my stomach as I tried to sleep that night. I laid awake praying for God to help us. Praying that He would get us out of this mess. Praying they would reject our seemingly perfect offer. I just couldn’t stop thinking of the million and one reasons why that house was a bad fit for our family.

The next morning around 9AM we got the call. They REJECTED our offer. Our full price, no contingencies offer. There were no competing offers on the table. We were not out-bid. Our offer was the only one they had to consider. Simply put, there was no logical reason as to why they would reject us other than God intervened. God knew better and He had a plan. When we got the news I felt more relief than I can even put into words. God had saved us from a terrible decision and it became very clear in that moment that He wanted us to slow down and wait. It was truly one of the most profound God moments of my life.

Fast forward a few weeks and we still didn’t have a house. Our time had run out. It was just two days before our closing date when I finally forced myself to call local apartments and find a place to live. Talk about last minute, I know. I found us a two month lease, at a ridiculously high price, in a tiny, one bedroom apartment. I couldn’t believe our worst case scenario was really happening.

The day we left our home and moved into our apartment I cried. A lot. The fact that the four of us were moving into a one bedroom apartment and leaving our beautiful home with no prospects in sight was down right scary. Honestly, I was heartbroken. But within an hour of being in our apartment I was back online looking at houses. A new option in the area we loved had just come on the market that very day. It was an older home, built in the early 80’s, but it looked promising so we arranged to see it later that evening. It was raining and dreary and we were exhausted from moving all day, but off we went to see yet another house.

By three steps in the door I knew this was home. Literally it happened that fast. It was perfect. It was custom built and full of all the character and charm we so desperately wanted. Plus it was sitting on nearly one acre, which was HUGE compared to what we had in town. Sure it needed some work, but I loved it and I saw so much potential. This is the view I saw when I walked into the house for the very first time. I just knew in my heart this was it.

We put in a full price offer immediately and the sellers accepted within hours. We were finally under contract and sooooo incredibly happy and grateful. But now the four of us had to endure seven looooong weeks in a one bedroom apartment before we could officially make it ours. And I’m not going to lie. It was pretty darn awful in that tiny apartment. The whole thing smelled like cat pee, it was fully equipped with fluorescent lights, and it was teeny tiny. I hated it and the first week in particular was a major struggle for me. I can remember sitting on the kitchen floor one of those first days, just crying and wondering how I was going to make it through the summer in that dark, smelly apartment with two little kids. I know there are far worse things in life, but at that time it felt crushing. Plus I was angry. Angry we were in that situation. Angry at how much money it was costing us. Angry at the fact that my kids had to spend the summer in a tiny apartment. I was angry at it all. But God started working on my heart and helped me to realize that my anger wasn’t going to change anything or speed up the process. It would just make me miserable. Instead I had to endure the situation and embrace the lesson He was trying to teach me.

Those seven weeks seemed like an eternity, but we made it through. We finally moved into our 1980’s fixer upper on July 17th, 2015 and I’ll never forget how happy we all were on closing day. I can still remember how huge this place felt compared to our apartment and the kids were absolutely thrilled. We had a lot of work ahead of us, but it was an incredible to know we were home. Everything we went through was worth it. I snapped this photo in the midst of unpacking on July 21st, 2015. Lamp on the floor, house a mess, but happy as can be. I cherish this photo.

Getting here didn’t happen as easily as I had hoped. And we almost wrecked the whole thing with that crazy offer, but God had a plan for us. Unfortunately, it’s hard to trust that plan and walk faithfully into the unknown in the midst of what looks like chaos. But that summer taught me so many lessons and I grew in my faith tremendously. Looking back now, I never could have imagined how this home would bless our lives. If it wasn’t for this little 1980’s fixer upper and all the craziness we had to endure to get here, I know 100% that I would not have this blog. Truly, LVN began solely because of this home and our renovation story. And now here I am, two years later, blogging our journey in our fixer upper. I can’t even express how grateful I am to God for taking me down this road, even though I was kicking and screaming along the way.

I am so thankful to all of you for the incredible support you give me every day. And I hope that if you’re struggling right now, this would encourage you to trust God and know that He has your back. Even when life seems out of control and completely chaotic, rest in the assurance that God will provide if you just LET HIM. Stop trying to control it all and let Him do it. I know that despite all those tears I cried in that little apartment two summers ago, God was right there with us. He had amazing things waiting just down the road for me, but I had to endure the storm to get to the sunshine on the other side.

I hope whatever storm you’re going through right now, big or small, you remember that something great is waiting just around the bend. Hold tight to that promise.

Leave a Comment!


  1. 7.19.17
    Michelle said:

    Wow, what a story! Loved it but also understood your “apartment anger” as I had a similar experience complete with flies in all the windows in the middle of winter! Ugh….but all worked out as well. Love those “God driven moments”! Thx for sharing.

  2. 7.19.17
    Angel Taraila said:

    Beautiful…just beautiful. Thank you for sharing such an inspirational story

  3. 7.19.17
    Darcy said:

    Your great story comes at a time when I needed the reassurance that God does indeed “have my back”. Thank you for reminding me to trust and be patient, and thank you for sharing your story.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Yes indeed Darcy, He certainly has your back! xoxo

  4. 7.19.17
    JoEllen said:

    Thanks for sharing God’s work in your life. It helps all of us to trust a little more!

  5. 7.19.17
    Tammy said:

    Good Morning,

    Just what I needed today, to know that God does indeed have my back when things do get crazy and hectic and just not the way I want it. Enjoy your beautiful family today in your lovely home.

    Love your blog friend,
    Tammy xo

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Tammy, I’m so glad it was helpful to you! xoxo

  6. 7.19.17
    Joan said:

    Sarah. . You nailed. . Just when you think things are getting too tough to handle. . God has our back and a great plan to get us through the tough times!!!

    Love to you and your family Sarah!!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that Joan! Too bad it’s hard to remember that He has a plan when things get messy. But this experience certainly taught me trust Him fully in those tough times.

  7. 7.19.17
    Rosa said:

    Thank you for sharing, your story was just what I needed to hear as I’m at a time in my life where I have been questioning just that…what is God’s plan for me. I will hold on and keep my faith that “something great is just around the bend”.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Yes Rosa, something great is just around the corner for you! Just hold tight and keep the faith that He will deliver. Hugs to you.

  8. 7.19.17
    Rebecca said:

    Good Morning,

    I love your story! Everything is always in God’s timing and our human brains get in the way every time. I had a similar experience and once I let go… God’s grace showed me the way.


    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Isn’t that the truth?! “Our human brains get in the way”. That is so, so true!

  9. 7.19.17
    Margie Pousardien said:

    What a wonderful testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for being transparent and giving God the Glory. I love your blog and decorating style. Keep up the great work. God is so good!!!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      So glad you enjoyed it Margie. God is good!

  10. 7.19.17
    Crystal F. said:

    Great post! God reminds us everyday to slow down and he will show us the way…. I enjoy reading your posts and always look forward for the next one, along with my cup of coffee.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      You are so right Crystal, God is always there leading the way–we just have to slow down and look to Him. So glad you enjoyed the post! Hugs to you.

  11. 7.19.17
    Tanya said:

    I completely understand your journey-we also entered into the crazy Denver area market in the spring of 2015. We ended up choosing a house that I had doubts about for a long time after we purchased it-but it was in the perfect location in the school district we wanted for our children. Two years in, I can’t imagine not living here. Our 1983 house is definitely a work in process-driven in starts and stops by availability of money and time (and college on the near horizon for my oldest). This house has demanded my creativity and ingenuity and I love it. This is the first house we have lived in that I don’t want to leave-I love being a homebody for the first time in my life. I feel settled here and love the opportunity to make it truly ours.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Tanya, I feel the exact same way about our home! I’m such a homebody now and this place has truly brought out my creative side in the best way possible. It’s so crazy how a house can do that, but it’s been a real transformative process for me personally. Good luck continuing your fixer upper journey!

  12. 7.19.17
    Donna Bergthold said:

    Loved your story on how you found your perfect home. It indeed gave me so much hope and inspiration. It actually makes me want to move to Colorado! Thank you for sharing your stories with us. I look forward to reading them everyday.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you Donna, you are so sweet!

  13. 7.19.17
    Lisa said:

    Wonderful story of God’s faithfulness – when we usually cannot see what He is doing…I just adore you and your real, honest heart! Blessings! Where do you live?

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      You are so sweet Lisa, thank you! We’re in Colorado, about 45 minutes southeast of Denver.

  14. 7.19.17
    Tracy said:

    God is good!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that!

  15. 7.19.17
    Rhonda said:

    Thank you! I really needed this reminder today! I always enjoy reading your blog. You have a beautiful family and a beautiful home. What an inspiration you are, God bless you.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you so much Rhonda, I’m so happy this post was helpful to you! xoxo

  16. 7.19.17
    Ashley said:

    Two and half years ago, we were living in a cookie cutter suburban neighborhood. We were tired of our neighbors hearing every private conversation we had on the porch, and tired of our baby’s bedroom having no room to play (which really means I was tired of his toys being in the living room all the time). We began the hunt for some room to breathe and it took nearly a year. We spent every weekend looking at houses with our realtor, who was incredibly patient while we consistently rejected everything he dug up for us to look at. We finally made an offer on a home in November 2015; we KNEW it was the one. Also an 80s fixer upper, on three acres…so much potential. Rejected. We spent the next six months looking some more and finally came back to that one, which was STILL on the market. We tried again and it was finally accepted. Our home sold in 13 days, and we spent three weeks with our family of three living in a bedroom at my in-laws. Now, our house is nowhere near where I want it to be, but it’s slowly coming together, and my now 5-year-old loves to roam and explore outside. When you find the right one, you just KNOW. I just found your blog a few months ago, and I need to spend some time poking around and get some inspiration to get my rear in gear on my own place. xoxo

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Wow Ashley, what a journey that was! That’s so crazy you came back to that house 6 months later and were able to get it at that point. It was all meant to be. So happy for you!

  17. 7.19.17
    Elle said:

    ” I was angry at it all. But God started working on my heart and helped me to realize that my anger wasn’t going to change anything or speed up the process. It would just make me miserable. Instead I had to endure the situation and embrace the lesson He was trying to teach me.”

    I think this may be the most powerful part of your story, for me. 2 years ago we left behind a beautiful home we had dreamed of for years. It was at the lake but our full time home, and had a guesthouse. We shared it often, and loved it, and planned to retire there. Through circumstances we could not control, we had to move. I find myself in a town I don’t love in a house that is nothing to our beautiful home I dreamed, and designed, and I wonder if my heart will ever find it’s ‘home’ again. I have struggled with anger, grief, and sadness. But, it will not change anything for me to stay that way. I am on a journey of healing from many losses, but your story is encouraging me, to keep trusting, ‘this earth is not our home’. And not just that, but if God’s very best for me was my lakehouse, I would be there now. Thank you for your honest heart, and bless your little family.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh Elle, I need to hug you. I’m so sorry to hear you had to leave your dream home, I can only imagine how difficult that must have been. And you have every right to feel that grief and sadness. But you’re right, God must have lead you away from that home for a reason and all you can do is trust His plan–even though it doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t seem fair right now. Keep your chin up and do all you can to find joy in the everyday. xoxo

  18. 7.19.17
    Sharon Mohon said:

    Loved your story…we had to sell our home as my husband got a job in a different town. Our home was 21 acres with barns and we had it on the market for a year….hubby drove between job and home…a lot of lookers , but no offers. We found a house in the new city we loved, but we couldn’t buy it until our house sold. We were very dejected…we didn’t know then that God had a plan….the house we loved in the new city sold, and we were even more depressed.
    Then all of a sudden we had 3 great offers on our property in one day. On the day after we signed the papers, a house just came on the market in the new city.. cheaper than the other….like yours, it was a 1966 two story brick with a good back yard for our dogs, renovated kitchen, It had the floor plan we loved, great price, and I could spend time fixing it up….That was last Nov., and we are thrilled to live here…..that goes to prove God has a plan for us all.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      WOW Sharon, that is an incredible story. Isn’t it crazy how things all seems to fall into place at the perfect time? And often when we least expect it. God certainly had a plan for you and your home!

  19. 7.19.17
    Corinne said:

    May I say, I really needed that! I’ve been having a horrible week where it seems like even the littlest thing is going wrong. Reading this brought tears to my eyes, because my family is dealing with so many issues, and I always say it could be worse or it’s not as bad as someone else’s struggles. I am thankful for everything, especially that I have my husband and my children are healthy. Just sometimes when everything is falling apart and you literally have no control, it’s difficult for me to have patience. It feels good to have read that, and I hope things calm down soon ???? Thank you so much!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh Corinne, bless your heart. I’m sorry to hear you have had a bad week. I’m glad this post was uplifting to you and gave you some encouragement to give God the control and let go. And I hear you on not having patience, that has been a struggle for me my entire life, but little by little I’m getting better! Hang in there friend. xoxo

  20. 7.19.17
    Patty said:

    Sarah, I loved your post today. It brought back memories of how we ended up here in Colorado. We were living in the mountains of N.C. seven years ago! The perfect retirement location. Golf for my husband, volunteering for me. Everything changed when our grandchildren were born and living in Colorado….I knew in my heart we had to leave our ‘perfect’ life in N.C. and move (ourselves) cross country to be hands on grandparents. I know it was God’s will for our lives, because everything fell into place perfectly. Everything we thought we were leaving behind, God replaced with even more. The joy of watching our grandchildren grow and really investing ourselves in their life is truly ‘priceless’! When you know in your heart that this is exactly where God wanted us to be…makes all the hard work of packing up our home by ourselves and loading two Penske trucks that we drove to Colorado…totally worth while. God NEVER~EVER ceases to amaze me. ❤️

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh my goodness Patty, what an incredible story! I applaud you for making that decision to move across the country to be with your children and grandchildren–what a blessing that must be for them, and you! There is truly nothing that matters more than family, so you can rest assured in that decision. God definitely has you where He wants you!

  21. 7.19.17
    Robyn said:

    This is a precious and powerful testimony that so many can identify with due to similar situations and feelings of frustrations. Thank you for your sharing, inspiration and encouragement! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen Robyn, God is GOOD!

  22. 7.19.17
    Dianne said:

    Thank you for sharing your heart warming story.
    God is good, all the time.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen Dianne, God is good–all the time!

  23. 7.19.17
    Brenda said:

    Thank you for this post. I loved reading about your journey to your new home. I particularly love your remark about allowing God to provide for you. I needed to hear that, because I am at a point in my life that I need to let go and let God. I tend to want to control and take care of, but I am learning to let God do the providing not me. I appreciate this cause it reminds me I don’t need to control, but I need to rest and let Him do the work. Just have faith and believe and trust Him because He provides so much better me.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      I am the exact same way Brenda, I always want to control it all and worry way too about things that I can’t change. It’s always a struggle for me to remember that I need to just let God handle it FIRST, before I get all worked up and stressed. “Rest and let HIM do the work”, you nailed it!

  24. 7.19.17
    Pamela said:

    Beautiful post. Thank you.

  25. 7.19.17
    Barb said:

    You have inspired so many people that I don’t think you realize how great your blog is to all of us!! You get us inspired to decorate or redecorate our home and you get us inspired to trust and believe in the number one person(God)! Thank you for taking your time away from your family to inspire us and get us back to reality!!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw Barb, thank you. I truly appreciate that. Hugs to you my friend. xoxo

  26. 7.19.17
    Cesilia said:

    I don’t know you, but your story had me crying. I came across your blog on Instagram (I think?). I originally loved your blog because it gave me the (vintage/farmhouse) inspiration I needed to decorate our new home.

    But reading your story and a few of your other posts, just felt so relatable…like I was reading my own stories.

    Thank you for sharing

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw thank you, I am so happy to have you here Cesilia! xoxo

  27. 7.19.17
    Hilary said:

    Thank you so much for this! Brought tears to my eyes, too!
    This has been a challenging few months for me, and your wisdom that God has a plan for us was so helpful to me today.
    So happy for you, glad that you have your beautiful new baby to add to your sweet family!
    Keep writing, I really do enjoy your posts!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Hang in there Hilary. We all have those tough seasons in life, but hold tight to the promise that God has a plan for you and things WILL get better. xoxo

  28. 7.19.17
    Doreen said:

    Amen!!! That was beautiful. God never gives us more than we can handle. Faith pulls us through every time. Luv your story.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Amen to that Doreen! God never gives us more than we can handle. xoxo

  29. 7.19.17
    Lorri Rauscher said:

    Sarah…what a lovely story. He or she who believes is always blessed.Might not be what we think we want but the LORD always provides. Thank you for sharing your lovely story.????

  30. 7.19.17
    Laura L. said:

    We had such a similar “God thing” happen to us when we bought our 1920ish farmhouse. It has truly been an adventure trying to remodel this diamond in the rough, but it is gaining luster. Thank you so much for sharing your story- it is an encouragement to others!

  31. 7.19.17
    Ruth penny said:

    Thank you for sharing. Amen God is good all the time thank you also for encouraging and caring too

  32. 7.19.17
    Randi said:

    This post truly touched my heart. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and your story is proof of that. Thank you for the reminder that sometimes you have to weather the storm to see the sunshine. Congratulations on two years in your beautiful home and your precious new baby!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Thank you Randi! And I completely agree, everything happens for a reason.

  33. 7.19.17
    Teresa said:

    Oh wow what an awesome post. I had tears while reading this because I feel like I’m in the exact same place right now. I’ve just bought our little house and we move in next month and we need to completely rip it apart , I’ve stated a new blog because of your wonderful inspiration and that’s something I’d never ever have even said yes too. So right now I’m in that place of worry if I’ll fail or not but yet I feel the Lord pushing me to do this and I feel that why He caused me to stumble on your blog. I feel such a stillness after reading this post today but that’s what you do Sarah you bring a sense of peace and calmness that’s why I love your page . God bless dear girl xx

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Oh sweet Teresa, I can totally relate to that worry that things will fail. I do way too much of that myself. And I always have to remind myself to change my thinking and start visualizing how great things could be instead of always picturing the worst case scenario. Wouldn’t that be amazing if that was our first instinct instead of worry? I pray for God to give you the confidence to do what He’s called you to do. I know you’ll do great!

  34. 7.19.17
    jan said:

    What a beautiful story! I am many generations past you, but I still discover God’s plan for me all the time! I have just been blessed with MY first grandchild (I have 5 steps that I totally claim and love!), but newer knew the feelings I have had over the past 3 days! I love following the journey of you precious family and since I am totally in to farmhouse, I love your ideas too! May God bless you and yours!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Ohhh that’s so awesome!! Congrats on your new grandbaby Jan! So exciting and I am sure you are completely smitten.

  35. 7.19.17
    Pam said:

    I too have been on a home search for many months. I know all my loved ones are so tired of “the search” and I too feel discouraged. Then when a house finally pops up that truly seemend to be a fit our offer was rejected. I do know Gods plan is perfect even though I can’t see through His eyes to view the outcome. He closes doors because He loves us. I do KNOW it will be perfect at the right time!! Thank you for serving a LORD that loves and guides our lives beyond anything we deserve. I too love your blog and tender heart you share with all who follow you and know you personally. You are indeed a precious soul and witness.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      You hang in there! I know that perfect house is coming for you and all the searching and waiting will be worth it. The time has come, don’t give up now!!

  36. 7.19.17

    Such a lovely post, Sarah! Thank you for sharing your heart and your faith. God is so good! We have a very similar story; and without question, God was in the center of it all. It’s hard to see that in the middle of a situation, but reflecting back, you can always see God’s hand working for your good. Hope all is well with you and your family. xo

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Isn’t that the truth, Heather?! It’s so hard to see God’s hand in the middle of those tough situations, it often doesn’t come until you can reflect back and realize how He really was there, steering you the entire time. What a comforting feeling that is!

  37. 7.19.17
    Faith said:

    Isn’t it wonderful to know that when we are going through rough times, and the road is foggy, and we can’t see around the next curve, He is still there! So many people who relate to your story…who understand exactly what you felt…we are never alone in our troubles, there are broken hearts struggling all around us. It’s so good to hear your story, I too praise Him for guidance, closed doors and hallways to wait in. A favorite quote from a Bible study teacher I had says “He’s seldom early, but He’s never late”. I relate as well…after we were led to a literal wilderness (desert) to a beautiful home on 1/2 acre…then my hubby was laid off…we lost all the equity from our first home because of the down market in early 1990s….we rented and then had accepted we’d never own again when the rental foreclosed we were in and we had to leave. We bought a tiny fixer upper that had been empty for a year. We remodeled over the next 16 yrs….it sold in 1 day. Now we are building in a beautiful equine community on our son’s property. A tiny place…but it’s just us…Hubby doing most of the work. What I learned was priceless during those years of wandering in the wilderness…I learned to stop controlling and sitting still, and waiting on His sovereign plan. I wait on Him now till He has to PUSH me…lol…when things fall apart, I sit and immediately say, “Lord, what in the world are You up to!?” Then I wait. His mercies are new EVERY morning, and His grace is unending. I feel so blessed being to be given direct access to the throne room of God to petition Him for guidance and leading…He loves us so much. I read two great books I keep on hand to help me through rough times….1. “Why?” By Anne Graham Lotz and 2. “Anxious For Nothing” by John MacArthur. I highly recommend for anyone going through a trial that overwhelms them…your testimony of provision is inspiring, and your willing heart to share is uplifting. God bless you as He continues to use you for His purpose. Thank you for sharing. Your home is a haven….it has a very peaceful feeling to it. Congrats on 2 yrs of fun living, and your growing family!

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Faith, I loved reading your story! What an incredible journey you were on, but it’s so amazing to see how God was working it out the entire time. I love that lesson–stop controlling and sit still. If only I could do that more often, I’d save myself a lot of grief! Thank you so much for the book recommendations, I am going to check them out pronto!

  38. 7.20.17
    Kellie said:

    That’s how I felt when we walked into our home…I saw how it was ours right away! You have done so much with it, it certainly doesn’t have an 80’s fee anymore! it’s farmhouse perfection!!!

  39. 7.20.17
    Susan Koehn said:

    Great lesson and walk in Faith. HE is mighty and wonderful. Your children are so blessed to have parents who love the LORD.

  40. 7.20.17
    Marilyn S. said:

    In tears reading this (seriously I had to stop several times) . My house story is so similar to yours. House sold and no “acceptable” new house in the horizon…… but God had our backs and he knows what’s best for us. It’s so overwhelming to look back , it’s been 3 years now and I am in love with my home … yes the same house I didn’t even want to see. With some paint,….. lots of it , woodwork and decor It has proven to be the perfect home for us. Thank you for helping me to remember that God does want us to lay down what’s good and take what’s best! And gives good gifts to his children.

    • 7.20.17
      Sarah said:

      Aw Marilyn, we have been down such similar roads! I’m so happy to hear you found the perfect home for your family. And I love what you said–God wants us to lay down what’s good and take what’s best. Amen to that!

  41. 7.20.17
    Susan Hoglund said:

    What a beautiful story of how God had you and your husband’s back! If we could only be still like He tells in the Bible! Sometimes we have to go through some rough patches to understand that “be still and know He is God” and is working things out in His secret place! Oh how He loves us! You are creating a beautiful, comfortable home for your precious family!

  42. 7.24.17
    Breanne said:


    It’s so interesting to read this now. I’ve been looking for a home where I live for literally years. Nothing stands out. All cookie cutter or really expensive. I have the same vision as you for a home. It’s so frustrating but I know God is holding off because He knows I’ll want to buy it and the timing is not right now. I’m eager to see where the journey takes me but I told myself to slow down and enjoy the ride for now!

    Thanks for sharing!

  43. 12.23.17
    Erica said:

    I’m not sure how I got to this post on your blog this evening Sarah but it’s exactly what I needed to read. My husband is in the marine corps and he is getting out in February. We currently live in az and are moving to Michigan where we are both from. In the midst of moving, a new career for my husband, we just purchased our first home in Michigan and on top of that I’m due with our second baby any day now. I feel like crazy people with all that we have going on but your message of letting God do his work in this blog post is speaking to me. Thank you and merry Christmas!

    • 12.23.17
      Sarah said:

      aw congrats on your second baby Erica! You are definitely busy, but it sounds like God has lots of exciting things happening in your life right now. Enjoy it best you can! xo