Devotional: When Things Feel Hard

I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but feel like the world is falling apart when I watch the news. Especially with the heartbreaking events happening in Israel, I know all of us are feeling very heavy right now. This last Friday I was feeling especially overwhelmed with everything happening in the world, along with all the other stresses and concerns in my own life. It was just one of those days where things felt really hard, ya know? That night we were actually headed into my parents house for pizza and the whole drive in I just felt like crying. I was frustrated, anxious, mad–all the emotions. So when we got to their house, I told my mom I needed to go upstairs into one of her guest rooms and just have a few minutes to myself to pray.

When I got into the room, I immediately started crying. I laid on the bed and poured out my heart to God. I told him everything weighing on my mind. Snot was running down my face, tears were flowing–it wasn’t pretty, but I just put all my burdens right there in front of Him. For thirty minutes I stayed in that room, praying and talking to God. I declared His promises over and over again. I asked Him to comfort my heart and renew my mind. I asked the Holy Spirit to fill every corner of my thought life. I ask Him to empower me to be the person He wants me to be. To trust Him FULLY, with every cell in my body.

And you know what happened? By the time I walked out of that room, I felt like a different person. I felt calmer, happier, more at ease. Praying and spending that time with God didn’t take the problems away, but it strengthened me and filled me with hope. It transformed my mindset.

That evening I was thinking about how that time praying with God helped me so much and I had a lightbulb moment when I realized something profound:

He is my superpower.

When life feels hard, when things are heavy, when the enemy is attacking my thoughts and wants to overwhelm me, I can call on the living God to intervene and calm my spirit. It’s a secret weapon in my back pocket that I can use anywhere and anytime, day or night.

I know this might seem obvious to some of you, but to be honest–in the past, this wasn’t something I would ever do. If I felt overwhelmed, anxious or discouraged I would say a quick praying asking for peace and then maybe go workout, watch a show, or distract myself with something else to feel better. I would never slow down enough to spend even ten minutes in diligent, focused prayer. But one thing I’ve learned this year after everything I’ve been through, is that nothing feels as good as being in the presence of Jesus. Nothing calms my spirit like He does. Nothing empowers me like He does. Nothing gives me hope like Jesus. When I’m struggling, the first thing I want to do now is pray and pour my heart out to Him. Jesus is my safe place. I need that time with Him to be ok.

I’m sharing this simply to encourage you to spend more time with Jesus. If you’re feeling heavy or carrying burdens, go to Him. Sit in silence and pour out your heart to Him. Tell him how you really feel. Open your Bible and read something like Psalm 91, Ephesians 3:14-21, or maybe Isaiah 41:10. Those are just a few of my go-to’s, but I promise they will encourage you. They will lift your spirits like nothing else can. And they will remind you He is always with you, even when things are hard. He is your superpower!!!

“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“This I declare of the Lord, He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I am trusting Him. ” Psalm 91: 2

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  1. 10.18.23
    Darla said:

    This is so encouraging and uplifting, Sarah. Thank you so much for this reminder to spend genuine time in the presence of our Savior. šŸ¤

  2. 10.18.23
    Brenda said:

    Thank you for sharing! ā¤ļøšŸ™ā¤ļøšŸ™

  3. 10.18.23
    Velda Ganz Mendoza said:

    Thank you for the encouraging words. Been very stressed since Israel was attacked and it seems as though their suffering will never end. So I will spend more time in serious prayer and less time watching the news. Thanks again

  4. 10.18.23
    Brandy said:

    Beautiful! Thank you for being so raw and sharing. Itā€™s amazing to see how much prayer and spending time with the Lord changes our disposition.

  5. 10.18.23
    Michelle said:

    Your words are encouraging! Have a blessed day!

  6. 10.18.23
    Kim Barfield said:

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience with prayer. I have found myself recently yearning for time with God, turning to him more. I Believe in prayer and the Holy Spirit and our Lord Jesus to calm us in those moments when things feel lost. Blessing to you and your family! šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø

  7. 10.18.23
    Amber Fannin said:

    Thanks for sharing šŸ™šŸ»

  8. 10.18.23
    Michelle said:

    Thank you for sharing this. Yesterday I received some news from a ultrasound that I had and it is requiring further testing, but I know that Jesus is with me and He will comfort me.

  9. 10.18.23
    Renee Cabral said:

    Thank you Sarah! For your boldness and pure me ss. You are a reflection of are His light for the world to hear. I needed this šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ™ŒšŸ½

  10. 10.18.23
    Monica Roblee said:

    Thank you Sara, I really needed to read thisšŸ™

  11. 10.18.23
    Sharis Norris said:

    Oh my Sarah, God is doing great things in you! And your willingness to be transparent and share is helping so many people. You will never know the impact this side of Heaven. Itā€™s been a really hard year for me as well. Cancer reared itā€™s ugly head for the third time. Itā€™s been quite the journey! Butā€¦God has been Faithful to sustain me through the bad and good days, just as He has done before.You have a way with words, just like my daughter. And that is such a blessing from God to be shared, as you are now doing. These times are frightening and make my heart so very sad. Thank you for your encouragement and scriptures. Love and hugs from Florida ~ā™„ļøšŸ’œšŸ™šŸ¼šŸŒ»
    PS: Iā€™m doing much better now and getting back to living life, treasuring each day! šŸ˜‰

    • 10.18.23
      Sarah said:

      So glad to hear you are doing better!! I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through. But love your testimony that God has sustained you through the good and bad days. Amen to that!!

  12. 10.18.23
    Paula Verner said:

    Love this! ā¤ļø

  13. 10.18.23
    Tori said:

    Thank you for sharing this! My small group leader likes words for the year – and mine this year is pray. With 2 daughters in 2 different cities- one in college the other working there is MUCH to pray about. I started the year out and a lot of last year feeling anxious a lot and that has really gotten better through prayer and speaking scripture to myself. Also just spending time being in Jesus presence like you said – so good!

  14. 10.18.23
    DonettaJoy said:

    Thank You for sharing and for the reminder. This brought tears to my eyes and a conviction to my heart. I do spend time in prayer, but I don’t commit a block of time to truly sit with Jesus, and I long to, so I will start. Thank you my friendšŸ’žšŸ’

  15. 10.18.23
    Emily Osborne said:

    Ps 139 helps. God knows me better than I know myself. And bc He is inside me He feels what I feel and understands me. By the time Iā€™m done reciting it to myself Iā€™m calmer and reassured. Itā€™s a good one to memorize.

  16. 10.18.23
    Lisa Guillen said:

    Thank you

  17. 10.18.23
    Barbara said:

    Thank you for this reminder. I pray often but not for as long as I probably should.

  18. 10.18.23
    Judy B said:

    Reading this at the perfect moment of my upside down life. Feeling unable to to let go of things I cannot control while believing that there is something better on the other side. Thank you for sharing your personal experience and giving encouragement and advice on how to work through it.

  19. 10.18.23
    Anke said:

    Thank you. šŸ’›

  20. 10.18.23
    Lisa Dunton said:

    This is so good! I feel that we need to just lay it all at the feet of Jesus daily. He didnā€™t mean for us to carry the load. He tells us when you are weak, I am strong. We forget to take the time to acknowledge daily that He is our strength. He will definitely help us carry the load. Arenā€™t you thankful that we donā€™t have to carry the load and we can rest in Him no matter the circumstances.

  21. 10.18.23
    Ronda said:

    This was exactly what I needed to be reminded of. Thank you.

  22. 10.18.23
    Ericka said:

    Amen! I think your words mirror the hearts and minds of many fellow believers. There is absolutely no peace like that of the father. It passes understanding. The fullness of his love, grace, mercy and comfort are incomparable. Thank you for sharing and articulating your feelings so well. I have felt and done the very same thing recently. He says cast your cares upon me and we often think oh no Lord you have far bigger things to handle but I wants it all. The good, the bad, the snotty, tear streaked face and all. Heā€™s a good father! šŸ¤

  23. 10.18.23
    Tempy said:

    Thank you for sharing your heart and your time of focus time with the Lord. I needed to be reminded today! ā¤ļøšŸ™šŸ»

  24. 10.19.23
    Emily said:

    Thank you so much for sharing this. Iā€™m glad to hear Iā€™m not the only one feeling that heavy weight of the world/life. I appreciate the reminder to slow down and make the time for him. God is amazing ā¤ļø

  25. 10.19.23
    Sandy Bennington said:

    Thank you, Sarah. I needed this. I lost my daughter unexpectedly in August and have been struggling.

  26. 10.19.23
    Amy Harper said:

    Thank you for sharing this. I have felt much the same. Though I have a good prayer life I love you pointing out laying it all out there for Him. Your faith is light!

  27. 10.20.23
    Denise said:

    I needed the reminder abut spending more time with Jesus. I try and have good intentions but doesn’t always work out the way I intend and plan.

  28. 10.21.23
    Jean said:

    Thank you Sarah! Iā€™m in the same boat with you on this. The world and all of its sadness has certainly weighed heavy on me and has sent my worrying off the scale. But you are so right! Spending quality time with Jesus turns my perspective from the negative to the positive. Leaning on him gets me through šŸ™ŒšŸ»

  29. 10.22.23
    Joyce said:

    Love this!

  30. 10.22.23
    Cynthia said:

    Thank you for sharing the tears and snotšŸ„°šŸ„° I always say that when itā€™s tears and snot itā€™s realā€¦ no way you can fake that!šŸ˜‚
    God bless you for the encouragement!šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

  31. 10.22.23
    Cynthia said:

    Thank you for sharing the tears and snotšŸ„°šŸ„° I always say that when itā€™s tears and snot itā€™s got to be realā€¦ there is no way you can fake that!šŸ˜‚
    God bless you for the encouragement!šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

  32. 10.23.23
    Clair Cox-Pee said:

    Iā€™ve just stumbled across your blog Sarah-and Iā€™m so grateful I did – thanks for pointing me to our Saviour, our ever present help in times of trouble.
    Bless you.

  33. 4.9.24
    Jennifer said:

    Thank you! I needed this today! Nothing huge is wrong. I am just tired and frustrated and grumpyā€¦thank you for letting God use you to speak to others and pour out his ā¤ļø