Devotional: A Spirit of Victory

This morning I was reading about David and Goliath. Many of us know this event in the Bible–the young shephard boy David defeated the nine foot, massive man Goliath with nothing but a stone and sling. I’ve read this passage many times throughout my life. But today it just hit different. You know how you can read the same thing in the Bible a dozen times, but then one day it just touches your heart in a new way. And it seems to be exactly what you need to hear in that moment, on that particular day. I love when that happens. Anyway, this morning I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at David’s confidence, courage, and the spirit of victory he carried into battle.

  • David had the eyes of a lion: When the entire Israelite army was afraid of Goliath, and too fearful to engage him in battle, David seemed bewildered at their fear. “Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?” (1 Samuel 17:27) He saw the difficult, fear inducing situation through God’s point of view.
  • David had unwavering confidence: When everyone discouraged him and tried to remind him of his lack of experience and weakness, David held strong to his courage. He was unwavering in his trust of the Lord and unbothered by the criticism and opinions of others. “The Lord who saved me from the claws of the lion and the bear will save me from the Philistine!” (1 Samuel 17:37).
  • David knew his true identity: When Saul gave David armor for the battle with Goliath, David refused to wear it. Instead he walked into battle with Goliath carrying only five smooth stones, his shepherd’s staff and sling. He walked into battle in his true identity, relying on his experience and trust in the Lord.
  • David declared victory before the battle: As little David walked up to Goliath, he proudly shouted, “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty–the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. Today the Lord will conquer you…And everyone will know that the Lord does not need weapons to rescue his people. It is his battle, not ours.” 1 Samuel 17: 45-47

With a single shot of his sling, David killed Goliath with a stone. He did what everyone else was afraid to do and he made it looks easy. God was on David’s side and he knew it. As a result, David walked into that battle with courage, confidence, boldness. He fully embodied a spirit of victory before the battle even began. What an incredible lesson for us all.

I pray the Holy Spirit would fill each one of us all with a spirit of victory. Let us remember, just like David, that the battle belongs to God and not us.

God goes before us in every battle and with Him by our side, we can conquer anything.

“For every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the victory.” 1 John 5:4

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
2 Timothy 1:7

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  1. 5.1.24
    Cheryl said:

    So good – thank you!

  2. 5.2.24
    Roxann Ikeda said:

    Love your devotions!

  3. 5.2.24
    Michelle Traina said:

    Amazing devotional!

  4. 5.2.24
    Karen said:


  5. 5.2.24
    Sharon goins said:

    Loved your devotional for today. God bless you & your family.

  6. 5.2.24
    Pam said:

    That is such a power filled event where David knew it was God and not him fighting the battle! He had nothing to fear! Lord let me live each day full of YOUR STRENGTH!

  7. 5.2.24
    Debbie said:

    Such an amazing example for us to follow. Thank you for the reminder! ❤️. Definitely true that you know ‘the Bible stories’ but sometimes they do resonate deeper.